Day Out

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Copyright 2013 Property of Amber B. (StarburstBuscus)

Well, here's the next chapter! Cheers! :D

Day Out

Derek and I walked hand in hand into Ryan’s room, and saw that Toby was in there already, like I suspected. I gasped when I saw how he was holding my son, upside down by his ankles, I saw enraged. “Toby! How dare you hold my son that way! Let him go! NOW!” I rushed over to hold Ryan in my arms, making sure he was okay. “If I ever catch you holding my child like that again, you. Are. Out. Of this house. Got it?” He nodded, looking frightened, and scurried out of the room.

Derek placed his hands on my hips gently, avoiding the bruises. “That may have been a little harsh, hon.” He whispered in my ear, nibbling on it slightly.

“Stop, Derek. We have plenty of time for that later. Right now, we’re taking our son out for the day before you leave again.” I spat at him, turning to leave the room. I looked down at little Ryan as we walked down the stairs. “Have you had anything to eat, big guy?”

“Yes, mommy. Toby make sandwiches.” I smiled down at down at him. I can’t believe he’s almost 4 years old. He’s already graduated pre-school, and in a few months he’ll be going into Kindergarten. I felt a tear fall at the thought and quickly wiped it away. He was growing up too fast. Before I know it he’ll be a teenager and driving. That’s a scary thought; Ryan driving. I laughed to myself a little. When we got to the car, I buckled him up in his car seat, and sat in the passenger seat to wait for Derek.

Derek got in the car and handed me my phone and purse. I thanked him with a kiss on the cheek, and he pulled out of the driveway, heading to the park.

When we got to the park, Ryan was a bundle of excitement. When I set him on the ground he ran off to go play on the giant play sets they had. Derek grabbed my hand and we sat on a bench while we watched Ryan play.

After a good thirty minutes, I decided that it was time to go. I asked Derek if he could go get Ryan, and he came back a few minutes later towing Ryan along behind him. Ryan obviously didn’t want to leave, but I knew what he would want more than staying. I crouched down to his level, “Now, Ryan. If you’re a good boy and get in the car without fussing, maybe we’ll stop by your favorite milkshake place. Okay?” He nodded happily, and ran ahead of us to the car. “Ryan! Slow down, sweetie!” I called after him, worried he would trip and hurt himself.

Derek put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him, kissing the top of my head. When we got to the car Derek opened my door for me, then put Ryan in his seat; tickling him in the process making him giggle.

We arrived at Cherry’s, the milkshake place and I spotted Toby’s car. I frowned at discreetly pointed it out to Derek, who just shrugged. My frown deepened, which made Derek kiss me lightly on the lips. I smiled, and kissed him back. “Eew, Daddy! Girls have cooties!”

When we walked in, I saw Toby sitting in a booth in the corner with Claire, his assistant. “Mommy, look! Toby here too! Can we sit with him, please?”

“Sweetie, today’s a family day, okay? Time for us to hang out together before daddy goes back to work tomorrow.”

“Okay, mommy.”

I smiled down at him, and then it was our turn to order. At Cherry’s you could pick any flavors you like and they will mix them for your own personal shake. Derek got an Oreo Mint milkshake, while I got a Reese’s Cup milkshake. We also got a kid size banana shake with whipped cream on top for Ryan.

We got our shakes when they were done and sat in a booth on the opposite side of the place as Toby and Claire. I would occasionally catch Toby look over here at us while we were enjoying our milkshakes. I would also catch a few words from their conversation as they talked. It was all Toby related; what he should do next, where he should go. Those kinds of things. I think he even recorded a lazy vlog while they were sitting there.

When Ryan was done with his shake, I turned to him. “Hey, sweetie why don’t you go sit with Toby while I talk to daddy about something real quickly, okay?”

He nodded, and ran over to Toby and Claire’s booth. Toby looked over at me shocked and I just held up a finger letting him know it would only be for a minute. He nodded and turned to look at Ryan then Claire, introducing them.

“When is he going to be out of the house?” I ask quickly.

Derek shrugs, “I’m not sure. Do you want him out? I could speak with him.”

“No, no. I was just wondering. It’s kind of nice having him around. With us being...busy, he’s been taking care of Ryan. I’ll have to thank him for that. You know, that’s kind of awful of us as parents...not even taking care of our own son, but putting it off for us to mess around, and letting someone else do it.” I frowned.

He reached for my hand across the table, and intertwined our fingers. “Hey, it happens, okay? At least we had Toby at the house while we were messing around and Ryan didn’t get left, nor did he walk in on us. I’d rather not have our son scarred at such a young age.” He smiled at me, making me smile back. “Come on, let’s get Ryan, and get out of here.”

We walked over to Toby, Ryan and Claire, and I smiled politely at Claire when she stuck her hand out. “My name’s Claire, you must be Scarlett! I’ve heard so much about you!” I gripped her hand, and smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Claire. It must be fun to be the assistant to such a wonderful man like Toby.”

“Oh, it really is great. Although, he works me to death sometimes!” She said, laughing.

Toby scoffed, and smiled lightly at Claire.

“Well, we really must be going. Today’s the last day we have as a family, before I have to get back to work.” Derek said sternly, making me frown at his tone.

“I’m sorry, you’ll have to excuse his tone at the moment. But he is right. We really must be going. It was nice meeting you Claire.” I smiled politely at her and grabbed Ryan’s hand, nodding towards Toby.

“It was nice meeting you too, Scarlett.”

Derek gripped my hand and pretty much yanked us out of Cherry’s and into the parking lot. I yanked my hand out of his grip, and walked ahead of him to the car, buckling Ryan in. I shut the door, and turned to mine, but Derek was standing in front of it, blocking me from getting in. I huffed, “Move.”

“You know I love you right?” he said shocking me.

“What? Yes, of course. And I love you.”

“Okay. I was just making sure.” He leaned down and kissed me chastely on the lips. He opened the door for me, and I got in, still wondering why he would ask that.

Is he doubting us? What’s going through his head?

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