Mine ~ A Jack Harries FanFic

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Chapter 1

Elise’s POV -

"Hurry Up! We are going to be late!" I scream out to my best friend, Lisa. I am waiting tapping my foot at the front door waiting for Lisa to get ready for VidCon 2013. Thinking about if we miss this, all that effort I did to get the tickets, staying up all night. Lisa runs down the stairs bolting to the door, "I'm so sorry. But my eyeliner was stuffed" she said with a stupid looking face. "I have no time for your sob story. Let's go!” I say. We both run out to the car, “Shotgun” calls out Lisa. Gah. I have to drive. Lisa and I have a thing that whoever calls shotgun doesn’t have to drive. I personally hate driving in the city. But. They things you do to get to meet people that inspire your life.

I was so excited. Lisa and I were in the car jamming to One Direction – Kiss you. As most of the youtubers we like, love one direction! It was about a half an hour drive to the place that we were going. Once we got there. Straight away I found a parking spot which was surprising as there were a lot of cars around. I pull into the parking spot. Turn off the car. Lisa and I both took a deep breath. We both got out of the car, and beside me was the two most beautiful looking twins. Jack and Finn Harries. Holy. Mother. Of. God. The most awkward thing was, I am pretty shy. So I just stood there like a potato. Thinking breathe Elise, breathe.

Jack’s POV-

After a really long week of flying to America and driving around sightseeing.  Finn and I have finally made it to VidCon 2013. I was so scared. I look outside my window, and see a beautiful girl with long blondish coloured hair with sparkling blue eyes. She was beautiful. “What are you looking at there Jacky?” said my cheeky twin Finn. I look at him and said “Uh, nothing, nothing at all.” I look away and stare at my feet. “I bet you, you were looking at that girl other there weren’t you.” He winks at me. “Uhm, maybe.” I say still looking at my feet. We both get out of the car, and I see the girl again. I smile at her, and she just stood there. I didn’t know what to do. Did I have something on my face? Did my hair look stupid from all the driving? I walk over to her,  “Hi. Are you okay?” I laughed. “Uh, yeah. I’m fine.” She said looking at her feet. “Well I’m Jack, and you are?” I ask her sweetly. “I-I-I’m Elise.” She said shyly. “You don’t have to be afraid of me. I’m not going to bite!” I laughed.  “Yeah, sorry. I just..” Then a girl cuts her off. “Hi! I am Lisa. And oh my god I am such a big fan! Elise is shy if you don’t already know. She has like heaps of photos in her room of you.” She giggled. “Awh, that’s pretty cute! How would you girls like to come backstage with Finny and I!?” They both screamed. “Okay, okay, Finny! Get your ass over here. Come and meet Elise and Lisa!” Finn bolts over from eating all the food. “Hi!” said Finn. “Hey” said Elise and Lisa together. “They are coming backstage with us!” I explained. “Awesome!” Finn replied. He kept on looking at Lisa. I giggled under my breath, so did Elise. “Maybe we should give them our phone number so if they lose us, they can find us?” said Finn. “Great idea!” I replied. I first take Elise’s phone and put in a contact as “Sexy Jack(; “ she giggled as I gave it back.

Hey guys, this is my first ever fanfic. Tell me what you think!

Don’t be afraid to ask me anything! Xo

Note; I do NOT do sex scenes :P 

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