Ace Parker

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A/N: Yay another chap up. That's all I got to say. Happy Mothers Day! Anyway, on to the story.

PS: on the side is the dress Sky wore.


Sky's POV

I woke up and looked at the clock. I was noon. I sigh and I got up. Since today is saturday I didn't need to freak out for being super late for school. Anyway, I went to the bathroom and did all my things I usually did.

I then went the my living room and started to work on my school work. Yes, my damn teachers gave me homework on the weekends especially my algebra teacher. Ever since I had pulled that prank on Erick. That teacher has been messing with me. She'll give tons of work and top of that I have to go to work. That bitch nows I go to work. The money I got from work I use it to get some food. Hanna pays the rent and bills. Believe me when I tell I hate that she does. I want to do this on my own, but she wouldn't take no an answer so I had no choice to agree.

After, I was done I got up to take a shower and to get ready for work. I work at Petco and I love it. Went I get enough money I might get a dog. I just love animals. I looked at the clock and it was 2 so I grabbed my phone and called Hanna.

"Hey this Hanna, can't get to the phone right, but leave a message after the tone," the answering machine said.

"Hanna, can you come pick me up I'm going to be late for work."

I called Tony but he apparently was gonna get laid. I shrugged and took the bus. I walked out of the door locking it and went to the bus stop.

"Hello, is this the bus that heads to near the plaza," a male voice to my right said. I turned around to find a beautiful guy in front of me. Dark blonde messy wet hair piercing grey ayes beautiful sculpted lips.

I stopped staring and nodded. I turned around again. Minutes past wen the bus came. The driver open the door and I got in. I paid and I scan the bus for empty seats. I took the nearest one. I looked out side the window and waited for the bus to start moving.

"Is this seat taking?"

I looked to where the voice came from and my eyes met the same grey eyes from before. I shook my head no and when back to look out the window.

" name is Ace Parker," the guy sitting next to me. I turned my head and shook the hand that he had extended out.

"Mines Scarlet Sky Crus, but I prefer Sky. Nice to meet you!" I said and gave him a smile.

Throughout the bus ride we talked. I learned that he just move here and that he is going to be attending the same I'm in. It surprised me cuz he sure looks a lot older then he really is. He is 19 years old. He had state back I twice in seventh grade. He is going to look for a job in Petco so that is why he is heading to the plaza. He loves animal and after graduating his planing on vet school. He loves music and loves BVB. He plays basketball and is hoping to get in the shoals basketball teem.

We both swapped numbers and agreed to call each other to hangout some time. after we got out of the bus we both headed to Petco. He opened the door as soon as we got there. I said thank you and went to clock in. I then went the cashier counter. I stood waiting. That was pretty much it. Sometimes people came in with there dogs or cats. Today is busier than usual because they got the vet come in so the dogs can get their vaccinations. I looked around to see all different types of dogs in line. Yorkies, german shepherds, chihuahuas, greyhound, poodles. The list could go on. I smiled and looked away. I sigh and started to tap my fingers in the counter.

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