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“I really shouldn’t pass you since you didn’t make a shadow clone, but your jutsu is advanced so I will make an exception, just this once.”   Iruka said.

“Thanks, now could you test my friend next it’s a life or death situation my entire world is in danger and all the people on it could die so we kind of need to hurry up and see the Hokage.”  I said impatiently.

“That’s a little dramatic isn’t it?  Don’t go around saying stuff like that someone could take you seriously.” 

I thought about telling him how serious I was, but I decided it would take to long and I didn’t think that I needed to explain the situation to anyone besides the Hokage.  “Yes whatever you say, I don’t have time for this.”  I grabbed the Ninja head band and walked out.

I waited outside for Ethan impatiently tapping my foot.   He was taking forever!  Iruka had most certainly NOT tested him next.  He finally came out and I ran over to him.  “Did you-“

“Hi Ethan, do you want to go get something to eat?”  That annoying purple loving blonde chick Ino interrupted.

“No he doesn’t, and you” I pointed at her “interrupted me.”  I said glaring at her.

“I was asking-“

“I DON’T CARE!!”  I shouted, maybe I was being a little rude but we didn’t have the time to spare.  I looked at Ethan waiting for him to answer my unfinished question, but he was completely ignoring me and focused on the Ino girl.  “Look we didn’t come here to have fun so let me put this nicely… GET LOST!”  I shouted at her then dragged Ethan away before she could respond.

“Your high strung did you not pass?”  Ethan asked.

“I am not high strung!  We just don’t have much time and yes I did pass for your information, did you?”

“Yeah nothing to it, just simple-“

“Spare me the lecture.  What the heck is a shadow clone anyway?”  I asked, I didn’t really expect him to know.

“It’s basicly-“

“Wait, you actually know?!”  I interrupted him.

“Yeah I-“

“How?!  Wait were you able to make one?”

“If you’d let me finish –“

“I will, but please keep it simple I’m not a genius like you use small words.”

“Your right your sure not a genius.  I was talking to Ino and I-“

“What is up with her she just clings to you!”  I interrupted yet again.

“She does-“

“Yeah she does, but are you going to explain or what your taking forever.”

“I’m trying it’s taking so long because you keep interrupting.”  Before I could say something he stepped forward and covered my mouth with his hand.  “As I was saying based off of what she said-“

I shoved his hand away and finished for him.  “You figured out how to make one.”

“Close enough.”  He sighed.  “Are you done being annoying?”

“Oh just be quiet and quit complaining we need to-“

“I know go see the Hokage.”

“Hey you interup-“

“What is that annoying?”  Ethan teased.

“Ok ok I get it I’ll stop interrupting you.”

“Good now come on.”   He started walking and I followed him.


“What now?!  I thought you were in a hurry.”

I didn’t say anything I just pointed.

“What him?  He’s just that kid Naruto..”

“I can hear what he’s thinking.”

“That’s impossible, there’s no way-“

“He didn’t pass, and it’s not his first attempt at the test.”

“Well that’s unfortunate for him, but I seem to recall you saying we don’t have time for stuff like this.”

I ignored him and walked over to the boy in the orange jumpsuit.  Ethan reluctantly followed me.  I smiled at him when we approached.  “It’s alright you’ll get it eventually.”   I didn’t wait for his reply I left with Ethan at my heals.

“What was that about?”

“I honestly don’t know, I felt like, like I’d known him forever, and I could hear or more like tell what he was thinking.  It was weird.”

“Everything’s weird with you, come on lets go.”  Ethan said I slowly followed.

I did it I uploaded!!  Be proud :) lol I'm sorry if I spelt the names wrong.  I hope you liked it!!!!   Please vote, fan, and..............................please please please please please comment.  Now look what you've done, you made me beg.

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