Kissing Rock

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Alison's Pov

Alison: "EMILY! STOP!"

Aria: "Where is she running to?"

Then i thought about The Kissing Rock. When things got complicated, me and Emily always found ourselves at Kissing Rock. Kissing Rock is our spot. And I know Emily good, well at least I thought so. I don't know what changed in her life last 5 years.

Alison: "I know where she went."

Hanna: "Then what are we waiting for, let's go!"

Alison: "NO! , Let me handle it. I want to talk to Emily alone anyways."

They all looked at me with a confused face.

Alison: "Please..."

Spencer: "Fine, be careful."

Alison: "Calm down, we are not teenagers anymore, there is no A, Charlotte."

Spencer: "I know i know it's just, it's Rosewood. When we came back we felt like we never left, we were teenagers again."

I laughed to what Spencer said, I love my sister.

I lead my way to Kissing Rock.

I thought about us, we all have been through so much and last 5 years we changed, we became so much mature, strong. But there is one thing haven't changed, we are still together, best friends forever. I mean except me and Emily. We lost our contact but i always stalked her social medias. I heard that she lost control, like she is not that sweet Emily. I heard that she always wakes up with one night stands. What's the deal of this anyway? I know i am getting married but, i still care about Emily. I never stopped. And when we lost our contact i wanted her to live her life, date another people. Because when we were together, we were so far away from each other and it only made us upset. I am jealous and pissed at the same time. But glad that she is not dating someone. I know i am selfish and what i say is not making any sense.

And 2 days later, i will be marry with Aaron. (A/N Imagine that Dr. Rollins' name is Aaron) I met him at Radley, he was Charlotte's doctor. I love him but not like i loved Emily. I will never love anyone like I loved Emily. I am only getting married with Aaron because, I wanted to move on. From Emily. Because i think that she moved on and knowing that only makes me more upset. I think Aaron helps me to move on. Emily wasn't there to catch me when i was about to fall.

Then i thought about moving on.

I can not move on.

There will be always Emily

There will be always Emily around

There will be always Emily in my heart.

I reached Kissing Rock. Then i saw her, sitting on the rock. I smiled to myself. She really is so beautiful. Now i understand why all the girls wants her so badly. I am kind of jealous. She didn't notice i was there so i decided to speak.

Alison: "Sometimes, i came here when i want to think about something. When i sit that rock, i see us. Teenager us. Running and chasing each other, talking, laughing, flirting, hugging, kissing."

She was shocked when she saw me. But not looking at my eyes.

Emily: "I missed teenager us. We were cute."

I smiled, sit next to her.

Alison: "What's wrong? Why did u runaway like this?"

I ask already knowing the answer.

Emily: "Never ask a question that you already know the answer"

She says, not facing me.

Alison: "We should talk"

Emily: "About what?"

Alison: "Us.."

Emily: "There is no us. Since when you are getting married."

She says finally facing me. I can tell the hurt in her eyes. They are still brown but it's darker than before. When i look at her eyes, all the memories came into my mind, happy and so in love memories. Yup, i am still in love with her. I don't think i ever stopped loving her.

Alison: "You know it's not true. There will be always us...

I take her hand and put it on my left chest, where my heart is.

...You are always here. I locked you here once and throw away the key to the deep ocean. Knowing that no one can find that key and open my heart, letting you go."

Emily: "Why?"

Alison: ""Because I love you."

Emily: "That doesn't make any sense. Then why you are marrying with him, not me. No one else can love you like i did, I do."

She still loves me...

Alison: "You weren't there when i needed you"

Emily: "You didn't let me help you. I tried to call you. It's not all about you. Don't be so selfish, Alison."

She was right...

Emily: "Why? Why him?"

Alison: "I thought you forgot me. I wanted to move on from you."

Then i saw her necklace..

Alison: "You still wear it..."

Emily: "I think seeing me still wearing this necklace you made to me, gives you to answer that i will never forget you."

I didn't answer.

Emily: "How could you?"

I stayed silent. How could i what?

Emily: "How could you lie to me. You said, you will wait for me..."

Oh god i totally forgot about this. I am an asshole i gave her hope and leave her. All this time, i thought it was all about me, but it's about Emily... I hurt her again. Asshole.

Alison: "I am sorry."

Emily: "I am sorry too. Don't worry, I will go the day after your wedding, for good. I won't be your problem anymore, so you could move on your life, happily. With him. But don't forget that I will wait for you."

She says and stands up

Em! Wait! Don't go! I don't want to move on. I want you back in my life. I love you.

I wanted to say it but I didn't. Stupid Alison. STUPID.

She comes next to me, and helps me to stand up. She leans one last time and peck my lips sweetly. Her lips are more soft then before. The feel when her lips touched mine, oh my god. I felt butterflies going crazy in my stomach. I didn't felt like this for a long time. Like 5 years.

Fuck, I should've been marry with Emily. i am doing my biggest mistake ever.

Emily: "See you at your wedding, congratulations Alison."

She says one last time looking into my eyes.

Then she left..

No this not us,

We keep a promise to each other

No matter what, we will fight for each other.

We are warriors for our big love.

We are each others first love

We are each others first kiss

We always find a way to get back each other arms

We are fucking Emison.

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