wen day firt met

36 3 2

it wuz a beutifel dey in the walls wen al of de sudden a big man broke da wall !!!1!!1!!1!!

"oh nu!" cummander levi sed

ppl were gettin eated up by da big scary ppl wit no peninises,, and dat wuz nit güd.
levi cudnt decied of his nem wuz hichew r levi DA STRUGLE WUZ REAL!!1!!1!1!1!1!!!!
Levi/hichew culdnt fite bc he had 2 much homewerk 2 do since he is actewally 10 yers old.
he went in da broom closet 2 do his homwerk bc he ddnt want a titan man 2 kill him!!!1!1!1!!,
he saw a brewm
da brewm saw him
it wez luv @ firt site
Levi/hichew went up 2 da brewm
da brewm shuffled closer to levi/hichew
levi/hichew wuz definitely reddy 4 sum sexey tiem, he didn't car if da brewm was r not
da broom softley whimperd as levi/hichew roughly caressed tha brewm's waist,, levi/hichew felt his wye down da broom until he reched da brewm's handel

uh oh da brewm thot
im nit reddy 4 dis 5th gradr,, he is 2 sexey and libidoed da brewm sed in his hed,,

mi body is def reddy, dis brewm is wey 2 sexey 2 ignore, i want it in da most unromantic wey. Levi/hichew thot

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