Izzy is everything ok?

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Izzy's POV


He's chasing me. But where? Its pitch black all around me. But I hear his cries for me. I run faster and faster. Sweat is covering me form head to toe and I'm getting tired by the minute. But I can't let him catch me, not yet anyway.
"Izzy where are you ? Come here my precious or I'll kill him myself !" Says that sickeningly voice. I start crying.
"Izzy, Izzy please help me !! Please I don't want to die !" Cried another voice. Jake. I can't go back he'll catch me, but I can't let Jake die.
"Jake... Jake ... Where .. *puff puff* are you !? " I say through the tears and tiredness.
"Over here !!"
"Over where ?!"
"Next to him ! Hurry Iz!" I run faster than I thought I could but it's too late. He's already dead covered in blood from head to toe. His blood. I check for a pulse but he's ice cold.
"I warned you Izzy but you don't listen. I'm coming for you next." Whispered a voice in my ear before...
"Aaaahhhhhh" I scream waking up covered in sweat.
"Izzy finally! Are you ok? You've been screaming for 5 minutes straight!" Said Cubby. I look to my right and he's standing there with Jake and Skully each wearing a deep look of concern. I couldn't help it so I started crying.
"Sshhh Iz, your safe with us. It was all a dream." Said Jake as he sat on my bed and embraced me in a hug. Cubby and Skully went to get me a glass of water. And here Jake was, letting me stain his pajamas and possibly his shoulders in my salty tears, rocking me forward and back until I finally calmed down a bit.
"What happened Iz? You started twisting and turning and screaming. Is everything alright?" He whispered in that soothingly sweet voice of his, not taking his hands off my shoulders. I sniffed my runny nose.
"Y-yeah just a n-nightmare is a-all." I said stammering because I was a terrible liar. I was the least expected member of my crew to get nightmares. It was usually the boys who did. Jake must have sensed my stammering meant something because he had a questioning look on his face. But he quickly covered it with a small grin.
"Well if everything is alright then. And don't worry Iz, we'll never leave your side. You need anything were right next to you." He said embracing me once more before Cubby and Skully came in the room with my glass of water. I drank half of it before getting sleepy again. Cubby and Skully immediately went back to bed and fell asleep. Jake however sat on my bed and kept humming a little lullaby until I fell asleep. The last thing I remember was him planting a small kiss on my cheek before whispering "Good night Izzy. I don't know why you had a sudden nightmare but if you need to talk I'll listen and won't judge." He said before he went over to his bed and went to sleep. Jake always acts like my big brother, my best friend and sometimes, although I think it's my imagination, he treats me more than a friend. That's why I like like him. I wish he could say the same for me.
~ The Next Morning~
Jake's POV
Izzy's nightmare had me thinking all night. It just isn't like her. I know Izzy like I know the back of my hand. I'm certain her nightmare wasn't just 'a nightmare' like she wants us to think. I think she's hiding something. But I won't interfere it's her choice. As I head down for breakfast I notice Izzy isn't awake yet.
"Good morning Jake ! " said Cubby and Skully together each munching and crunching on their breakfast.
"Morning Cubby, morning Skully ! Have either of you seen Izzy?" I asked as I picked up my plate of pancakes and sat down on the table with them.
"No. Isn't she upstairs sleeping?" Asked Skully.
"Guess she is. Do you think we should wake her it's almost 9:00." I said eating a piece of my pancake.
"After last night's nightmare I don't think you should wake her up. She needs rest she scared us all half to death with her screams! Poor Izzy! " said Cubby taking a sip of his orange juice. Guess we're all still shocked. We continue eating breakfast and talking about what we're going to today. 20 minutes later a cheerful looking Izzy skips down to the kitchen. I grin to myself.
"Good morning Iz ! You look cheerful today !" I say as she picks up an apple and takes a bite out of it. She swallows then smiles the best smile I have ever seen.
"Good morning Jake, Cubby, Skully ! I am ! After we fell asleep last night I woke up to take a sip of my glass of water when I heard the most beautiful voice singing the most beautiful song. I haven't forgotten it and I just wish I knew who it was !" She says sitting down on the chair next to me. I was about to say it could've been me because I was humming her a lullaby but I realized that it couldn't have.
"Anyways what are you 3 talking about ?" She asks taking another bite of her apple.
"Well we're trying to figure out what we want to do today. Any ideas Iz?" I ask while taking my now empty plate to the sink. That's when Cubby suddenly got a big smile on his face.
"I know. How about we go visit Marina and Stormy ! It has been a while mates ." He said excitedly and I couldn't help but smile. I looked over at Izzy to see her giving him a grin.
"Sure Cubby we'll go. They are our friends after all. When do we leave Jake?" Said Izzy finishing her apple and throwing it away.
"How about now. We finished breakfast and there's no time like the present!" I said. They started cheering and then we went down to Pirate Island beach. Maybe Stormy or Marina will have an idea about Izzy's dream. I remember one time I had a strange dream where my destiny sword was stolen and was about to be thrown away before I saved it. The strange thing was I cared for it more than I intended. Stormy said it was because I cared for someone deeply and my sword represented it. She also mentioned that maybe that person was going to be in danger in the future and I was going to have to save him/her before it's too late. I shuddered at the memory. I care for all my friends , but only one person can ever get my heart to care so deeply for them. And it's..
"Jake hurry up ! Your walking slower than a sea turtle." Said Cubby running ahead of me while Izzy a few feet next to me giggled like crazy. How I love seeing her smile. As soon as we both catch up to Cubby, Stormy and Marina are already there. Call me crazy but Marina looked slightly.. different? This was going to be interesting.

Hey guys!! How was the first chapter? I don't mind having like 5 reads because I just needed a place to write down my ideas without being judged. I hope Wattpad was the right choice!💗Anyways if you do read the story please comment and or vote. Love you and you'll be seeing more of this soon I hope !❤️

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