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The darkness hides nothing,and everything. It holds it infinite potential in its inky blackness in the sky. It's shadows are invisible to the normal reality, but this is no ordinary reality. I think as the blackness of sleep overcomes me. I start to shift into an ethereal- like body, translucent and reflective. I soon found myself standing in a room made of a blue cloth. "Welcome..... to my humble abode, please take a seat," said a voice from behind me.
I turn around to find a man. He was about 5"5, had a black suit with a blue bow tie on, and wore a hat of blue equal to the shade of a sapphire. His hair was silver, so I estimated that he was about 70 years old. On his suit he had a pin made of gold. It was a great bridge, with three upward supports, the center support being longer than the others. Within supports were the letters H,D, and F. He had a face with leering eyes, and a grin that made me shiver, and his entire body seemed to shimmer like a diamond.
"My name is Igor,"he said as I was about to speak, his smile growing infinitely bigger."You are in a room that exists between mind, and matter, body, and soul," said the shining man."It exists beyond time and space, and only people with an intriguing destiny may enter here. In fact,I can see a glimpse into your future right now," he said. "Oh..... I see..... You are about to embark on a epic quest, a quest in which if you fail, will mean the end of your reality. You must have an abundance of power for your journey..... I have foreseen these events, and I must say you will need all the help you can get," he said with a tone of curiosity."What is your name?" As soon as he said that, I saw a flurry of colors and visions enter my mind as I was pulled away from the room, his last few words echoing in my mind.
"Who am I?" I said to myself as I awoke with a startling jolt.

The dreamwalkers #1Where stories live. Discover now