Rohan to hemlsdeep

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We came close to Rohan and Gandalf told us that the kings mind has been poisoned by the white wizard and not to expect to be welcomed as we entered the city we saw a flag that had ripped and fallen it was one of the flags from Rohan we went straight to the king the guards told us we had to leave all our weapons and told Gandalf to leave his staff but Gandalf told then you wouldn't separate an old man from his walking-stick so they let him keep it we came in Gandalf and the king asked each other one question and the man with the king told Gandalf something and realized he still had his staff and guards came from every where and we started to fight them luckily for trennial and Gaya they hid some of their weapons in their clock so no one could see them I didn't even know they were there so we were fighting as Gandalf was casting a spell and the king started laugh and told him you have no power here Gandalf the gray and Gandalf took his old clock off and the king theodene saw he was no longer Gandalf the gray but Gandalf The white and Gandalf released the king from saromons power and the king banished the man that was with him because he was the one who gave saromon power over the king and the king realized his son was dead while Gandalf and the king were at his sons grave Gandalf saw two little kids riding a horse and one of them fell off so they took them back to the castle the king decided to evacuate the city to helms deep and Gandalf let but not before telling us to look for him on the fifth day and noon look to the east so everyone packed up and we went to helms deep on the way we fought an army of orcs and aragon died he fell over a cliff when we got to helms deep he came there a few days after we got there

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