Im sorry.. i love you

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~ Iceland x Chubby! Reader ~
you ran away crying, its been them again, your legs ran without knowing where they were going, been guided by your heart. you ended up on a familiar doorstep, you knocked, tears still streaming and you trying to wipe them off, a blonde opened the door, a warm smile in his face turning into a frown when he saw you.

"(y/N) what happened?"

you looked at him, giving up on trying to wipe off the damned salty water coming out

" happened...again, can i come in?"

he male rapidly nodded and hugged you once you were inside, attracting the attention of the other 3 males in the room who looked concerned

"again?" the Norwegian male said

The Finnish man nodded still hugging you tightly

"don't listen to them (y/n), you're beautiful the way you are" the danish male said while the last male moved over to you and hugged you tightly, like a father would,

you however did not stop crying and a few sniffs could be heard from he shirt of the taller male who just closed his eyes, trying not to cry himself, Tino in tears behind you Mathias and Lukas watching with teary eyes.

footsteps could be heard from upstairs, your eyes widened and you stepped back, breaking the hug

he was here?!

you stumbled back, the footsteps coming from upstairs got louder and you panicked.

turning around you wiped the tears and excused yourself

"ah, i have to go! thank you" but as you neared the door the footsteps stopped, and the words that reached your ears made you freeze,

"(y/n)?" his breath was airy as if he was running and you looked at him, flushed face silver locks everywhere and he was breathing heavily, you looked to the 4 males in an attempt to make them help you but the look was mistaken as a leave us alone, the males looked at Tino

"ah we need to go, I'm sorry " the 4 males went out and Emil turned to you
"what happened to you? i didn't see you today, are you mad at me, I'm sorry"

he talked to fast and you looked down,

"nothing happened and i was ...helping the teachers...yeah helping"

"you look like you were crying, tell me, Cant you trust me?"

Damn his stubborn nature

" I trust you, but not with this, sorry"

you made a run for it, but his words stopped you, once again

"I saw what happened, I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

you looked at him and noticed the tears falling rapidly down his cheeks, without noticing you where next to him, as he dropped to the ground and you knelt next to him, hugging him as he hugged you back

"I'm sorry (y/n) I'm so sorry"

you just hugged him tightly as fresh hot tears ran down your cheeks

a few minutes later you both parted from he hug, faces tinted with pink, he smiled softly and wiped your tears from your face, quickly wiping his with his sleeve , he stood up and offered you a hand, you smiled and took it, maybe he used a little to much force to get you up and you ended up crashing into his chest, you blushed and tried to get away, only to get pulled into a hug once again, you smiled and listened to his heart beat.

suddenly he lifted your chin and before you could answer he pressed his lips to yours, your eyes widened in surprise.

he is k-kissing me?!

as the thought sank in he pulled away and you looked at him, cheeks flushed deep red, eyes looking down, his silver hair covering his eyes and preventing you from looking at him

"I-I am so-"

however before he could finish his sentence you pressed your lips to his, quickly pulling away , he smiled and looked at you, a loving look in his eyes and a small smile forming in his lips.

" I love you" he looked at you and you smiled at him, a loving look in your eyes as well

"I love you too"


guys, guys guys, im sorry,

gomen this is trash i suck but anyways here

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