Wedding Bells

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Copyright 2013 Property of Amber B. (StarburstBuscus)

Hey guys! So this is a new story! :D A Toby Turner Fan Fiction! :D Hope you guys like it! Enjoy!

Chapter One - Wedding Bells

“Wake up in the morning, feeling like P. Diddy,” I sung as I climbed out of the shower, ready for the new day ahead of me.

I brushed through my hair, and got all the tangles out before throwing it up into a ponytail. I didn’t bother with makeup, or jewelry, because I knew that today was the big day. The day that my cousin, Ryan, who was practically my brother, was getting married. I knew that as soon as I got there I’d be bombarded by my soon-to-be cousin-in-law’s mother, telling me where to go to get my hair and makeup done.

I walked into my little boy’s room, and woke him up, “Ryan, sweetie. It’s time to wake up. Uncle Ryan is getting married today.” My little sunshine’s eye fluttered open. Ryan was my pride and joy. Yes, I named him after my cousin. It can get confusing at times, but Ryan was the one person who helped me the most throughout my whole pregnancy. When I saw my little boy the first time, and held him in my arms, I knew right in that moment, I’d name him Ryan.

He looked at me with his brilliant blue eyes, which he had gotten from his father. “Mommy? I pick my clodes. I’ma big boy.” I smiled at him, and let him pick his clothes from the dresser. He wouldn’t be in them for long though, he got a tux fitted just for today. Ryan was letting him be the ring bearer.

I went into the kitchen and got out a granola bar, and a Sippy cup with milk for him. After he was dressed, and had his shoes on, he was in the kitchen. I handed him his bar and milk, and we walked out to the car. I bulked him into his car seat, got in the front, and we were off.

Once I pulled into Kelly’s driveway; Kelly being Ryan’s fiancé, she was right there, gushing over everything from Ryan’s cute dimples to me walking her down the aisle along with her brother, Jared. Her mind was everywhere, and I could understand. I had been in her position once before. The hours leading up to your wedding is a very stressful period of time. Ryan wasn’t born at that time, but instead I was in the ninth month of my pregnancy. I was probably the most stressed out bride you’d ever would meet. Between the pregnancy and getting married, I was a mess.

“Scarlett! We’ve got to get you and little Ryan ready! We’re leaving in about,” she paused, looking at her phone. “Two hours!” she squeaked out. She grabbed one of my hands and one of Ryan’s and drug us inside. She handed Ryan over to a lady standing next to a clothing rack, then continued to drag me around the corner and into a room with all the bride’s maids with their dresses. The hair dresser and makeup person were also in there. I was rushed to sit in the makeup chair.

Once all my makeup was done and my hair was stiff and pretty, I slipped into my dress. My dress was different from everyone else’s. Mine was a dark purple with a black satin belt thing. While all the others were a light purple and a white satin belt. My dress matched with Jared’s tie, since we were to walk down the aisle together after the ceremony was over, not to mention walking Kelly down it too. We were both giving her away. Me as a symbol of acceptance to her marriage to someone I consider very close to me, and Jared as the symbol of the man in the family. Her father had passed away a few years back.

Everything was so fast paced, that the next thing I knew we were done getting ready and I had Ryan in my arms. He was in the little tux, and really hyper. He’s been really excited for the past week about today. We all piled into the limo to go to the church were the ceremony would be held along with the reception. Ryan pulled at my hand, and I looked down at him. “You a beautiful pwincess, mommy.”

 I smiled brightly at him, “And you’re my handsome little knight.”

Upon arrival, we emptied out and into the back entrance were no one could see us. I’m sure most of everyone had already shown up, but with the ceremony only a few minutes away I wasn’t that surprised. Once everyone was inside, we began lining up for the walk down the aisle. I told Ryan to just listen to the Wedding Coordinator, since we were getting split up.

Eventually we got the signal that people could start walking out. Once the line was gone and it was just us, we stepped up to the door, and all linked arms. As soon as the music started, we began our walk down the aisle. I could feel Kelly’s hands shaking as Jared and I gave her away. I winked at my cousin seeing his nervousness, and took my place next to the bride’s maids.

“You may now kiss your bride.” The pastor said, smiling. Ryan leaned in and they were kissing. Everyone was cheering them on, except for my little Ryan, who I had gathered in my arms; he was yelling at them saying that girls have cooties, and you’re not supposed to kiss. I just laughed at him.

Once the reception started, everyone started getting wild and crazy. I still had Ryan, and I didn’t want him exposed to that kind of thing so I decided that after Kelly threw the bouquet, we would leave. It wasn’t long after I decided that that all the girls were being called to do the bouquet throwing. And of course all the bride’s maids are in front. I didn’t want to be up front, but I was...I didn’t want to catch the thing, but I did...I didn’t care what that meant, but I knew, and that was enough to scare me.

After that was over, I said my goodbyes, gave Ryan a hug, and I was out of there.

Once we got home, I carried my sleeping Ryan into him room and laid him down in his bed. I went to the kitchen, got myself a glass of wine, and went to my room to read a book. When the wine was gone and a few chapters were read, I settled into bed, and fell asleep with that bouquet on my mind. 

I would just like to say that anyone who can make covers, and wants to make one for this story; you're welcome to! :D Please? I'm really no good at it. Dx

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