Whats One More Excuse (Rick Barber)

820 18 14

*Danielle’s POV

I rolled over and slowly opened my eyes, regretting it moments later as the piercing red lights from my alarm clock made my head throb, after a few seconds I got up and walked into the bathroom, throwing my pyjamas into the linnen basket and jumping into the shower, the cool water ran down my body waking me up, and for a minute I felt safe. 

It didn’t last very long the sound of screaming soon filled my ears so I quickly I shut off the shower running back into my room and locking the door my chest feeling tight, it was hard to breathe. 

Once I had dried I did my makeup and put my hair up into a ponytail and then secured it halfway through making a sort of bun leaving my fringe down, I checked I had everything before slipping on my glasses and uniform, I grabbed my backpack and unlocked my door breathing heavily. 

I ran downstairs as fast as I could and out of the door, not bothering with breakfast. 


I walked through the halls of people gathered in small clusters, some of them were pointing and staring but it was nothing unusual, I just kept my head down and carried on walking to my form room. I walked to the back corner and sat in my usual seat, there were a few others in there but none of them seemed to notice me so I was safe for a while. I popped in my headphones and listened to Crystal Days by Echo And The Bunnymen There’s 2 types of music I absolutely adore, 80’s and Marianas Trench. 80’s is my escape and Marianas Trench just describes me. The song ended and our form tutor Miss Redfurn waltzed into the room looking strangely happy, I turned my music off before the next song started and unplugged my headphones sinking into my seat just praying the school day would end, but at the same time I knew that meant I had to face my parents.

My thoughts were interrupted “Dan, take these to Miss Jones would you” Miss Redfurn beamed I sighed picking my bag up slinging it over my shoulder and shuffling to the front of the room , why does she always pick me? It just draws attention to me. I grab the note from Miss and turn on my heels to walk out the room when I crash into something. I look up to see Elektra Perkins and I immediately feel a cold shiver down my spine. “Oi 4 eyes, watch where you’re going I thought glasses were supposed to help you see” she hissed before kicking me and walking off. It stung, but I was used to stinging. 

I picked myself up off the floor and walked out as fast as I could without making it obvious I was scared, because lets be honest this was Elektra, everyone was scared when it came to Elektra. 

The morning went by a blur as I’d hoped the only thing I can really remember is some problems with Elektra and her mates starting on me in maths but luckily for me soon enough it was time for lunch, from the last 3 years here I’ve discovered to avoid humiliation the library is the place to be, so I didn’t even bother walking to the canteen I just headed straight for the library where Mr Reuter greeted me with a warming smile like usual, I returned it before making my way to the back of the library I plonked down in my seat and looked around, as usual it was empty except from a couple of people, but I never really had the courage to talk to them, they’ll probably just hate me, everyone else does. I fiddled with a loose patch of the rough burgundy fabric on the chair with my hands, and tried to fight my urges, but soon enough I couldn’t, I reached into my makeup bag and grabbed my eyeliner sharpener, unscrewing it until a fresh sharp blade was in my hand, pressed up against my wrist. I dug it in and began to drag as Elektra’s cruel remarks circled my head “you’re fat, ugly, worthless, nobody likes you, even the teachers pity you” and soon I felt a rush and a smirk appeared across my pale face, I put the blade back and squeezed it causing more blood to fall from the long horizontal line, which was parallel to many others. I turned my music on and Say Anything by Marianas Trench came on, I muttered the words “Hurts the same when nobody knows guess that‘s just how it goes, and I, I won‘t say anything at all” 

I ignored the rumblings of my stomach, I didn’t really want to get any fatter and be the subject of anyone else’s joke. I just sat, softly tracing my wrists with my finger. Eventually the bell went and I pulled out my timetable, Great double P.E just what I need!

{A/N Plz don't hate me but the introduction to Rick comes in the next chapter, but that doesn't mean they'll get together early}

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2013 ⏰

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