Chapter 1

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Rick felt the silk crimson ribbon on his right hand tug at his wrist. "No," he muttered, continuing about his day. It tugged more insistently. "I said no. I will not be pulled into this."

His coffee was on the counter. Rick took a sip and was yanked away from the counter. The coffee was barely saved, not a drop hitting the floor from the sloshing mug. "What do you want?" The words were nearly shouted when they left his lips. However, when he looked at the ribbon, watched it go off into the distance, through walls, and out into the street, there was no one there. She was too far away to see or hear him, and it was better that way.

The ribbon wrapped around him for nearly four years, at least that's what Rick estimated. The memories for how and when it exactly happened were muddied as Rick tried to forget. When it started, the ribbon was gently placed in his hand, and he gripped it of his own accord. The ribbon was smooth in his hands, the silk flowing through his fingers and across his palm. He could see her then, and she seemed happy. She held the ribbon. Sometimes at night, though, it felt like there was nothing on the other end—that she had let go.

Now it was tied. It had been tied nearly four years.

It yanked again and anger and frustration boiled in Rick's chest. "Stop!" His jaw trembled and tears formed in his eyes. "Just leave me alone. Release me already. She doesn't give a damned about this ribbon." He lifted it up for an invisible audience, yet Rick knew he was out there, watching. The keeper of the ribbons checked in on Rick often, gloating about his work.

"Just release me," Rick whispered. He took another sip from his coffee. She was probably drinking coffee. She loved it. Rick put the mug down after only two sips.

At work, Rick plucked away at his computer, entering information. The ribbon tugged less frequently, but now and then it would remind him. He remembered where he was before it tied them together.

He just got out of a relationship. It was inconsequential, easily forgotten, and he appreciated his freedom. The world was his oyster and there was no woman to tell him how to shuck it.

She was his friend for many years. They shared everything with each other, wrote letters even though they chatted online often. She was significantly younger than him, a sister of sorts. Then men started taking note of her. She started to blossom into a woman. Rick started to notice.

He found the crimson silk wrapped around his forearm one day after he hung up the phone. A pit formed in his chest, his heart fluttered, his stomach turned until he thought he would throw up. It had been four years since that feeling, but he knew what it was.


A voice snapped Rick back to his desk. "You," Rick hissed.

Crouched by the desk was Yue. Yue tugged on the ribbon and brought it to his eyes to examine it. He was a short Asian man, only a little over five feet. He had close-cropped jet black hair and eyes like pearls. That day he wore common street clothes, with a graphic tee and ripped jeans.

Yue grinned, "How are you today, Rick? How is the ribbon treating you?"

"Sever it, Yue. Untie me."

"But you were just thinking such sweet thoughts. Why would I want to sever you from those?" He touched Rick's chest. "Why would I want to release all those feelings pent up in there? Would you even be able to wake up in the morning with such a gaping hole?"

"Sever it."

Work let out and Rick walked to the parking lot.

Yue laughed. "I could sever it, Rick. You know that. I showed you the scissors of fate. But you made your decisions. If I severed it, you would just seek it out again."

"You tricked me. It wasn't love." Rick got in his car and started driving. Yue sat in the back seat.

"Me?" He feigned injury by putting a hand on his chest. "Why I would do no such thing. I am here to show love, Rick. I'm here to give you what you desire. You desire her, Rick. Don't you want her?"

Rick sniffled. He hated this ribbon, this being, this woman on the other end. The car ride was silent, though Yue was still in the backseat, watching as they drove through the city.

Once home, Yue broke the silence. "If you want to be tied to someone else, you know you need to go out. Why don't we go clubbing tonight?"

"I suppose." Rick grumbled, ate dinner, and did as Yue suggested.

However, Rick was never to make it to the club.

Yue pushed Rick's chest, "Wait for it."

Then Yue pulled on the red ribbon with all his might, and there she was. Rick was fourteen.

When she saw him, she stopped. Her smile was weak. His felt stupid. He said, "Hey Jen."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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