1. Getting the Job

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A week ago, a woman named Mary phoned in to ask me if I'd be open to the idea of being a part-time caretaker to a disabled student in exchange for food and a place to stay. Since I'd turned down a full scholarship from Duke to attend Harvard on partial scholarship, I'd been trying to find a way to get free boarding. Of course, I balked at the idea. Who wouldn't? I mean, I didn't get into the top university in the country just to play nanny to someone... But now, it seemed like the idea was becoming more and more of a reality. I couldn't find any better alternatives. I'd just gotten off the phone with a counsellor, who'd advised me that Mary's offer would be the best I'd get. So, sighing, I phone Mary's office. "Hey, Mary," I say. "Could you give me more details on the caretaker offer?"

"Hello, Alyssa, dear. I had a feeling you'd be getting back to me," I can hear the smile in her voice. "Are you free right now? I could meet you for a coffee," she offers.

I'm staying at a hotel until I can find a permanent living arrangement, which is depleting my meagre savings all too quickly. Seriously, I'm living on two, sometimes one, meal a day, and cup noodles is the only thing on the menu. Bottom line, I need to get out of here, fast. "Sure, Mary. Does the cafe down the street from your office work for you?"

"Wonderful, dear. I'll meet you there in five minutes." I sling my bag over my shoulder and head out the door.

I've never met Mary before, so I breathe a sigh of relief when the friendly hostess leads me straight to her table. Mary turns out to be a sweet, grey-haired lady in her fifties or sixties. "Hello, dear," she beams, and bypassed my outstretched hand in favour of a grandmotherly hug. "Have a seat. I've taken the liberty of ordering coffee and food for the both of us." She waves at the steaming plates of pasta being set in front of us.

My heart sinks. I pull out my wallet. "Oh, you didn't have to, Mary-"

She stops me, placing a hand over mine. "Stop, dear. You don't need to pay me back. If you really want to, then you can pay me back when you're no longer living on one meal a day and worrying about the roof over your head. Now, shall we get on with business?" Her tone is firm but kind, and I blink back touched tears, nodding. "The student we've paired you up with is a C-6 quadriplegic. I'm assuming you have a vague idea of what that means, since you'll be starting med school in a few weeks. He's quite desperate for a live-in student helper, but I'll let him explain that when he meets you. Basically, you'd be helping him dress in the morning, undress and shower at night. He's willing to hire helpers to do whatever, whenever you're not available, especially during exam period or if you have a major test coming up. He will provide full room and board including food, for the length of your studies here, and also pay you around $7,000 a month, but the salary is negotiable. You're free to use any of the amenities in his house, and he has a housekeeper who does cooking, cleaning and laundry. And that's all there is to it. What do you say, Alyssa?"

"Um, where do I sign?" I muster a smile, and quickly scan through the succinct contract before signing it and handing it back.

"Wonderful, honey. I just know this'll be great," she squeezes my hand. Now, there's someone I'd like you to meet." She stands quickly, as a guy wheels over from another table, and removes her chair so he can slot neatly into the space. Wait a minute. Wheels? "Alyssa, meet Adrian Knight, your new housemate."

A/N: Promising? Let me know.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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