Chapter Five

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Janvi's POV_

It's been a week since we have been married. In this one week we didn't interacted much, nor did we fight. Maybe we didn't even say a word each other. We used to get up leave for work, come back, eat and sleep. It had been our routine.

I was putting our clothes in the cupboard, when a picture fell from his jeans pocket. I picked it up, to look at the picture. It's was a girl's picture. She was extremely beautiful. But the thing you will notice first when you see the picture, is her smile. It was just so..real.

Then realization hit me,maybe because of her Akash was reluctant to this marriage. Maybe she was his girlfriend and they truly loved each other.

No, I was not angry..I was guilty. Because of me he had to part ways with his love. I decided to ask him about her later. It's better if we clear the air, it'll be then easier for us to live together.

"Akash?" I approached him. He was on the couch, working on his laptop. I was facing his back.

"Yeah?" He said as he turned his around to face me. Taking slow steps I went to him and sat on the single couch.

"I wanted to ask you about something.." I started. Now his whole attention was on me.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Who is she?" I said and handed him the picture. He snatched it from my hand to take a closer look at it. His mode suddenly changed. He was really angry. You could see it in his eyes.

"From where did you get this photo?" He yelled at me. I was taken aback at his sudden outburst.

"Answer me damn it!" He yelled again.

"I-I fou-" he cut me of mid sentence.

"Just stay the hell away from my life!" He yelled at me. He took his phone and stormed out of the apartment.

I kept sitting on the couch, without making any movement.

Akash's POV_

Ahh why did she need to see that photo? Why?Why did she need to make me remind of her?

This questions kept circling inside my head until I reached that spot. That spot where I lost Muskaan. My muskaan. I closed my eyes as the memories  of kept flooding in.

"You know Akash, the moment when you loose the person whom you love so dearly, the world's all the bright color become ashes in a snap"

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. I wanted to weep. I wanted to get rid of this pain in my heart. I wanted to be free.

Janvi's POV_

I looked at the wall clock once again, it was now 12:14 am and Akash still didn't came back . I called him multiple times but it was switched off. For a second I thought of calling Ganesh, then decided against. I should not disturb him at this hour of night.

Suddenly somebody kept ringing the doorbell like maniac. I rushed to the main door and opened the door. In front of me was a very drunk Akash.

"Move!" He yelled at me, shoving me aside. He could barely walk.

"Who brought you here?" I asked, because he can't come alone at this drunken state.

"Don't you think I am not able to come home alone?" He spat and slammed the bag on the coffee table.

"I did-"

"Shut up!" He snapped. I was getting angry gradually.

"Did you have dinner?" I asked in a calm tone, but inside, I was boiling with anger.

"I don't wanna eat anything!" He said and plopped himself on the couch.

"You should eat." I started.

"I don't wanna eat and that's final! Don't you get it? Stop freaking controlling my life!" He yelled. I let out a huff.

"Fine! At least go to your room and sleep on the bed, I'll take the couch." I said.

"No! I'll stay here only! And stop freaking controlling my life!" He yelled and got comfortable on the couch. At this point I wanted to strangle him.

"Fine! Then stay here! But stop making a ruckus"  I pleaded, because he was yelling all this at the top of his lungs. I am sure the neighbours could hear him and they will definitely complain about us then.

"Oh I am making ruckus?" He yelled looking offended. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay I am sorry!" I joined my hands in front of my head.

"Just go to sleep!" I added.

"That's what I was going to do, if you hadn't started fighting with me!" He said.

Am I seriously arguing with a drunk person.

"Ok fine! I am sorry. Go to sleep!" Saying this I stormed off to my room.

Sorry guys for the late update! I wanted tell you all this is a short story it will end in maybe 12 or 13 chapters, or maybe earlier.

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