The turning of a tide

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Star made her way down the mountain to where she saw the glow from a fire. As she walked closer and closer the glowing became brighter and brighter then she finally realized it wasn't one fire it was several. She hid in a bush and peered towards the light parting the bush down the center to see. Star gazed upon a small town, the town had hangings upon buildings of flags and glowing lanterns hung using wire to string across buildings.

"A festival?", Star questioned quietly to herself.

A scent hit Star as soon as she finished her sentence, a fresh scent of caramel apples and pumpkin pie. Star's stomach groaned loudly in response to the tempting smell of the pastry's and treats that were made at the festival. Star stopped herself and realized she didn't have her purse on her nor did her dress have pockets (seriously, why don't dresses have pockets?). She stared sadly at the festival knowing she didn't have money for food, she stood up and started to walk away.

"Hey, wait up!"

A familiar voice caught Star's attention and she stopped in her tracks to turn around and find Bailey the girl from the group she had picked on before. Her curious senses quickly turned to a shocked fear as she looked at Bailey.

"Um.. uh, nice to see you again?", Star said in fear of getting hated by her again.

"Aren't you coming to the festival?", Bailey asked in full curiousity.

"I thought you and your group hated me?", Star's curiousity peaked.

"Come on", Bailey grabbed Star's wrist and brought her to the table where everyone in the group that Star had argued with was sitting and enjoying a meal.

"What is she doing here?", Sarah had asked with a little bit of hatred and curiousity in her voice before taking another bite of the caramel apple she had in her hand.

"I thought she could join us for a nice time, ya know, turn the tide on the hatred we had?", Bailey turned towards the group awaiting an answer.

"Hmm, i like the idea of peace", alexandra spoke up.

Emily pointed and nodded to alexandra's comment in agreement after taking another bite of the slice of apple pie she had in front of her.

Everyone's head turned to scarlet awaiting her answer. Her eyes grew wide and she slowed down chewing then swallowed and spoke up, "Um...why are you guys looking at me?"

Sarah face palmed while the rest of the group sighed.

"I'm just kidding with you guys", Scarlet chuckled then cleared her throat and spoke again, "Fine, we'll give her a chance to start with a clean slate here and to us", Scarlet cut a slice of pumpkin pie and put it on a plate and slid it down the table to Star.

"Thank you all so much", Star stood up and went around the table giving everyone a hug then sitting down grabbing a fork and digging into the slice of pumpkin pie.

"So, how did you get here?", Emily questioned Star.

Star took a break from shoveling bites of pumpkin pie into her mouth and spoke, "Well, it may seem crazy but, a dream took me here."

Sarah's attention quickly went from her caramel apple to listening to Star's words, "A dream? Mind explaining that dream?"

Star explained the dream to Sarah in full detail then continued eating what was left of the slice of pie in front of her.

"Did you feel pain in that dream?"

"Um, as a matter of fact i did feel pain as i landed on the concrete when she took me to my flashbacks", Star set down her fork to speak, "Does that matter?"

"Yes actually, because that was never a dream", Sarah explained, "In dreams you can't feel pain."

"While in real life..", Scarlet takes a break in her sentence and punches Sarah's arm.

"Ouch...", Sarah rubbed her arm.

" can feel pain", Scarlet resumed her sentence.

"Was that necessary?", Sarah looked at Scarlet.

"Yes, yes it was."

"Wait a second, why are you guys here anyways and where are we?", Star interrupted.

"We always come here, its where we get to help people in need", Alexandra answered Star.

"Welcome to Tri-Town, the lower region of the kingdom of the celestial queens", Scarlet contributed to Alexandra's answer.

"Celestial queens?"

"Supposibly the queens were descendants of goddesses of the sun, moon and stars", Sarah said while setting down the stick that had the core of an apple on it then scooting her plate forward to make room for her arms.

"Well how do i get to them?", Star spoke up.

"You need to be of importance to the queens or have a royal title by doing something beyond good for the kingdom".

"But i want to talk to them about my dream", Star got up, "Where's their castles? Point me to them."

"Hold your horses Star, we'll head up there after we clean up", Sarah held the edge of Star's sleeve and pulled her back to the table.


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