4~ I found love

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Here's another song of my choice because no one is telling me songs, (PLEASE GIVE ME SONGS, I BEG OF YOU!). This song is something my friend Maddy showed me and it's fun to dance to I guess, this is called the 'Cha Cha Slide' by Dj Casper and I hope you enjoy!
Well this happened .-.


M: Hi There!

Stranger disconnected


M: Hiya!

Stranger disconnected


M- Ello

Stranger disconnected


M- Hello

Stranger disconnected



S- oh

M: I say hi, and they all disconnect

S: I'll love youuuuu


M: well that's only if you want

S: are you a boy?

M: no

S: k

S: Good

M: I'm a


S: an alien

S: I love them

M: his

S: ?

M: Poop, yus*

S: Lol

S: how old are you

M: I am of the age 153

S: oh

M: minus the 3 on the end

S: well I'm 16

M: cool, but are you hooman

S: ???

S: I'm a dude

M: Human

S: yes

S: I'm human

M: well mr dude

M: I want pizza

S: I will make you pizza 😂

M: you are awesome mr dude!

S: lol

S: do you have kik?

M: I had to go eats the hooman foods

S: snapchat

S: ?

M: This is a one time chat cause Aliens only have one internet thingy every 3000 years

M: good bye me dude

S: no

M: mr*

M: no

M: ?

S: I love you

M: I love you too


Anyway I didn't leave straight away I kept talking a little after that and then, I left...

I'd also like to thank you for reading my poopy book that's not even a book! I know I'm not good at frequent updates or good updates for that matter... These are getting kinda bad and boring. Again I'm sorry I didn't update, I kinda sorta forget that I'm doing this little story thing. I might not do this as much partly because I don't go on omegle much, when I do I'm with my friend on the video so I don't really have conversations to copy out.

Until next time

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