Chapter 2

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The next day Ellie was at her babysitter Beth's house. Beth had just finished cleaning up the lunch dishes, and Ellie was getting bored. She kept asking Beth to let her help load the dishwasher, but Beth reminded her that she was still too young to help with the dishes. Frowning, Ellie sighed. Everyone always said she was too young for everything. Grabbing her favorite doll Miss Molly, she went outside on the deck and sat down. Combing her dolls hair, something caught her eye. Setting her doll down she went over to the side of the deck. Just under the eave of the house, she noticed a big dragon fly swarming back and forth. She had never seen such a huge dragon fly before. This one was very pretty too. She had never seen such pretty colors. It was blue, green, purple, and had a slight pink tone as well. Leaning over the edge of the deck she watched it carefully swarm back and forth and then just rest a bit above the eave. She watched its wings flutter, and then watched it come closer and hover. Gently, Ellie reached out to touch the dragon flies wing. All of a sudden, Ellie jumped back as the dragon fly said, "Hey.. watch it now!" Scaring Ellie she backed up against the house. Was she imagining things or did that dragon fly just speak? Looking to see where it went, she slowly tiptoed to the edge of the deck again. Looking all around she didn't see it. Sighing, she sat back down and picked her doll back up. Getting ready to come Molly's hair again, she heard a voice behind her. Turning around, she looked to see the dragon fly hovering near her. The dragon fly came closer. "Hey... you scared me when you reached out to grab my wing." The dragon fly came closer. Ellie wasn't sure what to think. reaching her hand out slowly, she extended it towards the creature. The dragon fly gently landed on her hand. Giggling a bit, Ellie smiled. "you tickle" she said. The dragonfly rested its wings slightly and then said, "What are you doing little girl?" Ellie looked at the dragon fly and smirked a bit. "My name is Ellie." she held up her doll. "This is Miss Molly." The dragonfly blinked. "I am Dory the Dragonfly" Do you like to fly?" he asked Ellie. Ellie looked at the dragonfly for a moment, and then said, "I am a little girl. I don't fly. I don't even know how to fly." The dragonfly buzzed around her for a few moments, and then, all of a sudden, the dragonfly grew. He grew, and he grew, and he grew. The dragonfly grew so big, that one of his wings, knocked over a chair on the deck. Ellie's eyes also grew very big. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. First a dragonfly buzzing around her, and now this big dragonfly resting beside her on the deck. The dragonfly said, "Don't be scared Ellie. I am magical. If you would like, I can take you for a ride in the sky. We can go way high, high up in the sky." Ellie smiled and said, "I would like that. That sounds like fun." Dory the dragonfly turned himself around a bit so he was very close to Ellie. "Now climb on my back", he said, "and make sure you hold on tight." Ellie did what the dragonfly instructed her to do. Once she was situated, Dory slowly flew up, just a little ways at first, and then way up in the sky. As flew around the sky, Ellie looked around. She couldn't believe how high she was. She felt like she had wings herself. She watched the clouds. Some of them looked like big fluffy marshmallows. They appeared to be so close. She could almost reach out and touch one, she thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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