The Aftermath

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That night I cried so hard that at one point I couldn't breathe. My heart ached with pain and I tried to call The Boy, it only went to voice mail. I lay crying wondering what I had done so wrong to deserve this and also regretting ever answering The Coach's phone call. I prayed that The Boy would come around before I left and eventually I finally fell asleep. The next morning My Santa Cruz Brothers came and gave me a big hug and when I looked in their eyes I knew they had heard what happened. While I was gathering my things for the second day of racing my Santa Cruz Mama came in and sat down to talk.

"I just want you to know that you both did nothing wrong and the reason why I let you go with him is because I know you both wouldn't do anything inappropriate. You guys are good kids and I'm so sorry for what happened last night," she said. I looked at the rose The Boy had given me on the table and my eyes welled up. I tried to put on a strong game face because I did not come to Santa Cruz for boys I came to race and win. After arriving to the boat area everyone already knew what had happened and were absolutely furious with The Coach. I wanted my mom so badly but was scared she would be angry with what I had done. We had to skippers meeting and took a group photo when The Coach came and asked to talk to me. He tried to sugar coat why he did what he did but I just cut him off mid-sentence because I wasn't willing to listen to a bunch of lies.

"You had no right to do what you did. I hope you're happy now too because he is never coming back and won't even talked to me anymore so I guess you have done your job," I said in a low and angry voice. The Coach continued to try and interrupt when I finally said, "I don't want to hear it, I will never forgive you for this. I hate you."

As the sailors were getting into their boats and heading to the course The Coached came up to me and said he would be taking a flight out back home that night. I had enough I ran to my bag and called my mom. I told her everything and to my surprise she was't mad at all with me, she was outraged with The Coach and said she was sorry she wasn't there to help me. Our conversation was cut short because I had to get racing but I felt better that she knew what was going on. I have never felt so pumped up and ready to sail as I did the second day, I took all my anger out through tactics and pushing my boat as hard as I could. It was a great day of racing and at the end I finally managed a smile. When we came in I checked my phone and there still was nothing from The Boy.

That night at awards I was hoping to see The Boy because he promised to come and support me, he never showed up. I got third over all and was so stoked considering everything that had gone down. I was even prouder because even more people from our team placed and it felt really good just to be apart of the trophy winners. I was about to give up and settle with the fact The Boy would never talk to me ever again when he finally texted me. For most of the night I sat in a corner on my phone texting him back and forth. He told me it was probably better if we not hang out and possibly limit our conversations and I responded with everything he had told me and explained that if he can walk away just like that and not even fight for someone you care about as much as he said he cared about me then I suppose it is a lie. The Boy had little words for this and understood where I was coming from.

"So there's a party tonight, would you like to come with me and my homies," The Boy asked.

"Are you being legit?! Or are you just asking to ask," I replied with doubtful thoughts.

"I'm being serious I would love for you to come. I'll pick you up at your place at around 9." I was over joyed and I really wish I hadn't been because my heart was still raw from the night before and I hadn't really had any healing time. Nine o'clock came and past, I texted The Boy asking him where he was and trying to find out if he even was coming. My phone rang around 10:30ish and it was The Boy!

"Hello," I answered. It was a girl on the other end and she told me that The boy was call me later because he was 'busy'. I hung up when she finished talking, walked to my room and smacked on my bed, and cried myself to sleep. When I awoke the next morning I packed my things for my flight that was in just a few hours.

"How was the party," My Santa Cruz Mama asked walking into the room.

"He never came Mama," I said throwing my clothes in to the suit case. She tried to talk me up and keep me thinking positive but I just knew The Boy was not coming back and I would most likely never see him again. Before going through security I checked my phone one more time for any texts from The Boy and there was none. I boarded the plane and as we left the ground and headed into the sky I watched as everything below got smaller and thought to myself, goodbye.

I slept most of the flight back to Miami and once I landed my mom was there to greet me with open arms. The whole car ride home I cried and just kept telling her the story over and over again. A couple days past and I didn't even try and contact The Boy but finally he did text me.

"Hey sorry I never got to say goodbye or see you one more time," the text said.

"Yeah whatever it's fine I guess," I replied. For the next few weeks we didn't even speak to each other. Finally when we did it was never the same and always awkward. It lasted up until the beginning of March and that's when I finally told The Boy I couldn't keep talking to him anymore, that it was causing me to much pain. The thing that killed me the most is that The Boy didn't even seem to care he just shrugged it off. With that we never really spoke again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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