Where have you been?

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It had been 3 weeks since Stiles had the tow truck take away his Jeep. He had lost his best friend and his girlfriend all in one week, and now his dad expected him to go to school like nothing happen. To sit in class with his best friend who at one point was the most important person in his life. How would he make it through the day?
    Stiles was trying desperately to be on time to school no matter how much he dreaded the long walk without his jeep. His dad was already at the station so Stiles just locked the door and started down the porch stairs. He got to the bottom and was patting his pants pockets looking for his phone. He finally realized it was in his hand just when he heard a car door slam shut. Stiles jumped, it had scared the crap out of him. When he looked up to his surprise he saw his jeep, and Derek Hale leaning against it.
    "Never use duck tape again Stiles" said Derek in his usual cool collected voice.
     Stiles ran to the jeep and popped the hood looking up at Derek and asking, "Why would you fix my jeep? Why are you back? Why..."
    Derek cut him off with a big wet kiss on the lips. One that had so much passion it almost scared Stiles. "Because I love you" Derek said trying to catch his breath now.
    Stiles looked at him almost like he didn't know what to say, but he did. Stiles loved Derek Hale. He had for years now but never really knew it. He was so surprised Derek felt the same way that he almost didn't say, "I love you too!"
    The two boy just held each other in a tight embrace for a few moments. Neither of them could believe what just happened and honestly they had no idea what to do now. This was the first time either of them had kissed a boy. It was the first time either of them had acknowledged their love for each other. "Shouldn't you be getting to school?" Derek asked suddenly with a smile on his face.
    Stiles immediately remembered how late he was, "OH MY GOD. IM SO LATE." Stiles jumped into his jeep and looked around to see it was the only car around. "Do you need a ride?"
    "no I was gonna walk. I missed my long walks through BeaconHills" Stiles' expression changed to a big goofy smile having not realized how much he missed Derek's sad attempt at humor. "Stop. By may loft later so we can talk?" Derek asked.
    "Sure I'll come right after school. It's not like I have anything else to do anymore." Stiles now had a sad expression the Derek knew all to well.
    "Is everything ok Stiles?"
    "Honestly? ... No. I'll tell you later I'm late." And Stiles gave Derek a peck on the lips and backed out of the driveway to go to school, leaving Derek standing there to think over what had happened.
    Stiles got to school and started run through the hall to his science class. This would be his only class that he didn't have to see Scott or Malia, but he did get to talk to Lydia.
    He walked in to see his seat next to Lydia open as usual. Ever since Lydia got out of the hospital she had been hanging out a lot with Stiles. He was almost positive it was because she was scared to be alone seeing as Theo was still out there, but Lydia insisted that now that they both have no friends because "she never really liked Malia" she had a responsibility to keep him safe for when Scott realized how stupid he was.
    "What's up?" Asked Lydia the second Stiles sat down. Giving him no time to catch his breath. "You've been running?" She asked as if the heavy breathing didn't already give it away.
    "I was running late this morning, lots of crazy stuff had been happening" he struggled to explain still having trouble breathing.
    " Like what?" Lydia asked, now wanting to know more.
    " I sort of... Um.. I kind of saw Derek this morning."
    " Derek's back? What do you mean you saw him? Where?" She asked now sounding worried.
    " He was dropping off my Jeep."
    " What do you mean dropping of you jeep? GOD Stiles just tell me what happened." Lydia said a little to loudly now that she was getting angry.
    " Lydia do you need to be excused?" Their science teacher asked
    " Sorry sur." she said as her cheeks turned two shades pinker.
    Stiles laughed to himself a little as Lydia shot him a glare. "Fine I'll tell you." He said still laughing but trying not to draw attention to them.
    Stiles told Lydia everything. How Derek surprised him with the jeep and the kiss, in a little to much detail for Lydia, and how he was gonna talk to him today after school and tell him what had happened while he was gone.
    Just as Stiles finished telling Lydia the whole story the bell rang scaring both of them. They hadn't realized it but they hadn't payed attention to any of the class. Both teenagers stood up and started for the next class, Lydia finally getting to ask questions.
    "So what does this make the two of you? A couple? Boyfriends?"
    "I don't know. I think that's what we are going to talk about today." He said in a quite voice.
    " What do you mean you don't know?" Lydia now getting really mad at Stiles. "I can't believe you Stiles. You just left him standing there..." Lydia now really mad at Stiles as he realized what he has done.
    "OH MY GOD! I just left him there." Now looking really nervous and starting to freak out.
    "Stiles calm down." She said as she sat down in their English class. " I'm sure he isn't even thinking about it. He's probably busy."
    "Derek busy? Really Lydia." He looked at her really concerned now. "This is Derek. He doesn't have a job and I'm convinced he sits there and does nothing most of the day." Lydia's face now looking a little scared.
    "Yeah you should be worried." She said not trying to comfort him at all. As if timed at that moment Scott walked in followed by Malia. Both boys looked down trying hard not to make eye contact and Malia looked at Stiles just wonder what she did wrong.
    The rest of the day Stiles tried not to run into Scott or Malia while he worried about what Derek was thinking. He ate lunch with Lydia and tried hard to concentrate in his last class but his mind kept going back to Derek.
    When the bell finally rang Stiles shot Lydia a look and practically ran for his jeep. Lydia knowing exactly where he was going.
    Mean while at the loft Derek was pacing back and forth starting to get on his uncle Peters nerves.
    "Would you just stand still for one minute?" Peter more growled then said.
    " why are you even her?" Derek said angry at his uncle, "you have an apartment."
    "Hey I'm here for moral support. You know to make sure my nephew doesn't walk a whole into his floor worrying about some stupid teenage boy."
    "HE'S NOT STUPID" Derek yelled now extremely mad at Peter. "Get out of my loft. He's gonna be here any minute and I don't want you here too."
    "So now you know his schedule huh?"
    " NO. He just... Ugh why am I telling you. Just... GET OUT."
Peter did as his Nephew said leaving him alone in the apartment to worry about Stiles.
Stiles couldn't sit still. Right now he was tapping his fingers on the side of his fixed jeep that now ran perfectly. God, Derek even made it easier to put the window down. Why did he have to be so freaking perfect.
    Stiles pulled into the parking lot. He parked right next to the Camaro. He sat there for a few moments knowing that Derek already heard his car pull in, but he didn't care. He wanted to calm down before going in to see Derek face to face.
    Not knowing what to expect Stiles slowly made his way out of the car and started towards the elevator.
    Upstairs Derek was listening to Stiles. He could here his heart beating rapidly as he sat in the car struggling to slow it. Derek heard the car door slam and tuned out his ears as he went to sit on the couch.
    Derek had this plan. He would sit there waiting for stiles to knock and just calmly yell it's open. Derek wanted to seem normal. He didn't want stiles to know he was freaking out too, but it was harder to hide then he thought.
    Just then he heard the knock and practically jumped out of his skin." It's open." Derek said just loud enough for stiles to here. Derek didn't know how a teenage boy could make him feel this way. His heart was beating fast and he was trying so hard to hide how nervous he was when Stiles pulled the door shut and turned to look at Derek. He told himself he wouldn't do this. He was just gonna talk to Stiles. Nothing else. It didn't go as planed. Derek saw Stiles and immediately stood up and walked over to him, grasping his cheek bone with his hand and pulling him into a kiss. Stiles wrapped his hand around Derek's neck and put the other on his waist and Derek put both hands on Stiles' face holding him in a long embrace, never wanting to let go.
    They both pulled back still holding each other close just looking into each others eyes." I told myself I wouldn't do that you know." Derek said. His heart now calm.
    "What I thought you liked me?!" Stiles said with a grin
    "When did I say that?" Derek laughed and they made their way to the couch."So..." They both sat next to each other kind of awkwardly.
    "So..." Stiles said a little tense now.
    " Look Stiles, I really like you." Derek paused for a moment and put his hand on Stiles' knee. " I've never met someone who made me feel this way Stiles. I came back because I couldn't stand to leave you like that. I couldn't just act like there was nothing between us."
    Stiles cut in "I know Derek. I hadn't realized how much I loved you till you were gone and I hated that I didn't get a chance to tell you." Stiles intertwined his fingers in Derek's moving a little closer to him, "I really did mean it Derek."
    "Mean what?"
    "I love you Derek Hale. So freaking much." He leaned in to kiss him again and Derek gladly kissed him back.
    "I love you too Stiles" Derek said as the held each others close.
    Stiles loved how warm Derek was and didn't want to let go, but he knew Lydia would kill him is he didn't ask. "So... Um.. Does this make us a.. Um.."
    Derek cut in, "a couple?"
    "Yeah that?"
    "Well is that what you want Stiles?"
    "YES!" He said sounding desperate which made Derek smile. "I mean sure why not." He said trying to sound calmer this time. That made Derek's smile even bigger.
    "You don't have to try and act cool around me Stiles" Derek said looking him in the eyes. "I fell in love with your crazy for a reason. So yes I'm you boyfriend"
    "Boyfriend" Stiles said quietly as he snuggled up with Derek who from what Stiles could see was very tired and now that Stiles thought about it he was too.
Stiles and Derek had been snuggle in silence for at least 20 minutes when Derek spoke up. "So what was it that you were upset about earlier? How's Scott?" Derek asked and immediately regretted when he felt Stiles tens up as he pulled away from his embrace.
    "Uh well it's kind of a long story, but Scott and I aren't really friends right now. We haven't talked in a few weeks." Stiles said now staring at the floor.
    "Can I ask what happened?" Derek said hesitantly
    "I did something really bad Derek." Stiles said, tears now forming in his eyes. "And I'm not sure you would see me the same if I told you"
    "There's nothing you can say to me that will make me feel any different about you Stiles." Derek said now holding his hand trying to comfort him.
    "Derek.." Stiles paused trying to find a way to explain what had happened. "Derek I killed someone." Stiles now turning away not wanting to see how Derek reacted.
    Holding Stiles' cheek and turning him to look in his eyes Derek said, "Stiles I know you wouldn't do something like that without a reason. So why did you?"
    Tears now escaping his eyelids Stiles struggled to say, "It was self defense, but Scott didn't believe me. He though I thrashed out on the boy but he was attacking me, he was a windago. Derek he almost killed me and Scott wouldn't believe it."
    Now not able to hold back his tears Stiles was crying... Really crying. Derek pulled him in for a hug and Stiles rested his head against his muscular arm as Derek said, "it's ok Stiles... I believe you."
    The two boys stayed like that for a while, until Stiles had calmed down, which was just about when he go a text from his dad asking where he was. Stiles responded quickly saying he was with Lydia and told Derek he had to head home before his dad got made. At that he kissed Derek goodbye and left out the door and down the Elevator.
    After Stiles got into his jeep and drove far enough away so that Derek couldn't hear him, he dialed Lydia's number and got and immediate answer.
    "So how did it go? Are you two like a couple know?" Lydia asked way to excited for Stiles' taste. Either way Stiles responded just as excited if not more so.
    "Yes, he's my boyfriend he said so himself." Stiles says with a smile on his face.
    "Wow Derek said that. I didn't know he had emotions"
    "Hey that's my Boyfriend your talking about." He said still not used to that word.
    "Wow I can't believe It. You and Derek." She said slightly surprised.
    "Anyway I have to go inside now. My dads gonna think it's pretty weird talking to you after just leaving your house."
    "Ok go have fun being in a couple while I sit home watching reruns on Netflix and eating ice cream." She said laughing and hung up the phone.
    Derek had been sitting in the loft going over everything that happened. He couldn't believe Stile hade killed someone, but he did believe him when he said it was self defense. He knew stiles wouldn't lie about that. Derek loved the idea of being with Stiles. I fact he was about to leave so he could go see him again when Scott trough open the door to his loft.
    "Why the hell didn't you tell me you were back?" Scott yelled looking Derek dead in the eyes.
    "what makes you think I need to tell you everything?"
    "Derek you can't just up and leave and expect me to act like nothing happened when you get back. DEREK we needed you. You could have helped us, but you weren't here." Scott now mad
    "Well some of you are kinder then others when welcoming an old friend back into town." Derek says under his breath.
    "What do you mean? I'm not the only one who knows?"
    "Why do I have to tell you first?"
    "BECAUSE... Ugh Derek you piss me off." Scott said trying to calm down. "Who did you tell?"
    "How did you think Stiles got his jeep fixed?" Derek said with a slight smile.
    "You? Why you?"
    "Because Scott some people are more important to me then others"
    At that Scott left slamming the door behind him pissed of at Derek but mostly pissed off at Stiles. For some reason Scott expected him to tell him if something like this happens, but why would he after everything Scott did to him.
    That Monday after a whole weekend off from school Stiles hated that he had to leave Derek's side to go take a test first period, but more then that he was dreading running into Scott after Derek told him about their lovely conversation just 2 days prior.
    Stiles went to his locker like normal and not long after did Lydia come prancing over all happy to talk to Stiles about Derek. He hadn't seen her all weekend and they hadn't talked since he called her that night. She made him spill all the details and when he was just getting to the best part someone grabbed him around the neck and pinned him to the lockers. When he final got to see who it was. To his surprise it was Scott.
    "You know I expected some sort of I'm sorry cake or at least a card." Stiles said sarcastically with a small grin across his face.
    "Why the hell didn't you tell me?" Scott growled
    "Cool it on the wolf powers buddy we're still in school." Stiles said forcing Scott to take his hand away from his throat.
    "You didn't tell me he was back let alone that YOUR DATING HIM." Scott yelled the last part
    "Stiles your Gay?" Danny said from across the hall sounding kind of surprised.
    "Yeah thanks for that Scott" stiles said with a roll of his eyes. "Nice talk buddy." And Stiles patted Scott on the chest and walked away.
    "If only you knew how stupid you were." Lydia said before turning on her heals and following Stiles to their first class.
    That night Stiles sat in his room finishing an essay for English when he heard his window open. "Where have you been?" Stiles said with a smile. "I expected you sooner." He laughed making Derek laugh too.
    He came through the window and walked over to were stiles had just finished writing his essay that was now printing. Derek read the first paragraph over Stiles' shoulder and said, "that's good!"
    "Don't lie to me you sourwolf. It's probably the worst essay every." At that Derek leaned down and kissed Stiles on the neck and slowly mad his way towards his ear. When finally getting there he sucked on Stiles earlobe for a brief moment before Stiles let out a content moan and Derek spun his chair so he was now facing him. Moving in closer so they were sharing the same breathe stiles said, "God I love you Derek."
    "I love you too." And at that moment they leaned in letting each other enter their mouths, sharing a passionate kiss with Derek sitting in Stiles lap.
    After a few moments they pulled away just looking at each other. Admiring one on others figure when Derek heard the door handle click. Before he could move the Sheriff had the door wide open with his jaw dropped at the sight of Derek Hale sitting on his sons lap.
    "This doesn't look like homework to me." The Sheriff said slightly confused as Derek struggled to get of Stiles lap with out falling.
    "Uhh sorry Sir." Derek said scratching the back of his head.    
    "Dad please just let me explain." Stiles said desperately. "I was going to tell you... Tonight actually"
    "No Stiles I actually sort of guessed a while ago."
    "You mean you knew I was dating... Um you know." Stiles said pointing towards Derek.
    "No I didn't know you were dating Derek. If I had I wouldn't have reacted like that, but after that time at the crime scene when you said you were gay I got to thinking and it actually made sense."
    "Wait dad I didn't even know I was gay then. I figured it out like a week ago." Stiles said looking at his dad noticing how embarrassed he was.
    "Yeah I figured as much when you dated Malia, but I knew it wouldn't last." The Sheriff said. At the mention of Malia Derek lowered his head with a sad expression on his face. The Sheriff noticed immediately.
    "Well Derek if your gonna date my son then you might as well come down for dinner. Nothing big just take out, but I would like to get to know you." The Sheriff said trying to change the topic.
    "Yes Sir" Derek said following the Sheriff out of the room.
    "And don't call me Sir. I don't deserve that title." The sheriff laughed.
    After his father left with Derek Stiles let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in, relived by how his father reacted, but still nervous about dinner.
    That night at dinner they had Chinese food. This was a regular at the Stalinski house because of the sheriff's strange hours. Derek didn't seem to mind. Stiles had thought he would like to eat healthier because he loves to work out but maybe he was just being polite.
    Stiles thought the dinner was awful because his dad tried to tell Derek every embarrassing story about him that he could possibly think of and made them all sound way worse then they actually were.
    After dinner Stiles walked Derek outside so they could talk while his dad went up to get ready for bed.
    They both sat down on the grass next to the walk way hip to hip holding hands with their finger intertwined. They sat in silence for a minuet before Stiles said with a laugh, "So do you still want to date me or am I to embarrassing to take out in public?"
    Derek smiled and leaned in to kiss Stiles. It wasn't a make out but a kind little kiss that showed Stiles how much Derek cared for him. When he pulled away he leaned back and laid down looking at the stars. Stiles laid back resting his head on Derek's chest so he could see the stars too. Derek's arm was rested across Stiles' chest holding him tight and all Derek could think was I never want to let him go. Stiles had a similar idea. Derek leaned forward just enough to give stiles a peck in his cheek and said, "Would you go on a real date with me next week?"
    Stiles turned and looked up at Derek to say, "You know I didn't see you as much of the date type."
    Derek shot him a glare and looked back up at the stars and said as sarcastically as he could, "Fine I guess I won't take you out."
    "You know that's not what I meant sourwolf" Stiles said as he leaned towards the arm across his chest to suck a hickey into it that disappeared almost as soon as it appeared and he grunted with anger which made Derek laugh.
    "You know it will never work right?"
    "Of course I know that." Stiles said, but obviously still upset that it wouldn't. "So where are we going on this date? When are we going on this date? Next week is a very long date you know and I have school." Stiles laughed at his own joke and Derek just smiled at him.
    " I was thinking a small restaurant in town that I used to go to a lot. I think you'll like it."
    Stiles already loved the sound of it. His night had gone better then he expected when his dad first came into his room, but not exactly as he hoped. He was sort of hoping to go a little farther then kissing tonight, but that would have to wait because it was just to magical looking up at the stars with Derek right now. Stiles didn't need sex to make him happy.
    "Look the Big Dipper" Stiles said pointing at the sky.
    "That's the Little Dipper Stiles," Derek laughed. "That's the Big Dipper." Derek pointed at the sky this time at the right constellation.
    That week Scott had thought a lot about what Lydia had said to him. The words just kept playing over in his head. If only you knew how stupid you are. It took Scott a lot of thinking to finally realize what she meant. Scott had spent weeks waiting for Stiles to apologize and he did nothing wrong. It was Scott's fault they fought. It was his fault that they hadn't spoken in weeks other then when Scott attacked him and outed him in the hallway at school. He had done so many things wrong and was to stupid to notice and he didn't know how to fix it.
    Scott decided to just go up to Stiles and apologize. He needed to start somewhere and he thought that was as good as anything he could do at this point. A simple apology to start and then they should be fine right? Wrong.
    Scott saw Stiles getting dropped of in Derek's Camaro kissing him goodbye and giving him a time to pick him up. Ever since Scott had outed Stiles in front of the whole school he would occasionally bring Derek around to show him off and make all the girls wish they were him and all the boys wonder how Derek was so god dam muscular.
    As Stiles walk towards Lydia who was patiently waiting at the door for him Scott stepped in front of Stiles. "Hey can we talk?" Scott asked
    "Make it quick and we're doing it where there are witnesses." Stiles said nodding towards Lydia who was now listening into the conversation seeing as she wasn't far away.
    "I'm sorry." Scott said with nothing leading up to it. "I'm sorry for not believing you and for blaming you for what happened. I'm sorry for... I'm sorry for being such an ass about your father when he was in the hospital and for doing the same to Lydia. I'm sorry I attacked you in the hall and outed you in front of the whole school. Stiles I'm sorry for everything I did. I can't keep pretending we don't have a past. I can't pretend I don't care about you. I can't pretend I don't want to know how it's been going with you and Derek. I can't pretend I don't want to protect you from Derek breaking your heart. I can't Stiles."
    It had actually been going very well until Scott mentioned Derek. Stiles was happy he finally got the apology he deserved but Derek wasn't like that he wasn't going to break his heart. "Look Scott." He said. "It's been over a month and you expect this apology to fix everything. You have no right to know about me and Derek and especially no right to say he's going to break my heart." Stiles stopped to take a breath noticing that Derek hadn't left yet and was probably listening, but hat didn't stop what he said next. "Your gonna have to try a whole dam lot harder then that Scott. I would start with not telling me my boyfriend is gonna break my heart because I love him and there is no changing that so I suggest you lean to like Derek if you want to ever speak to me again. And I suggest something way better then an apology. Maybe you could fix my jeep.. Oh yeah I forgot the man you have to save me from already did that." Stiles said now really pissed off at Scott. "You tried but it's gonna take more then one apology to be my friend again Scott and no matter what you do we'll probably never be the same. So until you have another attempt for my forgiveness, leave me alone and try to figure out what might actually work." Stiles walked away quickly and Scott saw Derek look at him before quickly driving out of the parking lot.
    Lydia walked over to Scott and said, "Your one step closer now Scott but you better smarten up before you take that next step because Stiles will push you back down five if you don't get it right." Lydia turn quickly hitting Scott with her strawberry blonde ponytail and laughing as she ran to catch up with Stiles.
    After a long day at school Stiles and Derek where finally going on their date. It was their first real date. They had spent a lot of time together over the past few weeks in fact they were coming up on their one month anniversary. They had dinner together and went on walks and kissed, there was a lot of kissing, but not yet had they gone out on a real date.
    Derek picks Stiles up at school, giving him a peck on the lips as soon as he got into the car, but that helped him notice how nervous Stiles was. His wear wolf senses made it so he could monitor a persons emotional state and right now all he was getting from Stiles was nerves.
    "Why are you nervous?" Derek asked a little concerned.
    Stile who by now was used to wolves monitoring his emotions said, "Well it's our first real date and I just want it to be perfect."
    "It will be Stiles. I know that because as long as I'm with you I'm the happiest man in the world." Derek said softly while leaning in to kiss Stiles on the forehead.
    Derek started driving with Stiles fingers intertwined in his, holding his hand the whole way to the restaurant. Stiles still a little nervous but getting over it every second he felt Derek's warm hand holding his.
    When the car finally stopped they were in the parking lot of Stiles favorite restaurant. He had gone there all the time when he was little with his mom and they always had the best time. Ever since he would go every year on his mothers birthday and eat her favorite meal there... The waffles.
    Stiles wondered how Derek remembered this was his favorite restaurant, he had only mentioned it once in the time he knew him and that was long before they started dating. Probably close to a year ago know, but he didn't ask because it meant so much that he did remember and he didn't care about the details only about how amazing Derek is.
    That day Scott had been think about what Stiles said and about what Lydia said. He had no clue where to go from here and at this point had no one to turn to. He wasn't about to ask Malia, that's last person who would want to talk about Stiles and he had lost everyone else. He was on even ground with Liam but it wasn't amazing. He was still his alpha but he chose to give him a little more space lately and let him sort things out. Other then that Scott had no one so who could he ask for help.
    It took him a while but he decided he would go to the person who loves Stiles the most right now. Scott was gonna talk to Derek.
Derek and Stiles had finished what was an amazing dinner and were already back at Derek's loft. Stiles told his dad he was spending the night there and his dad was cool with it, Stiles was convinced it was only because the was no way anyone could get pregnant tonight, but he didn't care. He was spending the whole night with Derek.
    The boys came through the door of the loft and both of them through their coats down on the couch. Derek grabbed Stiles' wrist and pulled him in close so both their stomachs were pressed against each other and they we as close as they possibly could be. The both leaned in and immediately let each other into their mouths making out in the middle of the loft.
    Derek pulled back to say, "Come on let's go to the bed."
     Both of them smiling as Derek pulled Stiles towards his bed and stiles followed willingly. When they got there Derek sat down and motioned for Stiles to come to. Stiles straddled Derek's legs resting with his knees on either side of Derek as he went in for another strong wet kiss.
    As they were kissing Stiles found the bottom of Derek's shirt and started to pull it up his back. Derek knew what he was doing and raised his arms strait up to make it easier. They separated their lips just long enough to get Derek's shirt over his heads and almost the second it was off their lips wear clashing in a mess of kisses. Derek started to pull Stiles' shirt of but hated that he had to stop kissing him to get it over his head. Once Derek had Stiles' shirts of he grabbed him by the waist using his wear wolf strength to flip Stiles onto his back laying on the bed. They made out for a few more minutes and finally found themselves completely naked after what seemed like the best sex either of them had ever had. Derek pulled Stiles in so that they were spooning in a warm embrace. Derek had become used to the fact that Stiles was always cold and Stiles used to the fact that Derek was always warm, but nothing could prepare them for how it felt to lay body touching body, skin touching skin. It was magical and made both of them happy they had waited.
About two hours later Stiles woke up to the sound of a mad Derek talking to someone he immediately recognized. He didn't even have to look to see it was Scott. Stiles quickly grabbed a pair of Derek's sweat pants and pulled them on over his naked body. He knew they probably looked huge on him but he didn't care, he was about to give Scott a piece of his mind.
    Scott hadn't known Stiles was there and Derek wasn't very happy with Scott so he didn't feel the need to warn him, so when Stiles came into view both Derek and Stiles could see the terrified look on Scott's face.
    "How are you doing Scott?" Stiles asked in a sarcastic voice showing everyone just how mad he was at him.
    "Oh I didn't know I was interrupting something." Scott said nervously
    "No no I just thought I'd wake up to someone else's face. I wasn't really picturing you." Stiles said now mad.
    "Stiles its fine." Explained Derek, "He just cam to apologize to me. You can go back to bed."
    "No way I'm not leaving till he's gone." Stiles grunted.
    "I'm sorry for intruding. I'll go. Sorry." Scott said hanging his head low as he turned to leave without another word between the three of them.
    Stiles was tired so he decided to wait till morning to drill Derek on his conversation with Scott, so he just grabbed Derek's arm and pulled hi back to bed knowing he would have trouble sleeping without his warm body holding him tight. Derek didn't resist but he knew he wouldn't fall asleep for a while. Not after that conversation with Scott.
    The next morning Stiles woke to see Derek in the kitchen in a pare of sweats making what smelt like pancakes and bacon, Stiles' favorite. He jumped out of bed and pulled on the same sweat pants he borrowed last night and walked behind Derek wrapping his arms around Derek's waist. They were about the same hight which made it easy for Stiles to rest his chin on Derek's shoulder while he watched him gently flip a perfectly round pancake with out any problems.
    "How'd you sleep?" Derek asked in a calm quite voice.
    "Pretty well until Scott arrived, but I think you being there helped. I don't usually sleep that well." Stiles said and Derek couldn't tell if he was happy or annoyed. "Speaking of, what did Scott say to you last night?" Stiles asked trying to work it into the conversation.
    "He was apologizing for how he acted about us and when he found out I was back and for the conversation you guys had yesterday." Derek explained. "He also wanted to know if I thought there was any chance you would forgive him."
    "You know it's not that's simple." Stiles said under his breath knowing Derek could still hear him.
    "I know Stiles but you have to at least try." Derek said now looking at Stiles. "He wants to fix it Stiles, he's trying.
    "Yeah but when I wanted to fix it, when I wanted to make up for my mistake." Stiles explained, " he wouldn't let me. He didn't even try." Stiles said now looking at the floor with tears in his eyes.
    Derek put his hand under Stiles chin so he would have to look him in the eyes. "But your not like that Stiles. You know what the right thing to do is. You know everybody deserves a chance." Derek said looking into his water filled eyes.
    Derek turned to take the pancake of the stove and put two plates with three pancakes each and a mound of bacon on either side of the table. He pulled out a chair for Stiles and motioned for him to sit down. "You know?" Stiles said as he unfolded the napkin in front of him. "I don't eat this much."
    "That was the plan," Derek laughed. "I get what you don't eat."
    "You can really eat that much?
    "Yes! I have a fast metabolism."
    "And I thought mine was fast." Stiles said while looking at Derek then back down to the plate in front of him.
    They both ate till their hearts content and after attempting to wash and put away dishes together they both made their way to the couch and Stiles turned on the TV. Neither of them had anywhere to be today so they sat back and relaxed. Cuddled together Derek made the stupid decision to let Stiles pick what to watch, and as usual he had no clue what to choose.
    Stiles kept flipping through channels until Derek finally said in his I'm annoyed you better stop voice, "Stiles pick a channel." And right then Stiles found one of his favorite shows, Tom and Jerry. This made Derek roll his eyes but he watched anyway because it made him happy to see Stiles happy.
    About four months later Stiles was headed to see Derek after having just gotten out of School for spring break. Stiles was super excited to spend tones of time with Derek so they could cuddle and kiss and you know some other things. They were celebrating their five month anniversary this week and Derek said he had a special surprise for it.
    Stiles parked his car in his normal spot in the lot and before climbing out into the chilly spring air he reached into the back of his Jeep for a leather jacket. When he pulled it on he put the collar to his nose to find it smelled like Derek even after a week and a half strait of Stiles wearing it. The jacket was to big for his skinny body but it made him happy to have something to remind him of Derek. He was the only one besides Lydia who believed him about Donavan and Stiles loved him for that. He had helped Stiles and Scott get back to talking basis but they weren't back to were they were yet and Derek knew it would take a while so he was patient. He was always patient with Stiles. Everyone thought they were perfect together. Even Stiles' dad liked Derek. They would go out hunting and fishing and every Sunday they watched football together at Stiles' house. Everything seemed perfect. His dad was fine with him dating a wear wolf, they were one of the hottest couples in town and Derek was always so amazing to Stiles. It was perfect. It had been months since anything supernatural tried to kill them but that was about to change.
    Stiles walked into the loft to find Scott, Peter, Derek, Lydia, Liam, Hayden, Brett and..... Isaac? Standing in the loft. Isaac? Why was Isaac here? Better yet why were they all in Derek's loft?
    "Stiles, it's been so long. How are you?" Isaac asked as he took him into their usual bro hug.
    "I'm Great stiles says." Walking towards Derek, "What made you come to town?"
    Before Isaac could answer Stiles and Derek both leaned in for a hello kiss which really through Isaac off. "Wait you two are??? Dating?" Isaac asked now super confused.
    "Oh yeah we forgot to mention that." Derek said with a grin
    "How long have you been dating?"
    "5 months" Derek said proudly.
     "Not yet" Stiles said looking at Derek's smile.
    "Come on Stiles 3 days, we can start saying 5 months now."
    "Not yet." Stiles stated and Derek rolled his eye as Isaac laughed at the couple in front of him. Already over the fact that they were dating without him knowing.
    "So why are you in town Isaac? I never really got an answer." Stiles asked again.
    "Scott called me. He said he needed help." Isaac explained and suddenly all eyes were on Scott expecting an explanation.
    "I called him because there's trouble." Scott said putting a worried look on everyone's face. " I got these in a box on my porch the other day." He said as he took five claws, obviously from a wear wolf, and two silver bullets with the hunter symbol engraved in them. "I though this would be worth sharing."
    Everyone looked at one another seeing the same worried expression on each of their faces Stiles said, "You guys all know that this means their here right? They aren't coming their already hunting."
    "Yeah we know. That's why I wanted to tell you." Scott said.
    "Why did you call in Isaac? We could have handled this without putting another wear wolf in danger." Stiles Said wondering what Scott's logic behind it was.
    "I thought we needed someone who was on both sides." Scott explained.
    "what do you mean on both sides." Stiles said a little angry.
    "Someone to keep the peace between us. We're not quite on best friend terms yet if you haven't noticed and I wanted someone who I knew would keep us from putting ourselves in danger over it." Scott explains trying to make it sound like a good idea.
    "You mean someone to make sure I don't get in the way. Well Scott last time I checked it's supposed to be the Emissary who keeps the wear wolf in line NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND." Stiles said yelling the last part. " Scott I am not gonna let some stupid fight between you and I threaten the lives of the people I love." Stiles took a breath, " Your not the only one in danger Scott. The man I love could be killed and because of all this crap so could Lydia and my father, so don't think for even a second I'm doing this for you and remember that I'm not fighting with you because if he dies," Stiles says pointing at Derek." If he dies I am gonna fall apart. I can't loose him too after all this. I just can't." Stiles stopped and looked around to see Derek's face red with embarrassment, but he also had a big smile spread across his face which made Stiles walk over and kiss him long and hard. At this point Stiles didn't care who saw. He was pissed off.
    Scott didn't even answer, he knew Stiles was right and now he was regretting bringing Isaac into danger. The whole Group talked for a while about what they would do, how they would deal with this. In the end they decided to lay low and keep their senses tuned in for anything strange.
    Stiles spent the night with Derek doing a lot less sleeping then expect. When he woke up he was still tired but could smell the fresh coffee Derek had made. He saw Derek dancing along to a playlist Styles had made for him. He was just laying in bed for a moment admiring how Derek looked in his basketball shorts, obviously still a little sweaty from his run.
    "Do you really think you should still be going on your morning run everyday with a bunch of hunters around?" Stiles asked Derek.
    "I think that I'm not going to change my whole life because a couple people think they can come in and kill us just like that." Derek said now leaning against a beam looking at Stiles.
    "But don't you think it could give us away if they see a big black wolf with blue eyes running through the woods?"
    "I guess but I'm moving way to fast for them to catch me."
    "Yeah maybe on foot but I'll bet they set a bunch of trap you could get your leg stuck in and then they have you and if they're anything like hunters we've met before then I bet they don't hesitate to kill you Derek. I don't want them to kill you." Stiles said with worry in his voice.
    "Ok if it worries you that much I will stop till we have the whole hunter thing under control." Derek said leaning down and giving Stiles a peck on the lips.
    A few days later Derek and Stiles were walking back to the loft after Derek surprised Stiles with a home made picnic under the stars for their anniversary. They were walking down the road, Stiles wearing one of Derek's Jackets of course, their finger tangled in one another's, holding each other close enjoying the quiet night.
    The two of them stopped for a moment so Stiles could tie his shoe, and just as Stiles finished and was about to stand he heard a loud bang... A gunshot. Stiles tried to catch Derek before fell to the ground. He was clutching the side of his stomach. Stiles put Derek's arm over his shoulder and started running.
    Derek was heavy seeing as he's all muscle. Stiles struggled to keep him up but he wasn't stoping till he knew Derek was safe. The shooter shot in front of them a few feet and the bullet fell to the ground. Stiles knew their was wolfs bane in the bullet, but he also knew he didn't know what kind so when he got to where the bullet had fallen I front of them and stopped knowing they would need this bullet to save Derek. As he was standing a throwing Derek's arm over his shoulder he realized Derek was nearly unconscious and he had to move before he passed out.
    The bullet had hit him close to the heart so if Stiles didn't get him safe and cure him soon he would die. Just one block from the animal clinic Derek passed out. Stiles was now carrying his dead wait and couldn't move anywhere near as fast. He managed to get into the clinic without getting shot and he slammed Derek down on the operation table. Scott came in from the other room, still working. He saw Derek and immediately knew what happened.
    "Do you know the type of wolfs bane?" Scott asked.
    "No clue but I've go this." Stiles said as he broke open the bullet. He poured the powder out into his hand praying it would be enough. Scott held down Derek's shoulders while Stiles pushed the powder into his wound. Derek's whole body started to seize. Scott struggled to hold him down even with his full wolf strength. Derek stopped seizing and his was healed but he wasn't breathing. Stiles climbed up on the table a knee on either side of Derek and he started to do CPR.
    Scott pushed Stiles off the table and says, " Let me try." And just then Scott sifted into his alpha form and opened his mouth to let the loudest growl Stiles had ever heard. When he did Derek's eyes light up the beautiful blue Stiles always loved. Stiles didn't even care that Derek had his fangs out, he went in for the kiss just thankful he was alive.
    Stiles pulled back and looked Derek in the eyes to say, "don't you ever do that to me again Derek Hale or I'll have to kill you myself." Stiles' comment sent a smile across Derek's face. Looking up at Scott, "This means war."
    Stiles helped Derek to his feet. He looked over at stiles who was now holding up most of Derek's body wait. "You were pretty amazing out there Stiles." Derek said looking up at Stiles.
    "I know," Stiles said with a laugh.
    "We need to call the others." Scott said interrupting their romantic moment.
    "Ok but let's meet in the loft." Derek says faintly, "They know we're here. We need to move."
    Stiles and Scott both agreed and got Derek into Stiles Jeep that they had parked out front before they went to their picnic. Stiles drove Derek back to the loft and was at least 20 miles an hour over the speed limit the whole way there. When they got there almost the whole pack had already arrived and they were only waiting on Lydia who had to pick up Isaac. After Stiles got Derek to sit down and relax Isaac and Lydia had arrived and Scott was telling everyone what had happened. After everyone was filled in Stiles spoke up and said, "These hunters weren't trying to scare us.... They were trying to kill us."
    "If Stiles hadn't been there I would be dead now." Derek said trying to stand up as Stiles ran over pushing him back down onto the couch.
    "We can't just sit back and wait anymore guys." Lydia said. "We need to fight back."
    "I agree with Lydia," Peter says standing up and walking towards the group from the stairs. "They have declared war, and we have to fight."
    After a few days in hiding, preparing, working constantly to make sure they were ready for this fight. Peter was put in charge of tracking the hunters. He told the pack they were inexperienced because they didn't know how to cover their tracks. Stiles hadn't let Derek go out with Peter at all in the past few day, which made Derek mad, but he knew there was no convincing stiles so he stopped trying.
    "Tonight's the night guys." Stiles says as he starts he pre fight pep talk. Ever since he became the Emissary he had taken on tons of jobs in the pack, but by far one of Stiles favorite was giving pep talks. "These monsters tried to kill Derek, and they kill every one of us if we don't make a stand. We know they aren't very experienced from what Peter has told us, and that there are only six of them. We are up by three." He paused and looked around for a moment. "Lydia you are powerful. More then we ever imagined. Now the time to use that power. All of you.." Stiles said now looking at the wolves. "You need to stay safe. Don't get yourself into a situation you can't get out of. Remember if you get stuck In a circle of Mountian ash the only weapon I've got is a bat."
    "On that note," Isaac cut in with a chuckle.
    "Be smart and let's kick some ass today." Stiles said.
    "Most importantly remember.... Not all monsters do monsteras things." Lydia said looking around. "You aren't the monsters, They are. Don't let them turn you into a monster"
On that the whole pack went out and piled into cars preparing to fight. They were headed into a war.
    Derek rode with Stiles in his jeep and they hadn't spoken at all until they were less the five minutes from where they would leave the cars, when Stiles broke the silence. "Be safe ok Derek?"
    "You need to be safe too Stiles. I know you think they're only after the supernatural but they will gladly take you too. They'll see you as a way into the pack and I bet that by know they know just how important you are to us." Derek said looking at Stiles with big puppy dog eyes.
    "I know but I just can't risk losing you. I couldn't keep going like I know you could without me. Your so much stronger then me. If you lost me you could keep going, but if I lost you it would be all over." Stiles said with a scratchy voice.
    "I couldn't Stiles. I'm not as strong as you think. You of all people know it's and act to protect myself, but it I lost you I don't know what I would do." Derek pauses to look up at Stiles, "Your the first person I've loved. Ever since the fire... I've never let anyone in until you came along. I've never felt like this about someone and I can't lose you. I just can't..... And your father. How I'm I supposed to tell him his only son is dead. That the last thing connecting him to your mother is dead and it's my fault."
    Stiles Slowly turned off to the entrance of the hiking trails and put the jeep in park. He turned to look Derek in the eyes and say, "How about we both promise to stay safe." And they both got out of the car and walked around to meet in front of it. "Because I love you Derek Hale, and I'm not gonna lose you." Stiles said and leaned in to kiss him.
    As they pulled away the couple locked eyes and Derek said, "I love you too Stiles Stalinski"
    The pack had started into the woods a little ways to set the plan into action. The group separated into groups of three. The first group was Brett, Hayden, and Peter. Then there was Liam, Scott and Derek. And finally Isaac, Lydia and Stiles. All three groups split up and said they would howl if they ran into trouble. The first step to the plan was to lead the hunters to them and from what the pack could se it had worked. As far as they knew the hunters were currently cornered between a cliff and the pack. Stiles was walking in between Lydia and Isaac. Two extremely strong and powerful people. Stiles had gotten used to feeling week next to his friends, but he especially hated it tonight. He wished he could be like them sometimes. As Stile thought about this he remembered something Theo said before he died, I came for void Stiles.... There he is. Theo had acted like Stiles was supernatural. He never told anyone but sometimes he thought about it. If it could be possible.
    Stiles' train of thought was interrupted by a noise in the woods. Even he could hear the round being chambered. It had to be one hell of a gun for him to hear that. All at once the three of them heard a band as they dropped to the ground, the hunter just barely missing them. All three of them ran. After going maybe 500 feet they came across a sward in the tree, then out of no where a hunter who seemed to be unarmed. He pulled the sward out of the tree slashing across Isaac's stomach immediately paralyzing him. The man with the sward then cut Lydia's arm doing the same to her as he had Isaac. At that moment Stiles realized... It was kanima venom. He dodged the sward when it was swung at him, just barley missing his chest. Stiles then spun and kicked the sward out of the hunters hand sending it across the forest floor. The Hunter now fighting stiles with no weapon was using pure strength and fighting skills. Trying to punch Stiles and Stiles fighting back. Stiles managed to get close enough to the man to knee him in the gut and then kick him in the groin. The man fell and before he had a chance to move Stiles had his boot on the mans throat holding him down.
    The Hunter looked up at Stiles confused. "You didn't shift. You didn't use any wolf strength."
    "That probably has something to do with the fact that I'm human, but that's just my guess." Stiles snapped at the Hunter.
    "Human in a wolf pack how did that happen?"
    "Ever heard of an emissary?" Stiles asked like the guy was stupid.
    Stiles shot Isaac a look and almost immediately he howled loud enough for the whole pack to hear and the hunters. The pack was there as fast as possible and as they decided earlier some of them stayed hidden so the hunters couldn't corner all of them.
    "Get ready!" Derek said looking Stiles up and down, actually quite proud his boyfriend had a hunter pinned to the ground.
    A moment later five hunters came out of the dark. Weapons at their side like they thought they could take the pack down in one shot.
    "I heard one of you was human. I bet your easy to take out first." The women, obviously the Hunter in charge, stated.
    "How did I get this reputation?" Stiles responded smiling down at the man who's throat was being crushed under his boot.
    "Not as week as I thought, but is there anyone here that would die for you?" The women said, obviously trying to anger the wolves.
    Stiles motioned to Brett to come put his boot where Stiles had his just moments earlier. Stiles then started to walk over to the Hunter. "You obviously don't know much when it comes to wear wolves." Stiles said with a smirk.
    "I know a lot more then you think." The women started. "I know that every one of them are killers, they're monsters."
    "Already wrong." Stiles said moving closer to the women so the only had a few inches between their faces. "You ever heard of a true alpha?" Stiles asked.
    "They are the most powerful of all wear wolves. That's why we're here, to take care of a monster and stop him from killing more people."
    "Obviously you don't know as much as you thought, because a true alpha must be pure of heart. Our alpha has never killed anyone.... Ever." Stiles said now a little angry.
    "yeah but you have." The women said, pushing the wrong button and changing the mood before she could even blink.
    Stiles punched the women, sending her falling to the ground. At that all the other hunters pointed various weapons at Stiles. Out of the corner of his eyes stiles could see Derek in the darkness, just out of sight of the hunters. He was fully transformed into a wolf and preparing to attack. The others were also shifting, fangs and claws out ready to attack. As if timed Derek jumped out of the darkness surprising the hunters and knocking two of them to the ground. Stiles reached down and picked up the gun their leader had been holding and pointed at the last two who were standing. Scott growled, bearing his fangs and bright red eyes.
    "Put your guns down." Stiles snapped at the two men left standing. They did as they were told, so obviously out numbered. Once the weapons had left their hands Derek ran over, still a wolf and picked their weapons up in his mouth to move them away from the hunters. He put the guns down as far from the hunters as he could and went to stand next to his boyfriend, who was so obviously more powerful then people thought. "Get up." Stiles said motioning to the women he had punch earlier.
    "You have a shape shifter?" She asked as if he wasn't standing right in front of her.    
    "Didn't know as much about us as you thought huh?" Stiles said smiling.
    The women stepped closer to Stiles making Derek nervous. He jumped between his human boyfriend and the Hunter bearing his teeth. Derek still in wolf form, the women looked at him and back to Stiles to say, "Aww look he's got a guard dog." She said smiling. "What are you brothers? Or just friends?"
    Derek shifted back to human form so he could be eye to eye with this women. He was staring her up and down, and knew she was doing the same, but for very different reasons. "You really don't know who your messing with so you?" Derek asked. "You leave him alone.... Or I'll rip your throat out.... WITH MY TEETH." He said snapping at the women.
    "you really love him don't you?" The women asked. "But why? It's not family, or best friends. I'd say his best friend is the alpha." At that Scott and Stiles both looked at each other for a moment and quickly returned their gaze to Derek and the women. "So what does a human want with an omega? The lowest ranking wolf. The saddest wolf in the pack."
    Stiles couldn't stand to listen to another word this women had to say about his boyfriend, so before she could continue he reached up for Derek's cheek and pulled him. In for a quick kiss. The women looked both surprised and devious. "That's what." Stiles said with a smirk.
    "Boyfriend? Really? I didn't picture you as a gay."
    "I guess your not as smart as you keep telling yourself you are." Derek spoke this time, still completely naked.
    " Well Stiles... Have you ever thought about what's gonna happen? You know..." She made eye contact with him. "When your STUPID BITCH of a Boyfriend turns on you?"
    This made Stiles feel rage like never before. There was no stoping him from what he did next. "Have you ever though about what would happen if I turned on you?" Stiles yelled and punched her again. She fell to the ground laughing until he started to kick her. He kept kicking until she fell unconscious, when he realized what he was doing. Tears in his eyes, he turned to look at Derek. To see his reaction to what his boyfriend did. When Stiles saw the look on Derek's face her ran for the jeep. He couldn't believe what he did. Right in front of the one person in the world who had never seen that side of him.
    "Of we so much as smell you ever again, then we're gonna kill you. I suggest you get out of this town and never come back because if you do..... WE WILL HUNT YOU DOWN." Derek yelled that last part. Leaving the hunters in the woods to chase after his boyfriend, who was now crying and Derek could hear or from where he was in the woods. The rest of the pack said their treats and slowly made their way to the cars hoping to give Derek time to talk to Stiles.
    Derek saw Stiles on the ground leaning against the tire of his jeep crying into the palm of his hands. Derek shifted into a wolf and walked over to cuddle up against Stiles. He knew it would take a some convincing, but somehow he would tell him that he still loved him, even after seeing his dark side.
    "I didn't meant to. I just got mad." Stiles said in between sobs.
    "Derek now shifted back to human so he could speak, "I know Stiles. Sometimes anger gets the best of us. Trust me I know." Derek said reaching for Stiles hand. Stiles pulled away surprising Derek
    "Why do you still want me? I'm a monster Derek. Why would you want that?"
    "I want you because I know your not a monster. Your human, and every once and a while a human snaps. And you see that side of them. Believe it or not Stiles, but wear wolves and humans are actually very similar." Derek looked up to see if his words were getting through to Stiles. "Stiles... That women out there.. She is the monster not you. She made you think you were the bad guy, but your not. Your Stiles, the smartest kindest person I've ever met and no matter what happens that's not gonna change. I love you Stiles, so please don't think that what I just saw will change anything. Your still perfect to me." Stiles looked up at Derek, no longer crying but his eyes still red from the tears. Derek reached up and using his thumb he wiped the tears off Stiles cheek and leaned in to kiss him.
    "Derek... I killed someone."
    "Stiles.. Do you love me?" Derek asked, still Trying to comfort Stiles.
    "Of course I do." He said now confused.
    "I killed someone Stiles. Someone who was innocent." Derek said, flashing his blue eyes. "You killed someone in self defense. And today, you didn't kill anyone. You gave a monster what she deserved. Stiles, I love you and nothing you do will change that." Derek said as the rest of the pack made their way out of the woods.
It had been a few weeks since the accident with the hunters, and it seemed like everyone was over what had happened. Stiles was currently trying to convince Derek to go to senior prom with him, but Derek would have none of that. Everything was back to normal. Scott had finally figured out how to fix things with Stiles, which made the whole pack happy. Especially Derek because that meant Stiles would spend less time complaining about Scott and more time in Derek's bed.
    Isaac decided to stay in town. He realized how much he loved this crazy pack and didn't want to leave them again. He also realized how much he loved Lydia. They were dating, which no one expected, but they were super cute together. It had been a long time since either of them dated, you know after Allison and Aidan.
    Scott was single and loving it. Now that he fixed things with Stiles and helped his mom catch up on the bills everything was great and he was finally taking time to do things that weren't supernatural.
    Liam and Hayden had been dating for a while. Their relationship reminded everyone a lot of Allison and Scott, but no one dared to mention it. Liam was getting extra wolf training from Scott and Derek just to be sure he knew exactly what he was doing.
    Brett was finally dating Mason and they were perfect. Though they were very different they still fit like you'd never imagine. Brett had taught Mason a lot about the supernatural and self defense in hopes to keep him safe from whatever the pack faced next. Brett and his sister also transferred to Beacon hills high school so that they could be with the pack.
    Peter... Well he was Peter. No one really knew what he did, but somehow he always managed to be in the loft when ever Stiles was itching for quality time with Derek.
     The sheriff had finally asked Mama MaCall out and their relationship was going very well. Both of them finally relaxed knowing their sons were safe for the time being.
    Everything was perfect. Especially when Derek finally said yes to prom.
    Stiles was in his room struggling to tie his tie, getting frustrated just wanting tonight to be perfect. It would be that last time everyone was together. After this they would graduate and go their separate ways. Lydia was going to Harvard, on the other side of the country. Scott decided to got to UCA for their veterinary course. It was only a couple hours away but still the farthest from Stiles he's ever been. Liam, Brett, Hayden, and Mason obviously staying to do their senior year of high school. Isaac? Well he had no clue yet, but Stiles figured it would be far from here.
    Stiles had decided to go to BeaconHills university, right outside of town. He was gonna move in with Derek and work towards a Criminal Detective Degree, hoping to eventually work his way to sheriff and follow in his fathers foot steps.
    Derek loved that Stiles decided to stay and actually move in with him. He had been dreading the day Stiles left for college but didn't worry any more now knowing that he would be by his side every night. Derek knew Stiles was upset about all of his friends leaving, but didn't know how to make him feel better. Her decide prom was the closest he could get.
    Derek walked up the steps and knocked on the door of the Stalinski house, holding what he hoped was Stiles favorite flower, in his hands ready to place it perfectly on Stiles' suit. When the sheriff opened the door Derek saw a smile spread across his face.
     "You know I'm really happy my son has a man like you." The sheriff said, still smiling while looking Derek up and down.
    "Thank you Sir." Derek said, now smiling too. "I'm glade you feel that way. Your son is a truly special person and he deserves the best."
    "Does that make you the best?" Stiles said with his usual twist of humor that Derek always loved.
    "Wow!" Was all Derek could manage and he looked up at his boyfriend in the suit he had bought him just for this.
    "Wow yourself." Stiles said looking at Derek from the top of the stairs. "You clean up nicely sourwolf."
    "Ok get together I need a picture." The Sheriff said motioning to the boys.
    "Wait dad, his eyes will cause a camera flare." Stiles acknowledged, as he walked down the stairs to stand with Derek.
    "I know how to fix that." Derek said with a smile that worried Stiles.
    Derek leaned in and kissed Stiles on the cheek. Both eyes closed to prevent the lens flare. The sheriff snapped the photo and sent the boys on their way.
    Everyone was at prom. Their last time together before college. Everything was amazing, no matter how cheesy the decorations. Stiles was slow dancing with Derek. He could see all the people looking at them, but he didn't care. He was in the arms of his boyfriend, the man he loved.... His true love! Stiles realized, giving Derek a peck on the lips. He knew he loved Derek. He always knew that, but it took Stiles what seemed like forever to realize that Derek was the most important person in the world to him, that Stiles wanted to marry this man someday. That he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him.
    Stiles couldn't help but wonder, was this how Scott felt about Allison? Was she his one true love? If she was alive would she be dancing with Scott right now. Held in Scott's tight embrace, feeling as safe as Stiles did with Derek?
    Shaking off that thought, the song ended and so did their senior prom. They all went their separate ways just like they would two weeks from now at graduation. Just like they would for the rest of their lives.
Six years later. In Beacon hills
    Stiles opened the door to the loft to see his Fiancé on the floor with various wedding magazines and new house adds spread all over the apartment opened to his favorite pages. He still couldn't believe it but he was going to marry Derek Hale in less the two months.
    Derek was in charge of getting the last few details together with the wedding, while trying to find a house that would be perfect for the couple once they were married. To Stiles' surprise it was actually really stressing Derek out. He wanted so badly to help more, but he was going to be sworn into the position of sheriff in less then a week, so Stiles was extra busy with work.
    "Hey there sheriff." Derek said standing up so he could kiss his Fiancé. "How was work?"
    "Crazy but good. Nothing to bad in town today. Basically just a ton of paperwork and noise complaints from graduation parties." Stiles explained, knowing how it felt to graduate collage. He had just two years ago himself.
    "That's good I guess." Derek said bending over to pick up and add for a house. "I found this with the reality today and it looked perfect to me."
    Taking the paper from Derek Stiles read over the details and looked at the pictures, leading in and kissing Derek on the cheek, "This could be the one." Stiles said holding the add for a four bedroom five bath house. It was two stories and The master bedroom was huge like everything else in the house. It seemed perfect.
    A week later Stiles went with Derek to look at the house and they fell in love with it. They both agree they could gladly spend the rest of their lives in this house.
    They signed the papers a few days later and started moving in. Finishing up the final touches for the wedding, and Stiles starting his new job as the Sheriff. The two were extremely happy and couldn't wait to finally get married.
    Stiles walked into the animal clinic to see Scott giving a young girl he puppy.
    "Thank you Doctor McCall!" The little girl said happy to have a healthy puppy.
     "Sheriff!" Her mother said kindly as she walked towards Stiles. He simply tilted his hat towards her to acknowledge her.
    Walking over to Scott who immediately asked, "So are you ready for this? are you ready to marry Derek?"
    "I thought I would feel more nerves the night before but Im not nervous at all." Stiles explained.
    "That's because your in love with him." Scott said. Happy to be Stiles best man.
    The next day couldn't come fast enough. Stiles and Derek had been counting down the seconds and it was finally here. Stiles and Scott were dressed and ready to walk down the isle, knowing Derek and Peter were just one thin wall away doing the same things as they were trying to get ready.
    Both men left their room ready to go and turned the corner to meet at the beginning of the isle. The look on their faces was priceless. The two men looked amazing and both of them couldn't believe they were actually there standing in front of their loved ones about to walk down the isle.
    The crowd rose and Derek reached for Stiles' hand. Intertwining their fingers, at that moment both men knew just how lucky they were. They knew they would grow old together in their new house... They knew they were in love.

                            The End

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