First blood

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The twilight went on and was almost at an end, no one spoke the whole dinner time, until Barnabas said something "anyone have any problems, questions, queries, before I head to my nice satin sheets?" I had finally finished my meal and asked him some questions, starting with "do we have chores" to which he replied "oh yes, only one, hunting" he gave us both a devilish grin "will there be anything else?" Barney said sounding tired, so I ask him my second question "what is the extent of my power as a vampire?" He stood up, not angrily, but normally "if that's all you have to ask, then I'll tell you the answer tomorrow." He glances at the clock over on the wall behind me "more rather later this morning, I am too tired to answer that long question, I suggest you go to bed, both of you, Raven, you're room is on the opposite side of the hall to Xavier's, Xavier, show her the way." he walked to the master bedroom and fell asleep, Xavier stood up "come with me, miss Raven" I stood up and followed him to my room.

We stopped in front of it for him to tell me something, out of nowhere he grabs my wrists and pins my against my door, I let out a small yelp, he leans in close "count yourself lucky to know his name so early on, that means he trusts you, don't betray it" he puts me down and storms off to his room, I walk into mine tired and ready to sleep, I took off my dress and flopped into bed, shortly after I fell asleep, the best sleep in years.

I heard the door creak open "wake up my Raven, it's time for training" after Barney said that he threw a war uniform at my be, a piece of silver hit my leg, I yelped in pain, it burned like red hot poker, I shuffled to the back of the bed and asked in fear "Barnabas? what in the name of god was that?" he picked up o my fear and answered me in a serious tone "it's silver, the one weakness that all monsters have" he turned his back on me "now get dressed, Xavier and I will be waiting in the courtyard for you" he dissipated in a swarm of bats and apperated in the courtyard in his war armor, his armor was a heavy steel plated armor with red cloth covering body, the spots covered by steel plates was his upper arms, his chest and back, thighs and knees, below his knees were his steel boots, below his upper arms were his silver gauntlets, the metal on the fingers were pointed and barbed, I suppose to kill enemies quickly and painfully, he wore a long red cape with a neck guard of the same fabric, held down By shoulder plates, Xavier's armor was pretty much the same apart for the cape and shoulder plates, he didn't have those. after a good long examination of their armor, I finally decided to put mine on, I started with the red silk pants that went under the polished steel thigh plates and boots, after those were on nice and tight i put on the long sleeved shirt made of the same fabric, on top of that was the breast plate and back plate, along my spine was seven oval-like plates leading to my neck guard, on my left arm was a shoulder plate with a golden phoenix on it, extending off the shoulder plate were three steel plates protecting my upper arm, protecting my forearm was a gantlet spiked at the front up to my wrist, my hand was also protected with the silver claws for offence and defence, this didn't burn me due to the cloth over my hand, my right arm was unprotected by metal, I would have to be careful with that, on the right side of my hip was my dagger holstered in it's copper embroidered case, on my left was my grimoire with the golden phoenix in the center of the cover "so that's how he knew I was a witch, i guess that's also where they found my emblem, either that or the Inn's sign" I said to myself giggling "well, let's not keep them waiting" I raised my right hand into the air and said "lanuae magicae" i teleported outside to the courtyard.

"you finally came to join us" Barnabas paces the ground, his armor plates clinking together, Xavier was standing still, just like a good little solder "now, as a vampire, you will have a weakness in sunlight, one, you won't be nearly as strong and two the sun is just really annoying. Xavier, tell her about the extent of her power now" Barnabas stands still while Xavier explains "with pleasure, as a vampire you will have ten times your usual strength, this will double for every twenty-four hours that you do not feed. Your fingernails, now claws are probable your best weapons if you don't have a blade. you will be able to see in the dark, makes it easier to track your prey. if your prey proves troublesome, seduce them as a vampire by look them dead in the eyes and they will instantly be under your spell, well actually 10 seconds and they're under your spell" he says smiling "anything else i should know" I say condescendingly as he aperates beside me and wraps his arm over my shoulder "lots actually, like every vampire has their own special ability, for me," he flick his free wrist and the snow in front of us parts like the red sea "airokenisis, for the old bat over there it's enhanced speed, for you we have no idea" I look at him with a blank stare "is that it?" he looks back a bit aggravated "yes, now, time for your first hunt" he hands me a piece of paper with an address on it "your target. go on, go and kill him" I smile devilishly at that comment and turn into a swarm of bats "with pleasure" I fly to the destination.

I see the target through the window and decide to scare him in this process by singing "ding dong, I know you can hear me, open up the door, I only wanna play a little." I walk up to the gate " ding dong, you can't keep me waiting it's already to late for you to try and run away" i see him through the window and he sees me, i could feel the horror admitting off him, and it was divine, I needed a closer look at it, he starts to run away in his house. I sing another verse "ding dong, here i come to find you, hurry up and run, let's play a little game and have fun" i hear him shout back "Let's not and say we did!!" he runs through his house again to find another hiding spot, I feel that lovely sensation of horror "ding dong, where is it you've gone to, do you think you've won, our game of hide and seek has just begun, I can here your footsteps, thumping loudly through the, I can here your sharp breaths, your not very good at hiding" I walk up to the door and knock on it "knock knock I am at your door now" I open it "I am coming in, no need for me to ask permission" I walk slow to his room and sing again "knock knock i am in your room now, where is it you've hid? our game of hide and seek's about to end" I check underneath his bed "could be inside the closet?" I look in the closet and find him cowering in the corner of the closet, I almost feel pitiful of him, I raise my claws in the air to swing, but not enough pity to stop his fate... I swing my claws at him and I slice his throat, quickly i grab my glass jug and capture the blood before it touches the floor, then i wrap the wound to stop anymore bleeding "that felt good, well they probably want the body" I pick up the corps and throw it over my shoulder "out we go" I walk us outside and as I leave the gate, I'm stopped by the stanch protectors of humanity, basically monster hunters "halt" I drop the corps and I crack my knuckles and neck "why, so you can 'purge me'! oh no, I don't think so." I extend my arms in front of me making my palms face them "Tibi maledicam, aeternum, caligine mortis!" a blast of black mist shoots out of my palms and causes the hunters to drop dead, i drop my arms and pick up the corps again "now that that's done, time to go home, wouldn't you say.. i must be lonely, I'm talking to dead man" I raise my free hand in the air "lanuae magicae" I'm teleported home

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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