19 September

57 3 0

Uh.. wow! Last night Josh and I had the best Joilet time. We were jumping in his bed and then we ate ice cream and guess what. He even held my hand while we watched horror movies on netflix.

I gotta admit netflix and chill isn't that bad. Well we were supposed to discuss the biology project but we thought it could be discussed upon lunch.

So we definitely took way too many selfie and he definitely uploaded them on snapchat because I don't have a phone.

Today at school you could see Brianna's face and say that she was SUPER JEALOUS of us. She came up to Josh and said to him, " Well you two nerds seemed too busy last night to attend the school function... I see."

She probably meant something else as she gave me the evil sly eye and sashayed away.

Then Josh looked at me all shy - like and blushed and so did I until we were interrupted by Mrs. Vanessa our sociology teacher.

Guess what she was there to give out the new schedules and Josh and I happened to be in the same class.

You could say by Brianna's face that she wasn't in the same class cause she gave me this disgusting look.

Then Lee and Jade joined us over lunch and I got to know that the 4 of us were in the same class. I sat there with my jaw dropped to the bottom in amusement because this is something that happens once in a blue moon.

Then I called Lee and Jade over for a night out as tomorrow is a sunday.

Humorously, Josh said he'd love it if he were invited and then stared at me and blushed.


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