My world or Yours? (Naruto story)

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Ok so thanks anime-lover6294 for helping me with the title!  It would of taken me forever to come up with one.

Ok so this is yet another Naruto fanfic it's kind of different, so I hope you enjoy it.

I slowed my breathing down as the voices came closer.  There were two men that was all I could tell from the voices, I didn‘t dare poke my head around the corner to find out more.  I could kill them both with out raising an alarm, if I managed not to move before the opportune moment.  That was the hard part, if I attacked to early they would have the advantage and I’d be finished, if I waited to long they would see me as they passed and again have the advantage.  I counted their footsteps.  Not yet, almost, now!  They were just now turning the corner and I was in their blind spot.  I lifted my sword over my head and then let it fall.  I had waited to long I was able to kill one but the other had seen me just in time and had jumped out of the way.  Great this didn’t go as smoothly as I’d planned, but I could make it work.  He wasn’t moving, yet.  I quickly activated my eyes they changed from a light blue to blood red.  I glared at him and he slowly started to disintegrate, crying out in pain.  People say they have an evil glare of doom, I’d like to see their faces when they see mine.  He had completely disintegrated by now and I ran off.  I didn’t have much time someone would of heard him, as loud as he had screamed.  Down the hall three doors fourth door on the right then one left.  I kept repeating the directions I’d been given.  I found the fourth door and pushed the button to open it.  “Pass code required.”  Said a robotic voice.

“I don’t have a freaking pass code!”  I shouted out in frustration.  I stared the door down until I’d burnt a hole through it.  Pass code yeah right.  I took a left and the voices I heard over whelmed me and I let my guard down as I rounded the corner.  The faces I was met with filled me with happiness and sorrow at the same time, I was so dazed I didn’t notice the guard that was slowly backing away.  “Mom, Dad!”  I shouted and ran up to the bars that separated them from me.

“Hannah.”  My Mother said tears coming to her eyes, but she held them in.

“You made it through.”  My father said in shock.

“Of course she did.”  My mother said smiling.

My parents weren’t criminals they were inventors.  They had been put in prison for an invention they’d made.  You see our world was being taken over.  My parents had realized that before it was to late and had made something that could have been a lot more useful if the council had actually listened to them then.  But it was to late now my parents were in prison and all hope was lost.  I’d come to rescue them.  Suddenly the hall lit up with red lights and a horrible screeching alarm went off.

“Hannah the guard!”  My mother shouted and she and my dad grabbed my hands and spun me around.  I felt their power surge through my arms and I watched the guard clutch his throat as though he was being choked, well he actually was being choked.  I felt more of my parents power flow up my arms and the guard burst into flames.  My parents power always amazed me, and that was just a small amount.  The cell they were kept them from being able to use their power, but by touching me they could send it into me and use me to direct it.  They let me go and turned me around to face them again.

“Hannah you need to listen closely I’m going to tell you this once and you’ll need to remember my instructions.”  My father spoke fast and I wasn’t quite sure I would be able to understand him, but I nodded.  “Find Ethan and get back to the lab you’ll need him he’s the only person besides us who knows how to start IT.”  (IT was what they’d named their invention they hadn’t had time to name it anything else.)  “Go through it and get help.”

“It will take you to another world, we were once alias.  Once your there find whoever their Hokage is now and convince them to help us.”  My mother said even faster than my father had.  

“Your not coming?”

“No angel there’s not enough time for us to escape you have to do this on your own.”  My mother said.

“Here if you have trouble convincing their Hokage give them this.”  My father handed me a folded wrinkly piece of paper. “It will convince him, but it’s a last resort don’t use it unless there’s no other way.”  My father said sternly.

“And take these.”  My mother handed me her and my fathers necklaces.  “They’ll allow you to use our powers.”

Everyone in our world had some special power, or talent so I wasn’t anything special, but with both of my parents powers I would be near unstoppable.

I looked at my father.  “Yes sir.”  I turned back to my mother and took the necklaces. “Thank you.  I’ll be back with help, I promise.  I wont fail.”  I could hear the footsteps of other guard’s coming and I knew I needed to go.

“I know you wont angel.  Now go!”

“Go!”  MY father shouted.  By now I could see the guard’s.  I turned and ran, ran towards the lab.  It wouldn’t take long to get there.  Every house or building in our world was connected, and almost everything was white, it would be easy to get lost if you didn’t know your way around.  It was all a bunch of halls and doors leading to more halls.  I knew the way to the lab by heart, I’d spent so much time there.  I had never trusted anyone besides my parents, I had tried but I never could, because of the lack of trust I never had any friends so I’d spent most of my days watching my parents work.  I threw open the door to the lab slammed my hand on the hand print security thing and stormed in when it opened.  “Ethan!  Ethan where the he-”

“Over here.”  Ethan interrupted me.  Ethan was about a year and a half older than me and was my parents most trusted assistant.  He was a genius.

“Turn IT on!”  I shouted while I tied my green blue hair back into a pony tail.  I heard the guard’s that had chased me all the way here banging on the door.  “Ethan!”

“Turn IT on?  Your parents said-”

“I know what they said just do it!”

“I don’t think it’s a good ide-”

The guard’s had now demolished the door and were spilling in.  “Ethan now!”  I shouted the panic sounding in my voice.

“Uh right.”  Ethan proceeded to turn IT on the fear showing on his face.  My parents had worked hard to keep him from getting arrested after he had punched one of the guard’s when they had invaded the lab and arrested my parents.  If I were to trust anyone besides my parents he’d be the most likely person.  That day my parents were arrested had been a horrible day.  Ethan had lost control when they’d tried to arrest my parents and had almost killed a guard.  It’d taken three guard’s to hold him back.  Ethan’s rage combined with my shouting had created one challenging arrest.  

The guard’s were coming closer.  “Ethan!”  I looked frantically at him and then the guard’s.


“Not almost now!” 

“Ready!”  I ran towards IT and grabbed Ethan by the collar of his shirt and dragged him behind me into IT.  There was no way I was going by myself and if I’d of left him he’d of been arrested, or worse.

“What are you doing?!”  Ethan shouted as we fell and everything around us went black.

“Taking you with me.  What’s it look like?  I‘m going to need your help.”

“Well that’s very flattering but without me there who’s going to bring us back?!”

“I uh didn’t think of that.”

“Uh huh.”

“No sweat I’ll figure it out later.”


“Hey Ethan?”


“Where exactly does this lead to?”

 Ok I konw this doesn't seem like a Naruto fanfic yet but the next chapter will be  a lot better.  

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My world or Yours?  (Naruto story)Where stories live. Discover now