Expect the Unexpected

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"Umma! Please don't send me away, I'll marry a girl, I'll act straight, anything but this!"

"Foolish boy. I can see through your plan to marry a girl and then cheat on her."

"Please don't send me away!" I pleaded.

"Go and pack your bags, I will not have this."

My mother was sending me away to a "de-gay" manor for being born this way. Bitch! It's your fault dad didn't pull out.

I just sorta threw my things into a Converse backpack and then sat in my room on my phone until the dreaded hour came for me to leave.

-Flashback Time!!!-

It was a Saturday night, my "friends" and I were at the newest club in L.A. I got a little to drunk on a couple bottles of soju I had brought, but I thought I could hold in my fire water. However, I got a little to gay with a random stranger and my friends started to take notice. Apparently they took out their phones and began filming the two of us until I passed out. I woke up and was immediately bombarded by questions. Still a bit tipsy, I confessed my sexuality and was thrown out of the club. A cop found me passed out on the street and drove me to my house. My parents were less than thrilled to see me. They had seen the video on Instagram and found out I like dick. I was sent to my room and here I am now.


"Peter! Get your ass downstairs!"

"Yes. Father."

"Go to the car. It's time to go."

The Rain Manor was all the way in West Hollywood. Weird considering that West Hollywood is a gay hotspot. I kept wondering what it would be like. For a 16 year old boy, being sent away for life was a huge deal.


"Get Out!"

I was thrown from my seat onto the hard cement. My knees were scratched and bleeding, but my dad just drove off, leaving me infront of a large door. It was dark out, and I think this was the place. I knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. I knocked a third time and a guy with black hair, brown eyes, and a leather jacket opened the door.

"I assume you are Sir Peter?"

I was reluctant to answer this stranger, but decided if it got me a roof over my head, it was worth a shot.

"Yes, I am. And who are you?"

"Hwang. Master Jonghyun requests your presence in the study. Please follow me."

He lead me through the gray house. Each room had a different shade of gray and another colour for complementation. Walking for what seemed like hours, we reached the study. Quan opened the doors and quickly closed them once we were inside. There were books lining the shelves and a large desk in the middle. Behind the desk was a chair that was turned around towards a window looking outside. The chair turned around showing a male with black hair in a suit with a book in hand.

"Thank you for bringing him Quan."

"No problem Master."

"So, Peter. Your parents sent you here to be 'degayed'." He said with air quotes

"Yes, they did." I responded.

"I know you are Korean, so can you write the name of the manor in hangul?"


"Good, can you write it on this piece of paper?" He slid a piece of paper and a pen across the desk. I walked forward and wrote the name. "비 찜" Rain House, it was a pretty name, I saw it written on the welcome mat.

"Now can you read the words?"

"Bi Jjim."

"Bi House. A great name if I would have to say. It references my sexuality."

I coughed a little. A man running a de-gay program is bisexual?!

"That is why no person leaves this house. This manor does not take away your sexuality, but rather is a LGBT safe haven. I find you will like this place."

"Hwang. Show him his quarters. You will be roommates and consorts with Kaze. Get some sleep, you are meeting the other boys tomorrow."

-Author's Note-

I usually never write these, but it is necessary for this story. I modeled the guys after the Infinite members. #kpop

Kim SooHyun-Jonghyun

DongWoo-Tony (Tommy)

Yes, I know Kim Soo Hyun isn't in Infinite, but I love him so deal.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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