How it starts.

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In the port town of Apollo on the island Xenthiesa, two families stroll down Williams street. Walking about midway, they stopped. Both had one child. The Black family had one son his name Alex and he was running around the 4 grown ups. The Royal family had a daughter, about a year old, looking around wildly in he mothers arms, trying to reach out to Alex who would get close to her face before running away, giggling.

The sun was setting, the parents bid their farewells for the day and went to their homes. They lived across the street from one another. It was like this everyday. Do some things alone, then go out with the other family, come back, repeat. As the years past by, Amara gets yelled at for not wearing proper women's clothing by her mother, Alex learns how to play the guitar, Amara gets her shoes, socks, and pants wet while Alex decides he's going to be a blacksmith and must attend apprentice school when he turns 16.

Before he turns 16, Alex and Amara-Belle like to sit by each other on the bench by the portside, watching as the ships dock and leave. Alex has taken a liking to his girl that he's known since he can ever remember but he cannot put his feelings out there. She is far too young to understand in his eyes. If only he'd made the first move then maybe, jussssst maybe she would reciprocate his feelings. Now here's where we really begin our story.

It was Alex's last day before he was about to go start school. Alex and Amara had scheduled a meeting at the bench. Alex was going to spill his guts to her, she wouldn't have to see him and she could contemplate the idea. That morning though, Amara, as usual, was getting yelled at by her mother through the kitchen window to "go put a dress on like a proper young lady." Amara rolled her eyes and walked to the window,"but mother, let Alex remember me as Amara-Belle, not some ditzy corner concubine." Her mother rolled her eyes. Amara-Belle gave her a nervous smile,"well I'm off! I'll be back!" Mom smiled and continued cooking.

Getting to the bench she sat down and looked around. Today there was a different sail on one of the ships. A black one with a skull and crossbones,"how different..." She got up, Alex wasn't around yet and she wanted to go explore.

Amara turned her head at the sounds of distant gunshots. There was an exchange and some more gunshots. The crowd started to scream and go different ways. No one was going towards the ship, deciding now was better a time then never she went to go explore the unknown. Looking up as she ran towards the ship it got even bigger! Turning her head this way and that, no one was around to witness her quickly walking up the board the Pirates had laid across to walk down on.
She was on a pirate ship! She giggled to herself, covering her mouth quickly from being heard. It seemed ghostly, no one was on. The only sound other than he waves crashing was the sail hitting against the mast. There was an open door with stairs that led down. "Helloooooo~?" She singsonged down the stairwell. Not hearing anything but the groaning if the wood, she took a step. It echoed down. Pausing, she listened for anything more. Not hearing anything, she continued her descent.

Reaching the bottom, she was in a hallway with doors on both sides. Some open, others closed. Peering into the first door on her left, she saw a bunk bed embedded into the wall and on the other side two bunk-hammocks. "Intriguing..." She sniffed and covered her nose,"disgusting." Quickly moving on to the first door on her right it was the same layout, some clothes were on the ground, and it smelled less but bad all the same. Moving on the next few doors were closed and she wasn't one to invade privacy. Going around the corner she could go two ways. Straight or right. Turning right, she found an infirmary like area. There were three metal tables, a cabinet of mysteries and a book on a desk. There were a couple books on the shelves. "Mysterious Matters of the Body and how to cure them." She looked at it and laughed at the curious title, the other one read," Dina's Homemade Remedies and Teas to Soothe the Ailed." Amara shook her head and thought to herself, such long titles, what in the world? She went to the desk and looked at the open book. It seemed to be a diary, perhaps a journal of sorts. Lifting up the front of the book, putting her hand down to keep the page, she was about to see the title when she heard loud thumps on the ceiling. Many thumps, as if a heard of cattle had suddenly climbed aboard. Leaving the book she looked around, anywhere. There was a dark corner behind the cabinet of curious items and she quickly went there. Hiding herself from the doorway. The only way you could see her were if you entered all the way and looked over the metal table and next to the cabinet. She hugged her knees and covered her mouth staying quiet.

She flinched as she heard more gunshots and then it felt as if they had started to move. Her eyes widened. She was on a pirate ship, alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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