Chapter 20: reason why everybody is mad at me

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"Excuse me", a lady in a pink dress said.

"Yes", I kind if said that in a little rude voice because I was so worried about everyone being upset and mostly Austin. I don't really car everyone else is mad but the person I love in the whole wide world is mad at me.

"I'm sorry to disturb you but you have to come downstairs in the hall room because we are launching a party for those in the hospital and here is your dress", Behind her came a girl holding a night blue colored long dress.

"Wow", I said amazed not knowing what to say. I didnt really want to make them feel bad so I just acted like I was fine. Also because I was already rude to her when she first came in and she is helping all the patients here so in honor of her I will go.

"Thank you so much I will be there at 7", I said politely as possible. After they left I started thinking about Austin. No matter how much I try I can't keep him out of my head.

I got up and went to where the dress was being hung. I took it in my hand and just hugged it not because it was my favorite color but because I needed a hug. No one had come to me, no one had talked to me.

I felt really lonely and was in need of someone to talk to and to hug and cry.


It was 6:45 and I still didn't get ready. So I went to the bathroom and put on the night blue dress. I actually really liked the dress. I wasn't in the mood of putting on any make up so I just did my hair. I never really liked make up because it covers up your actual beauty.

By the time I was done it was 6:59. Just in time! I don't want to go but I have to get Austin out of my mind for now.

I walk out the door in the elevator and in the hallroom. Looks like the party has already started. So I walk in and I couldn't believe it but I saw Sarah in there. I walked towards her and she did see me but then she gave me a look that looked like she was really mad at me and then walked away.

I was surprised that everyone is so mad at me. I kept walking towards her but she kept moving away from me. Then finally she didn't see me going towards her so when she turned around she got a little scared.

"What are you doing here you are such a loser", she said like I just had disgusted her.

"I'm sorry but I really don't know why you all are mad at me for hiding a note that has written my goals. Austin walked away and I'm going to di..." I was about to finish but then realized what I was going to say.

"Wait what did you just say", she said in a louder tone. "Austin left the room because the note was not about your goals, it was a guy named Victor that wrote a love letter to you and that's why he left the room", she said as if I had cheated on Austin.

"What are you saying? I have not..", before I could finish my sentence Sarah. Just left not wanting to believe me.

That's why everybody is all mad at me but who is Victor and I never got a love letter from him.

Hey guys I have updated again and I'm going to make a sequel to this book but I need some time after this book ends. No one has commented or anything but my friends have requested me to make one so no one is going to be dedicated. But don't leave the story here! This is where the fun part is coming and I'm in love with the part that I'm going to write and hopefully you like it too. Ok that's enough of talking and let's go and vote this part and don't forget to comment and follow me! User is suchi99! Love you all who read my amazing book!!

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