Chapter two

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Gally's POV

The greenie alarm had started up a bit ago and now we were all just standing around the box waiting for the alarm to stop. It had been about 20 minutes to half an hour before the alarm started going off and by this time it was about 2:00 in the afternoon, we were all starting to doze off when the alarm stopped we all quickly rose to our feet and took the top off the box. As I looked down to see our new greenie I was shocked by what I saw ,it was a little girl well not little but she looked about 9 or 10 years old , I quickly got to my senses and hoped into the box then saw the frighten look on her face and felt sympathy for her I kneeled down next to her and said " hey I'm Gally if you come out of the box then the others and I will answer your questions" she looked at me fear evident the nodded her head yes . Because she was so little compared to the rest of us the rope wasn't needed I just lifted her up to the top .

Melodies POV

As I reached the top another hand was held out for me to take I gladly took the hand so I would not go crashing down on the boy below me. As I stood up straight I looked around to take in my surroundings, there was a forest a few buildings and what seemed to be the start of a farm field but the thing that really got my attention where the gigantic walks surrounding us and the giant hole in the wall witch seemed to be an exit of some sort. My attention was brought back when a tall dark skinned man spoke to me ." Welcome to the glade" he announced " I'm Alby and the boy that helped you out is Gally and this is newt my second in command " he spoke pointing to the boy with tousle dirty blond hair the boy Shen smiled and waved his hand at me witch I returned the smile " and right now your standing in the glade we would show you around but at the moment what you see is all there is " I nodded as he spun in a circle slowly with his arms out in the air as if he were showing me a palace but this ,this thing that they called the glade was far from a palace . " what's your name?" The boy that was called Gally asked for a moment I thought I was blanking but then it came to me 'Melody ' it was replaying over and over again in my head " Melody" I spoke with as much confidence as I could muster up " where are all the girls???" I questioned " there are none your seem to be the only one" replied the boy Alby introduced as newt he had a British accent , I slowly nodded trying to take in all this information at once the Alby spoke again " anyway we have three rules 1. Everyone does their park .NO slackers rule 2. Never hurt another have to trust each other though I doubt that you could do much dam-" that's where I cut him off " I may be a girl and a young girl at that but that does not mean I don't know how to hit" I stated sternly they all look at me impressively Alby just looked at me curiously and continued with his little rant " anyway " he stated " and finally never go outside the glade unless you are a runner , now if you don't mind I must get back to work Newt will get you situated and then bring you to dinner " after that he simply did a quick heel turn and walked away towards what seemed to be the main building . After that the boy Newt walking over to me and said ' follow him' . We walked into the same building that Alby had witch I know know is called the Homestead and he lead me to a small area filled with hammocks " right over here is where you'll be sleeping " he pointed to a hammock in the middle of two others " on the left is Adam and to your right is Jackson " he pointed to the third and final hammock of that row.

A.N. HEY GUYS well just finished my second chapter whoohoo!!!! And I know that's not a lot but to wright these chapters takes some time I am hoping to start to wright longer chapters as I go on because I know from personal experience that short chapters are no fun especially if the book is at only a few chapters like this one

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