chapter 1

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Hiya guys this is my first story, so tell me if its anygood. Also idea by verity freeman! Thanks! comment on how i did! xxxx

I think I better start by introducing myself. my name is Bethany-Rose, I'm 14 and this is me. This is about how how my life went from being normal to the screwed up mess that it is now. i think i better start from the beginning, so you actually get a word I'm talking about.

i was just that kid in the middle of every class, not particularly good at anything, but not bad either. i was just there and didn't really bother anyone. the teachers always said they could "see" my potential but that was about it. But this was before i start dating Robbie.

i don't see what he saw in me I'm just as i said "that girl". i don't get invited to any parties or have boys falling at my feet. i wouldn't say I'm ugly but then again I'm not totally drop dead gorgeous either. But hey that's just me.

i had a bit of a crush on him since year 7 but never felt that i would go anywere so never botherd to tell anyone. that was until the night of Emily's party....

i was standing alone next to the drink stand, staring into space, when i noticed some boys motioning towards me. i shrugged and turned away as they were probally just taking the mickey out of me as they usually did.

Then all of a sudden there was a tentative tap on my shoulder, i turned round to see who it was. to my surprise it was Robbie Ato.

let me give you some information on Robbie. he is the head of the football, rugby and basketball team and is the most popular and therefore handsome boys in the whole of east high. he had ruffled brown hair, deep emerald green eyes and perfectly tanned skin.

Anyway back to the party.

"oh, hi, sorry was i in your way i" i stuttered, as i started to hurry of head down.

"hey, wait come back" he called after me.

yes i repeat, Robbie Ato wanted to talk to ME!

i slowly turned round to see him, running slowly after me. i stopped and look worriedly towards the floor. what did he want from me.

"hey" he said sounding a little out of breath


he began to look me up and down.

"was there something you wanted" i asked accusingly

"well..uh..yes there was" he replied sheepishly

"yes........" i asked, wanting to get this awkward situation over with.

"could have"he said quietly

"WHAT......oh um sorry, you can if u want" i could feel my cheeks turning red and you could here the smile in my voice.

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