Chapter One

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A/N: HERE IS CHAPTER ONE! Hope you like it! a picture of teddy will be above!

Chapter One

Sadie's POV

I thought this was going to be the end of Anderson and I, but it was only the beginning.

I hit save before I stop typing and and look at the screen in front of me. I just finished writing the last chapter of one of my stories. My followers have been begging me to update for two weeks, which was the last time I updated this story on Wattpad. I have been working on this chapter for most of the two weeks that they have been waiting for an update. There was a couple days last week I couldn't write because I was staying at my grandparents house, and my parents didn't want me bringing my laptop. I understand why, my grandparents dogs are crazy and they probably didn't want me dropping it. My followers are going to be so happy when I post this chapter, my hands need a little break from typing so I'll do that later. Right now I need some coffee so I push myself and my swirly chair away from my desk so I can get up. Once I do so I walk to my bedroom door and open it, laying on the floor in front of my door is my family's Old English Sheepdog Teddy. I laugh and lean down to pet him

"i would of let you in if I knew you were there!" I say ruffling the fur on his head. "Want to come downstairs with me? I'll give you a treat!"

That makes him get right up and start walking to the stairs, I follow him down the stairs and to the kitchen where his treats and the keurig are. I give teddy his treat first so he doesn't stare at me while I make my coffee. I pick out a French Vanilla K-Cup, put it in the keurig, grab my audrey hepburn mug and put the mug under the part where the coffee comes out before pressing start. While the coffee brews I look around the kitchen, there is a note on the island with my name on it. I pick it up and begin to read it


Your sister and I are doing some clothes shopping for winter, we won't be home for dinner. There is pasta salad in the fridge leftover from last night that you can have. Also your dad's plane got delayed, So he won't be home until late.



P.S please feed teddy

I hear my coffee finish when I'm done reading the note so I put it back on the island and go to get my coffee. Right when I'm about to take a sip of it I realize it looks dark, which means I forgot to put creamer in it. At least I noticed this time. Last time I didn't notice and I burned my tongue a little. I set the mug down on the island and quickly get my french vanilla creamer and a spoon before sitting back down in my seat. When I'm done stirring the creamer in the coffee i take a sip. The sweet aroma of coffee hits my nose and I smile coffee is one of my favorite smells. I think my favorite smell is books, not old books, those smell weird to me. I like the smell of new books, they smell very good, at least to me. Whenever I buy a new book I have to wait until I get home to smell it. I get weird looks when I do it in public, I almost got kicked out of a small privately owned bookstore a couple of towns over for smelling a book I was about to get. They asked me if I was trying to get high, I laughed, thinking they were joking. They weren't. So i had to assure them that I wasn't trying to get high. I don't think it's possible to get high from smelling a book.

I look over at teddy and see him wagging his tail as he looks at me, well the treat thing didn't work. I put my mug down and go pour some food in his bowl. As soon as I walk away from his bowl, he runs to it. Almost crashing into the wall in the process. I laugh to myself and take my phone out of my pocket before I sit back down in the chair. I open up the wattpad app and post a quick message on my message board.

Hello wonderful followers, I have a special update coming in a little while! Keep a lookout for it!!

A couple minutes later I start getting replies to my message.

'Can't wait to read it!'

'What story is it for? Lab Partners? Please tell me it's for Lab Partners!!'


My followers are awesome they get so excited when I post a message or update a story, I have quite a few followers, the last time I checked how many I had was a couple weeks ago. I think i had around five thousand. People really seem to like my stories, i'm glad they do, if they didn't i probably wouldn't be on wattpad as much as I am now. Some might say I have an obsession with wattpad but I tell them to shush when they say that. I also say if they had wattpad they would understand. My best friend Mavis doesn't get my love for wattpad, i've tried to get her to join many times but she always replies with

"I'm just not a writer Sadie."

Once I finish my coffee I wash the cup and head upstairs. When I sit back down in my swirly chair and open my laptop I see I have a email. Nobody really emails me anymore, if someone wants to contact me they usually text or call me. I should uld just ignore it since it's probably just a spam message. But i decide to look at it. When I see who it's from i am confused why would they be emailing me?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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