Letters 1, 2, 3

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05 January 2015

Hey, Jisoo. Or should I call you.. Joshua? ㅋㅋ Since its your english name right and you're in US. Hahaha. So, hows life there in US? Is it fun? Did you get to meet many new friends? Well.. its been a month away since you transfered and I feel really lonely without you here. I called you for many times but the operator said it cant reach since you're in overseas. So, urm yeah.. btw hey! I keep my promise! Hehe. I promise you that I will write letters to you almost everyday right? See, I've done it! Woo, I never thought that writing a letter will be this fun ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Anyway, I need to sleep cuz school is tomorrow! ㅋㅋ I will wait for your reply :) I miss you so much, Jisoo.

06 January 2015

Annyeong, Jisoo! Hey guess what? I got some new friends at school today! Yay! ㅋㅋ They are hilarious you know hahaha. I kinda like our new homeroom teacher. She's kind. Oh oh! and do you remember the new kid that got bullied last year? That Lee Jihoon kid. You will not believe this, but.. he look so handsome this year! Well, of course, you're the most handsome guy I ever seen. Hahaha. Oh, and he also got another name. Wait. What is it again..? Urm..Ha! Yea, its Woozi! People called him Woozi. Dont ask me why cuz I dont even know why ㅋㅋ hahaha Fuh.. finally.. I'm glad I could met many new friends. But still.. I miss you so much, Jisoo.

07 January 2015

Hey, Jisoo. Today I talked to my new deskmate. She's so cute! Her name is Minju. She loved to dance and singing. She also loved to play guitar. Just like you! You should meet her, really. I miss hearing your voice singing and miss seeing you playing your guitar. Dont forget to record it and send it to me, okay? I miss you so much, Jisoo.

*****STORY by; kimsyaz****

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