Deputy, Queen, or Both?

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Gemlight returned to the den with Bramblestar. He had a flirtatious smirk on his face.

How could he be like that minutes after he killed Lionblaze?!

"So, you're a warrior now..." Bramblestar eyes were clouded with lust. "We can make our love official now..."

"Not after you killed Lionblaze. I'm not going to let some tom drop down on me as I think of all the cats he has killed." Gemlight growled.

"Lionblaze's heart killed him, Gemlight!" Bramblestar snapped. "I haven't killed any cats!"

"Don't think I don't know about what happened to Graystripe, Squirrelflight, or Leafpool!" Gemlight whispered.

"I didn't kill them." Bramblestar insisted. "Graystripe was killed by a fox, and I banished Squirrelflight and Leafpool."

"You banished them?!" Gemlight gasped. "They didn't do anything!"

"You know very well that Squirrelflight wasn't going to let you leave this Clan alive." Bramblestar growled. "I was trying to protect you."

Gemlight looked down.

"I'm going outside camp to think about it." Gemlight said. "I wish to be alone for a while."

"Of course." Bramblestar stepped out of the way. Gemlight walked out.

Bramblestar watched as Gemlight walked out of the camp with her tail hanging low.

If she is to expect my kits willingly, I must stop killing for now.

That's the same thing I thought with Goldenflower...

Who are you?!

Your father. I have to say, you're finally COMING AROUND

Bramblestar froze in horror as Tigerstar yelled the last two words.

He watched as Sandstorm threw her head back and yowled near Lionblaze's body.


"SHUT UP!" Bramblestar cried. He ran out of his den to comfort Sandstorm.

"Get away from me!" Sandstorm wailed. "YOU MONSTER!"

Bramblestar jumped away.

"I'm your leader, Sandstorm." Bramblestar growled. "I would never kill a cat intentionally."


Bramblestar recognized Leafpool's desperate cry and closed his eyes.

You deserved to die, I didn't do anything wrong.


Bramblestar fell silent and saw Cinderheart crying.

"Mother, why isn't Lionblaze waking up?!" Fernkit cried.

"He's..." Hollykit looked on in horror and Sorrelkit broke down crying.

"It's just like Brokenstar." Hollykit whispered. "We're going to die."

"NO, you're not!" Bramblestar ran and curled his tail around the kits. "Lionblaze got really scared of me and died."

"That...doesn't make any sense!" Sorrelkit cried.

"Why should he be scared of you?" Hollykit asked boldly.

"Because he was in the wrong, he was going to harm my mate." Bramblestar assured them.

"But now we don't have a dad!" Fernkit wailed.

"Come here, little kits." Cinderheart's eyes were red. "Stay with Millie and Dovewing while I go put your Dad somewhere where he could rest in peace."

"Bury him?!" Sorrelkit barely finished her sentence before falling and crying on Hollykit's shoulder.

Cinderheart got up and left.

Bramblestar saw the kits, their once happy and eager faces traumatized and twisted from the death they had witnessed.

I don't deserve to live. I killed many cats

But I don't want to leave Gemlight...

Bramblestar's paws felt heavy as he walked away from the scene.

He walked into his den and fell pathetically on the ground.

Gemlight had caught a mouse and a sparrow to help her mind off the horrific events. She knew she had to go back.

She couldn't leave her place as deputy.

Gemlight took her prey and trotted back. She looked and saw Cinderheart, Jayfeather, and Sandstorm dragging Lionblaze's body along the dirt.

This would've never happened if I left.


"Stormpaw?" Gemlight turn around and saw the tabby. "What're you doing here?"

"I meant to ask...if there was a patrol I could go on?" Stormpaw looked at Gemlight shyly.

"Sure, just let me bring my fresh-kill back to camp." Gemlight replied.

"May I walk along with you?" Stormpaw asked, looking even more nervous.

"Of course." Gemlight looked down.

For Stormpaw the silence was awkward, for Gemlight it was threatening her with guilty thoughts.

You've destroyed the Clan, you ripped Bramblestar of his sanity, you killed them

"Do you not want to be with Bramblestar?" Stormpaw asked softly. "I'll make sure that he doesn't pressure you if he is."

"NO!" Gemlight gasped. "Sorry. I just don't want to associate myself with him now."

"Taking a break, I understand." Stormpaw replied. "This must be hard on you more than anybody."

Gemlight nodded. And he spoke kind words to her the way back.


Chaos was breaking out in StarClan. All because of Bluestar and Lionheart.

Leafpool and Graystripe saw as Hollyleaf leaded Lionblaze to the entrance of StarClan camp.

"Welcome to StarClan, Lionblaze." Graystripe rubbed Lionblaze's shoulder with his paw. "I'm sorry you died before your kits became apprentices."

"Don't remind me." Lionblaze growled. "I HATE HIM!"

"Son, calm down." Leafpool whispered. "We all do."


"Lionblaze deserved to die!" Ashfur growled. "Jayfeather is next!"

"I don't think you should be leader of this huge Clan." Hollyleaf growled at Bluestar. "I challenge you for the spot!"

The majority of StarClan gasped.

"So be it." Bluestar stepped from her place and growled. "Lionheart, start the match!"

"Winner is the cat knocked out!" Lionheart yelled. "FIGHT!"

Bluestar leaped at Hollyleaf without a second to spare. Hollyleaf dodged it and clawed her ears.

"SCUM!" Bluestar roared. "YOU'LL NEVER RULE!"

"Sorry, Bluestar. BUT THIS IS FOR THUNDERCLAN!" Hollyleaf slammed Bluestar to the ground and raked her throat open. The Clan gasped at the sight of Bluestar's corpse.

The battle was over as soon as it started.

Hollyleaf bared her fangs and lifted her head to StarClan's cats.


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