This is For the Fallen

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A groan of agony escaped through my lips as I opened my eyes hesitantly. I was met with a snowy forest scenery. I tried pushing myself off the ground, but failed miserably seeing as how much pain I was in.
Then there were voices, 2 or 3 I believe. I laid there in hopes that they'd notice me, no matter who they were. All I wanted was some help.
"Oh shit," was all I managed to hear before I blacked out once more.

I woke up with a sigh at the partial dream I'd had once again. It was the day Chris and Ryan managed to find me while out hunting. Also known as the day I fell from the heavens.
I got up and stretched, then looked out the small window I had in my room. The sun was just setting (so it was around 7 pm), which was considered early for me.
I slipped on a pair of shoes, and creeped out of my room. I was trying my best to stay quiet considering everyone else was asleep. I checked to make sure nobody was behind me, then slipped outside onto the balcony.
I closed my eyes and leaned against the railing as a few flakes of snow began fall. I opened my eyes once more, and looked up towards the heavens, silently cursing towards those who still lived peacefully up there.
You see, the thing is that when I "fell" I didn't really fall. It wasn't some "unfortunate accident" like they all made it out to be towards others. I was pushed-forced-out. I don't exactly know who did it or why, but I have my guesses. Either way nobody was extremely upset about it, in fact some thought I jumped willingly.
This wasn't something I tend to dwell on seeing as how a few of my new caretakers can read my thoughts.
Speaking of that, the ones who found me-the ones I mentioned earlier, Chris and Ryan-they're vampires. I find myself rather lucky to still be alive. I got lucky that the guys have a soft spot for angels seeing as how one of their best friends is also a fallen angel who had his wings clipped. His name's Angelo, and he's also the reason I still have my wings.

Chris and Ryan are part of a group you see, the group being the most highly respected of the vampires. The group consists of Balz, Ricky, Devin (or Ghost), and obviously Ryan and Chris.
When there's a war or some other type of crisis that the vampires are involved in, they're the ones who call all the shots. They apparently had another member, but he turned over to The Coven-also known as the group of bad vampires. The ones who want Chris and the rest of the guys out of power. They've been gathering more and more people over the years, and though the guys don't think too much about it, I do. And honestly it's rather frightening to think about.
I immediately switched my train of thought, and opened my eyes as I heard the balcony door open. Turning my head I saw Balz standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. "The others are awake and wondering where you ran off to. Food's also ready, and you need to eat so come inside."
I nodded, and hung my head as I walked inside. Balz was a vampire capable of reading others' thoughts, and I knew he heard was I was thinking. He hated when I doubted how they handled some things-cough cough The Coven.
We passed an old mirror, and I sighed as I saw my reflection. My hair-once completely white- was now half black and half white and my wings-when on display- were now a solid black. Though I didn't mind the look, it was just a constant reminder that I was no longer in my "rightful" place, and that I had little to no power over anything anymore.
Balz gave my shoulder a slight squeeze and said, "I know what you're thinking about, and you can't help the fact that you fell. Honestly I think this look is more badass than how you looked before you fell."
I gave him a confused glance when he mentioned how I looked before I fell. "What?"
"I've read your thoughts," he said as though I was dumb. "I know what you looked like before you fell. Also when the guys brought you here, just your wings were black. Your hair was in the process of turning. We all thought it'd be completely black like Ange's or any of the other fallen ones, and we were pretty surprised when only half turned."
"Wow," I said in shock. They'd never told me that. "Does that mean there's something wrong with me?" I jokingly said.
"Oh totally," Balz joked back with a grin as we entered the kitchen.
Ricky looked up from his book as we walked in. "Where were you?" he asked with a frown.
He's like my older brother, and is really protective when it comes to me. It was mainly because I was one of the calmer ones in this house, but also from how we met.
He was in the library reading when I walked in and started looking for something to read. I didn't know he was in there until I started talking to myself, asking what to read while looking  through the shelves. He then took it upon himself to loudly shut his book-making himself noticed-and stand up. At the time I had only been living here for a few days, and had yet to meet the others. I shied away from him as he scanned the shelves. He found what he was looking for and handed me the book saying, "This one's good. You should try it."
And we somehow managed to bond from there.

"I went out to the balcony, I've not been out there in a while. Did you know it's snowing?"
Ricky shut his book, and set it aside, "Oh, and is it really? I didn't think it would start to snow till tomorrow. And I made your breakfast. It's over there," he said as he pointed to the end of the counter, by the stove.
"Thanks," I said as I got up on the counter next to him and grabbed the food. "I thought you said that everyone was up?" I questioned, looking over at Balz.
"Well they were here before I went searching for you," he replied.
"They went hunting. They'll be back soon," Ricky butted in with a shrug.

We continued talking/joking around while I ate, until Ryan, Chris, and Devin stormed in looking pretty mad.
"Woah woah woah, what the hell?" Balz yelled out obviously having read their thoughts.
Chris nodded, "Yes, Balz. I'd say within a few months or so they'll try and attack. They want something, but we don't know what."
I was very confused, seeing as how even Ricky caught on without using any of his powers, and let out a low growl.
I looked at Chris, "I'm confused...who?"
Ryan let out a cold laugh, "The Coven," he spat bitterly.

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