Alone 3/21/14

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I only smile, I only giggle for you.

I'm just a big baby in a grown up body.

You bring a smile to my face.

I'm just a little girl in a grown up world.

I just want you happy, even if it means that I get pain.

I'll give my live away if it meant to being you happiness.

I'll give my life away if you get to see another day.

I'm just a dumb little girl, who know nothing at all.

I would help you stand tall, even if it meant I had to fall.

I'll keep my ailments if you desire.

I'm just a slave and you are the master.

I'll jump in the river for you.

If you have a smile that's all I ask for

Because I'm just a stupid little girl in a grown up world.

I'm just a big baby in a grown up body.

You bring a smile to my face.

I'm just a little girl in a grown up world.

I just want you happy, even if it means that I get pain.

I'll give my live away if it meant to being you happiness.

Its just take one phrase to make me stay or make me go.

So just love me or forget me.

I'm just a pupet as you pull the stings.

Just remeber my heart is feagile and just one thing can make it brake.

You throw the key away.

Just promise to not to brake my heart.

God just gave me one so don't gamble with it.

Now I dont know were I stand.

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