Chapter One

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I felt a jolt as I stood up. Energy ran up my spine to my head, like electricity moving from an outlet to a phone. I looked around at my surroundings. I was in a desolate town, metal trash cans littered around the area, but not a soul in sight. I squinted, trying to see into the distance, when I heard a voice from behind me. "Hey, Alex over here!" The girl said in a friendly, inviting manner. I turned around and looked at her from afar. Her eyes where a dark blue with a hint of white sparkles in them. She had long wavy brown hair with a streak of red on the left side of her face and a streak of blue on the right. She wore a Red Hot Chili Peppers T-shirt with blue jeans and converse. Around her neck was a gleaming emerald pendant that was so dazzling that it ended up being all I could focus on. "Alex? Is something wrong?" I started walking over there with a puzzled expression, as I did not know who she was.
"Is that my name?" I said, as I wasn't sure of who I was. "Is my name Alex?"
"Yes it is, don't you remember me?" She said in a beautiful voice that echoed as a melody to his ears. "It's me, It's me Iris, don't you remember me?"
"No I'm sorry," I said, as she walked toward me and hugged me tightly enough to feel her heart beating rapidly. "I don't remember anything "

She started sobbing on my chest now, and as I started pushing her back, I realized that she was my only connection to my past. I then hugged her back and said the only thing I could.
" I need help getting my memories back, would you help me?"
She replied with tears streaming down her cheeks
"I can't"
"Why not?"
"Because it's my fault this happened to you!" She screamed as an earthquake started shaking the world , cracking as we were split apart.
"Find me! Find me in your heart, so that we may be together again!" She screamed as her amulet flew into my hands, glowing like a rainbow, as everything became white with light.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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