Ghost Town

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The ride into town was filled with an awkward tension between Daryl and I. He didn't trust me and I definitely didn't trust him. He had something primal about him. It was as if he was the ultimate predator. Which was something I had become personally associated with since I was literally created to be an indestructible weapon in a human form. But the difference between him and I, was that I was created to be this way, it was what I was made for. He, on the other hand, had a choice; and the fact that he chose to be this way left me feeling uneasy, and for the first time in my life, a little bit threatened.

He glanced my way for the thirtieth time and I felt the need to stick one of my knives in his eye socket. But that wouldn't exactly get me far in this group, so I had to sit on my hands. He gave me a look that clearly said he thought I was out of mind as I slid my hands under me. If he knew it was for his own safety I think he would be a little more understanding, either that or it would just piss him off, my vote was on the latter.

I imagined how much easier it would be to just shove the redneck off the tailgate until I felt the truck start to ease to a stop. I grinned when I realized I wouldn't be stuck on the tailgate with the creepy man anymore. I quickly removed my hands from under me and grabbed my bow. Sliding off the back with ease, I took in my surroundings. It wasn't much of a town, more like one of those tiny ones with only a convenient store and a few other shady buildings. The type you would stop to get gas at and then never look back.

I looked at Rick in confusion and raised an eyebrow. He knew this type of reaction was coming and sighed. "It's not much, but it's all we have to work with, plus it's safer, their's not likely to be many Walkers here." I nodded and gave my own sigh. If there were any supplies here, it wouldn't be much.

We all broke off on our own to scavenge the buildings with our certain orders. Shane would be looking for food, Rick would look for medical supplies, Glenn would look for any helpful items, Daryl would look for weapons, and I would look for clothes and such.

I found a small Dollar General and looked around skeptically, but none the less grabbed a big duffel bag to fill up. I found the kids rack first and grabbed a few things that might fit Carl and Sophia. Next I just grabbed a handful of the men's section, and then the same with the women's. I found a shoe section and grabbed different pairs of running shoes that might fit people in our group.

When it looked like it was all I was going to get from the clothing options, I looked around for anything else that would be helpful. I found a bunch of packages of lighters and threw them in my bag along with the lighter fluid. Proud for the small but awesome victory I kept strolling through the isles. When I got to the last one I smiled and did a small happy dance. In front of me were stacks of canned food. I filled the rest of the bag up with as many as I could until it wouldn't hold anymore. When it got to that point I headed to the truck and slung the bag into the back, I noticed a few other bags back there and nodded in approval before going back to the store.

I grabbed another bag and headed to the back aisle and put in the rest of the food. Knowing the others wouldn't be done searching yet I went over the isles again, but, this time, more thoroughly. I found boxes of band aids and tossed them in, I also found plenty of bottles of Aspirin and Tylenol.

Satisfied that I got the most out of this store that I could, I headed back to the truck to drop off the second bag. When I got there Glenn was already standing there staring off into space. I waved my hand in front of his face and he jumped and looked down sheepishly. I gave him a small smile and tossed the bag into the back.

We stood at the truck and waited for the others, every once in a while we would strike up small conversations to keep it from being awkward. When it finally started to get dark an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. "Shouldn't they be done by now?" Glenn was obviously following my train of thought. I nodded my head and bit my lip. We all knew it wasn't safe at night, it was too hard to see walkers sneaking up on you. I waited a couple more minutes before finally deciding to take action. "Get in the truck." Glenn looked at me funny but complied anyway.

I got into the drivers seat and started it up, I backed it into a small Auto Repair garage before turning it off and climbing out. Glenn took my lead and did the same. He looked at me for some sort of orders so I put my finger to my lips and started to walk along the buildings shadows. When I got to the store Rick had last gone in I slipped through the door and looked around. It was obvious he had been in here, the shelves had been picked clean, I trailed my eyes around the walls and floors for anything suspicious and frowned when I saw the small revolver laying on the floor. I motioned to Glenn and he followed my gaze towards Rick's gun. He silently cursed and went over to pick it up.

We left the store and headed towards the place where Shane was supposed to be, my uneasiness continued to grow as we searched and once again found nothing but a small black pistol on the floor. I could tell Glenn was starting to panic, a part of me wanted to do the same, but genetics fought against me, I wasn't allowed to panic, my survival instincts were too strong. I grabbed the small pistol and stuck it in my waistband. I wordlessly stalked out of the store and rushed to where I silently prayed for Daryl to be. When I got nothing but his crossbow thrown on the floor, I let out a weird animal like hiss. Glenn stared down at the crossbow and the color drained from his face. We both knew Daryl wouldn't just leave it behind, unless he absolutely had to unless something far more dangerous than him forced him to.

With that thought, I knew something was absolutely wrong. Whatever was going on would be something powerful, powerful enough to force three strong men to drop their weapons.

I knew I should feel scared, or at least, have some sort of fear. But for some reason, I just felt pissed off. This was my group. And I would be damned if I was going to let something happen to them. With that thought, I turned to Glenn and gave him a grim smile. I had a plan. But only God himself would know if it was stupid enough to work.


So everyone, as promised, here is your chapter.

What do you think?

Who or what could have gotten the guys to surrender so easily?

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I know it's kind of rude to ask but you guys never really vote or comment on the chapters (except for the amazing few) so I never know if I should quit the story because I'm sucking it up or something.


Love you guys...


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