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Suicide haunted my life and sometimes still does. The first bit, I felt sad for myself but then I stopped someone from doing it.

Then I thought, let's do that more!

And hence, the EndTheEnd Project was created.


Put down that gun.
Put down that knife.
Drop that weapon and grab onto your life.
Hold on, 'cause even though, in the end it
Won't be alright...
At least you'll live tonight.

So put down that weapon,
Poison, or pill,
That old piece of rope, and
That metal chain, too.
Snap out of the feeling of suicide,
Because as long as you're around me,
It'll be alright.

So put down that gun! Put down that knife!
Drop your weapons, and hang on to your life!
Come on, you've succeeded so far. Just a bit longer until you reach Mars.

Run away from the tendency to harm,
The needs to kill,
The want to starve.
Run away, to the hills, or the old forest!
Come on, baby!
This is for the best.

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