Confessions of The Signs

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Aries: I'm afraid that if I don't perform aggressive behavior and act like the "strong one" in my friend group I'll be seen as less than who I really am or, even worse, less than deserving of respect

Taurus: I lowkey get pissed off so much everyday and highkey get REALLY scary when I'm mad. Honestly I love arguing and being angry more than other "negative" emotions because I get to let everything out without seeming weak

Gemini: I get that I like to talk and people like to hear what I have to say, but that doesn't mean I like to be the who has to carry the entire conversation single-handedly. I always try to play it cool and act like I don't care but I do it so much that I'm actually on the fence about if I care or not

Cancer: I stay up late worrying about people who don't worry about me and constantly help those who don't help themselves. Everyone thinks that I fit in perfectly because everyone likes me, but actually I feel like I don't fit in at all because nobody understands me

Leo: Deep inside I fear the judgement of others, but it's easy to pretend like I couldn't care less. I'm always worried that I'm annoying other people and care a lot about what others think of me (therefore losing my real self to fit in)

Virgo: Most time I find myself stuck. I have such reckless desire to explore, to live and to be but my own mind seems to stand in the way. I'm too doubtful and skeptic, I need to have things under my control. I keep waiting for the perfect time to start living, but I can't handle the uncertainty and the unknown. I need to know the end before the start

Libra: Every time I feel like someone hates me I crawl into my little hiding hole of a mind and don't come out for a long time. Its been a while since I've stepped out of it

Scorpio: Sometimes I feel I go so deep into my emotions, into myself, that it begins to worry those close to me because I can shut off for days and even weeks at a time just being in my feelings trying to work out some inner turmoil

Sagittarius: Everyone seems to think I'm very open and happy but it's all a front and it's very tiring to try to be excited about everything all the damn time, but if I'm ever not elated, people assume there's something wrong with me

Capricorn: I'm always scared that I'm not living up to everyone's expectations of me. Like everyone is always expecting the best, and I'm scared my best won't be enough?

Aquarius: People think I'm really cold and aloof but I keep every picture, sweet/cute text, and art from anyone I've ever cared about. I'm constantly switching between thinking I'm the shittiest person alive and the epitome of human evolution

Pisces: I'm always so lost in my dreams of the future that I forget to live in the moment. I find myself yearning for what's yet to come and missing what's right in front of me

Creds to: punkasszodiac

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