Bleeding out

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Pushing the door slowly, I made my way inside the room and closed the door with the back of my foot. Making my way to the bed which was placed in the middle of the room. I sat  on the chair which was placed near the bed, I looked at his face. His skin was ghostly pale, tubes surrounded him and a monitor was placed next to his bed which annoyed me to no end with its constant beeping.

"Hey stalker, " he said in a hoarse voice, opening those stormy, grey eyes. I helped him sit up straight, it  was a difficult task since I had to avoid hurting him in any way as possible because of how fragile he was like a piece of expensive glass.

"How are you feeling?"

"Same old, same old"

He grinned as I placed a kiss on his forehead, taking out the stuff from my duffel bag, I handed it to him. His eyes lit up like the fireworks on the Fourth of July as he started to wolf the food down.

"Oh this is so good, I love Taco Bell" He moaned as he stuffed his face. Soon after he was patting his stomach and burping. I frowned, and he passed a sheepish smile.

"You ready?" Standing up I dusted my jeans off and placed my hands on my hips. I tried to look intimidating, knowing I was failing.

"Hell yeah! I'm not gonna die in a hospital, where the nurses aren't even hot"

I suppress a smile and shake my head "They aren't supposed to be hot. They should be fat and ugly with moles, the size of  rats on their left cheeks"

His eyes glittered "Afraid that I'm going to run off with the girl at the reception?"

Crossing my arms over my chest, I narrowed my eyes. "No"

After changing him out of his hospital gown and a few crude comments later. We were ready to get out of this place, placing his arm on my shoulder. Walking out, we headed towards the exit. A few nurses and doctors looked at us with sympathetic eyes, which we simultaneously ignored.

Finally we reached the big double door which would let us out, I glared at the girl behind the glass table which was the only thing, separating me from ripping her blonde hair out . William silently laughed at my thunderous expression. After checking out of there, I dragged him out of there so she'd stop flirting with him. The car ride to his home was filled with useless chatter that made my heart ache.

Turning the ignition off, I glanced at him. His glassy eyes were fixed on the house where he'd spent his childhood . Helping him out of the car, we walked towards the door. I hadn't even rang the doorbell but it bursted open and Mrs. Storm pulled us into the house.

"Oh William" Mrs. Storm spluttered  hugging him, as if afraid that she'd hurt her own son. Mr. Storm joined the hug and tried to force his tears back but despite his will, a few of them leaked out leaving a sticky trail against his cheek.

A wave of hurt crashed over me, leaving me breathless that I had to lean on a wall to support myself from falling down. Tearing my eyes away from them, I forced myself to look at the floor. But no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't look away. It was pure torture.

"Come here Charlotte" Mrs.Rose whispered and held out her hand, taking it cautiously she pulled me into the hug, for a few minutes we all stayed in that position, all of us, afraid of letting go. Because once we did, the harsh pain of reality would come crashing down on us.


It surrounded us, like a comforting blanket. I wanted to think it was bad dream, more like a nightmare but deep down I knew that was reality and there was no way of escaping it.


We both were laying on a blanket in his backyard, with pillows underneath our heads, staring at the moon and the backdrop of stars.

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