Silence in the Wind

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The tires squealed as the Cadillac roared around the corner at twice its regular speed. The lack of connection with the road caused the exterior to shudder violently as the driver overcompensated for the skid and sent the doomed vehicle careening out of control to the left. The bumper sliced through the guardrail perforating the back panel and sending it over the chasm. Ripping sounds reverberated through the night as the deteriorated metal of the rail tore through the side plates like a knife through butter. Momentum took the doomed automobile past the edge of the precipice and with a final squeal of metal plunged into the darkness below.

Silence ensued soon after the car flipped at least a dozen times then landed with a bone chilling crunch at the nethermost part of the gorge. Plumbs of smoke erupted from the underside of the demolished under carriage. A hissing sound filled the air just before sparks flashed from the inside of the car spreading violently within. A slight hum filled the air as the hissing variegated with the flames as the car erupted into a fireball that lit up the gorge with an explosion that could be seen for miles.

As the fire burned out of control a small escape of flames sent a charred object through the air coming to ground amongst the rocks and tall grass. The lapping of the flames and the light wind carried a whisper of a voice across the expanse to be heard by none.

"Remember the silence..."

"Remember the..."

"Remember... Remember..."

Fin McKnight woke with a start, the sweat still fresh on his face and neck. The residual dark loomed around him as images wafted through his peripheral vision. The dream off and on for the last few weeks had not been this vivid before, but tonight it had been more intense than ever. The smell of burning fuel still strong in his nostrils made him breathe in deeply to relieve the acrid stench in his head.

He swung his legs off the bed his eyes trying desperately to adjust to the dim light of his room.

"I think I'm going crazy," he said to a goldfish on his night table. "Barnaby, am I nuts?"

As usual the fish said nothing just looked at him with bulb-is eyes.

"Thanks for nothing," he sighed.

Standing on wobbly legs he trudged over to the bathroom to splash cold water on his fiery hot face. The liquid felt on his burning skin and when he looked into the mirror and wondered if he was really going crazy?

He made his way back to his bed trying to make sense of what he had seen in his dream. Over the past week he had tried desperately to see inside the doomed car but the closer he got the thicker the smoke. Something inside the car made him anxious every time the dream infected his mind knowing the truth was somewhere within.

Running a hand through his ragged blonde hair he sighed knowing there was no taming it. He sighed, the dreams were becoming more frequent now, clearer and more dramatic. It was like someone was trying to tell him something but keeping the secret and only shown a select few. It was the most frustrated he had ever been in his life.

He went to the window and opened the pane allowing the fresh air to rush in. He closed his eyes as the air woke him up. Although it was late summer the breeze was cool and this seemed to calm him down, the dream now only a wavering memory. He peered out among the garden of fresh flowers and lush bushes. It was the most peaceful place he knew. On countless occasions he would sit within the blossoms to clear his head during those trying days of school. It was also the place he had had endless conversations with Simeneon his best friend in the world.

He and Simeneon had been thrown together over a year ago when the two of them were confronted by a notorious street gang. The ingrates had taken a prized possession of his and with Simeneon's help they had retrieved it. He laughed every time he saw Simeneon, she was small, incredibly beautiful and yet could take of herself better than anyone he had ever met in his life. Their fighting together had brought them the greatest gift he had ever known... each other.

Silence in the Wind: An Enchantment Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now