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"I'll see you soon?" 

Harry nods into Louis' hair, gently kissing his forehead. "I love you."

Louis smiles into Harry's chest. "Love you too."

Louis doesn't leave till the plane takes off.


A month had passed since Harry had left for Germany and so far they were doing okay. I mean sure they missed each other but they'd text nonstop and call at night when Harry wasn't busy shooting, they'd even skyped a few times. Louis had managed to score a job at one of the local clubs serving drinks. Louis would get off work early morning, head home for a few hours of sleep and then call or skype Harry in the morning before he left for the day and then the same for Louis at night. It was working perfectly into their routines. Harry always ended the calls with a sweet 'I love you' which only caused Louis to pink in the cheeks and repeat a small one back before hanging up and grinning like an idiot at the phone for way too long to be considered normal. Louis liked how Harry said I love you, all deep and honey-slow. He thinks that if Harry was to whisper that into his ear, he'd get goose pimples all over. Louis had never really had the best luck in the boyfriend department. Sure, he'd dated guys but they'd always end up breaking his heart. His last one was the worse.

Louis had met Alex when he and Liam had gone out for lunch. Alex had been their waiter, and not only did he give them copious amounts of bread for free, but he'd send subtle winks and cute little smiles in Louis' direction. When they were leaving, Louis didn't think twice about leaving his phone number on the check. Alex had called him that night and they made plans to meet up. Their first few dates were incredible. Alex was all big laughs and cute, shy smiles with wild blonde hair and a gorgeous Australian accent, Louis really liked him. So when Alex told Louis he loved him as they lay in the back of his truck out in a deserted paddock, staring up at the stars, Louis didn't hesitate to say it back ("Louis...I-...I love you..." Butterflies and smiles. "I love you too Alex.") The first few months of their relationship was filled with days of laughs and sweet kisses and nights of endless passion and whispered 'I love you's'. It was only a few weeks later that Alex started cheating on Louis. It was Liam how told him, not that Louis believed him at the time ("You're just jealous that my relationship is working and yours isn't!"). At that time Liam had been taking a break from his current girlfriend and had told Louis to never talk to me again! Louis was fine with that because he had Alex and Alex was all that mattered, until Louis rushed over to his boyfriends to find him ripping some black haired man's pants down. ("Li... you were right...I'm sorry..."). Louis had run that night, run until he couldn't feel his legs and collapsed onto a slide at some park. He spent the whole night running over what he'd done wrong, what he could have done better so Alex wouldn't have done this. In the end he'd realized that Alex was the shit one, not him, and had grovelled at Liam's feet for his forgiveness. Liam knew he couldn't hold a grudge with Louis. ("You're a dick you know?" "I know." "But I love you.")

So yeah, Louis had been hurt before and said things he shouldn't have, but with Harry it felt different. He felt this connection, like they were attached to a piece of string and no matter how hard it was pulled it would never break. And Louis liked that feeling.

Liam had gotten a bit concerned when Louis told him Harry and he had exchanged 'I love you's', but Liam had seen something different in Harry. He felt he could trust him. He knew Harry wasn't going to do anything to hurt Louis. ("Louis pass me the phone." "Why?" "Just do it. Harry." "Hello Liam." "So listen, if you do anything to hurt Louis I swear I will hunt you-" "Liam!").

Louis was happy, Liam approved of Harry and Harry loved him and it was all so good. But Louis had just one small problem, well not really small, more above average sized problem. His dick.

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