Chapter 1 IceFeet

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My name is Isabella. Of course my nickname is IceFeet, heck just look up. Ok so I am the daughter of Elsa and Jack. I have Blue hair with a touch of brown. I put on my jacket and dress and head to school. Uggh there's noting more to say, anyways lets just go to school.....

I walked into class that morning-Good And Loves Class- You see they are trying to see I'm good-yeah right- I sit down next to Raven "hey I thought they wanted you to be bad?" Raven sighed "they do, so instead of Darkness Class I sighed up for Good And Love Class." She smiled. I sighed "why do they think I'm bad so they automatically sign me up for this crap.." The teacher was singing a song of birds or something "why can't I just be me you know?" Raven looked like she was dumbfounded, and annoyed. "Gosh will She shut up! " right then the teacher stopped signing "why does the room go quiet when I yell" Raven sighed.

Raven was sent to detention, and I was alone that lunch. I saw the new students though one looked like she crawled out of a pit and the other well the opposite. They noticed me and I sighed, they wanted to sit down. "Um do you mind if we sit here?" I sighed "sure why not" the creep just sat there and started to eat. The girl across from me was doing a nervous smile. "So um..... Hi I'm Blue Pearl daughter of the Blue Pearl Moon." I looked at her again she had blue streaks in her blonde hair, her legs had shimmering blue scales. She was wearing a blue dress that looked like silk. "I'm BlueFlame but you can just call me-" Andrew Fools shouted "ICEFEET!" I sighed, Blue Pearl looked as pale as a, well Pearl. She looked at The Creep and whispered something. The Creep nodded "I'm Zelia, just call me Zel." She looked like someone put a heck of a lot tattoos on her. I just sat there not knowing what to say, these girls where freaky well the Blue Pearl girl was okay but not Zel she must be a murder or something. After lunch I got up and about ran but that Zel girl was staring at me, I shivered. I decided to just ignore he and go to my next class - As I call it ZZS ZZS AND MORE ZZZ- I sit down and get on my phone, next I see Blue Pearl, what is she doing? Waving. Great now she's sitting down. "hey!" She shouts across the room. "Anyways so....yay we're in the same class.... So how is this class?" I sighed and looked at her "um I don't really know to be honest." I shrugged. She looked at me then looked down, she tried to hide her scales. "Hey what's up?" I have no idea why I said that. "Um it's just..... So far my only friend is Zel and she's..... Um" "freaky?" "Exactly" I laughed "well hey why don't you hang out with me and Raven?" "I think it's Raven and I" she giggled "same thing..." We laughed the whole class. While the teacher himself was asleep......

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