Chapter 1

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Kageyama looked up at the sky. "It's starting to get colder" he thought. He pulled his jacket tighter around his body and shivered. Just then he heard a child-like voice call out his name. "KA-GE-YA-MA!!!" He turned to look at the owner of the voice and saw a short, orange haired boy racing down the street to catch up to him. When Hinata finally caught up to him he was panting. He stood up strait and looked at Kegeyama.
"Wanna race?"
"Nope too cold."
"C'mon pleaseee."
"Stop whining dumbass."
"Fine" Hinata said with a huff. He leaned into Kageyama as they walked to practice. "Burrrrh" Hinata shivered "I hate the cold." "You should of brought a jacket then stupid." Kageyama replied in a grouchy tone. Hinata by this time was practically cuddling Kageyama as they walked. "So warm" Hinata sighed as he nuzzled his head into Kageyama. Kageyama could feel his face heating up, he turned away so Hinata wouldn't notice. "Why'd he have to be so freaking cute." Wait. Why was he thinking about Hinata like that. They arrived at school and jogged to get changed for morning practice. Kageyama tried to focus on improving the crazy god-like quick that made Hinata and him the dynamic duo but his mind kept wondering to other things. "Why does Hinata always make me feel happy. Why's he so adorable and sweet and..." "Hey king." Kageyama turned to see Tsukishima standing a few feet away from him. "What do you want beanpole?" Kageyama asked wishing Tsukishima would just leave him alone. "It's nice to see you too King. The captain wants to see you so don't take your anger out on the humble messenger." Tsukishima replied with his annoying voice that made Kageyama want to punch him in the mouth. Kageyama shoved past Tsukishima to see why Dachi wanted to talk to him when he heard Tsukishima say to Hinata that Dachi wanted to speak to him as well. Hinata jogged to meet up with Kageyama and Dachi to see what he wanted. "Ok so as you two know we have some important practice matches coming up soon and I want you guys to be prepared." Kageyama and Hinata looked at each other both curious where their captain was going with all of this. "To make sure that you two are perfectly in sync I want you both to spend a little extra time together. That means meeting up a little earlier and staying a little later at practice. Also maybe even practicing together on the weekends. I know it's a lot to ask of you two but the team really needs the both of you on your A game." Kageyama and Hinata looked at each other and then at Dachi. "Of course we will." They said at the same time. After practice was over Hinata and Kageyama were on clean up duty which left them alone in the gym together. "Hey Kageyama" He turned around and saw Hinata fiddling with a stray volleyball and looking at his feet. "Since it's Friday do you wanna come over to practice and then stay for dinner." Kageyama could've sworn he saw Hinata faintly blush. "Sure I'll call my mom and ask." Kageyama replied. They finished cleaning up in silence then quickly got dressed and headed off to their first class. Kageyama'a mind was racing all day with questions about what Hinata's home life was like. When the final bell rang Kageyama rushed out of his classroom and almost plowed over Hinata. "Hey did your mom say yes?" Hinata asked rubbing his nose where Kageyama ran into him. "Yea, sorry. Are you ok?" he awkwardly asked Hinata. "Yea let's go." Hinata replied turning around to leave. As they walked towards Hinata's house no words were shared between them. They both focused on the sidewalk and really anything else that wasn't each other. The silence was strange to Kageyama because he was so used to Hinata's never ending rambling. At first it used to annoy Kageyama but now that it's gone he felt uncomfortable. The awkward silence was broken by Hinata nervously telling Kageyama that they were having curry for dinner. Luckily Hinata's house was in sight which meant that the heavy tension would be over. They were greeted by Hinata's little sister. Well at least that's Kageyama deduced. She looked like the smaller girl version of Hinata and acted almost exactly like him. "Nii-san who's the scary boy with you?" she asked Hinata. Kageyama hoped he wasn't scaring her with his face but she just stared straight at him with curious eyes. "This is Kageyama, he plays volleyball with me." Hinata replied looking down at the little girl. "Nice to meet you." Kageyama said bending down to get on eye level with Hinata's sister. She stared at him for a while which made Kageyama a little nervous. He really wanted Hinata's family to like him which was strange because he's never really cared what others thought about him. "I'm Natsu." the girl said after a little while sticking out her hand. Kageyama grabbed Natsu's tiny hand and gently shook it. Just then an older woman came out of the kitchen with an apron tied around her waist and a towel in her hands. Kageyama guessed that this was Hinata's mother. She was pretty, a little worn out looking, but still lovely. "Hi boys how was school." the woman asked. "Good mom, this is Kageyama by the way." Hinata replied taking off his shoes. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for having me over." I said bowing towards the woman. "Wow so polite." Hinata's mother said blushing slightly. "He's a keeper Shōyō." she said with a small wink. Kageyama and Hinata both looked at the ground and blushed deeply. Hinata's mom laughed and said that dinner would be ready in a couple hours. Hinata dragged Kageyama up to his room still looking at the ground. Once they got to his room Hinata flopped onto the bed and threw his book bag onto the ground. Kageyama stood awkwardly in the doorway unsure of what to do. "Let's change and practice for a while." Hinata said with his face slightly buried in the pillow. "Ok" Kageyama replied shuffling towards the bathroom. Once he had locked the door he slid down against it and put his hand to his heart. "Why is it beating so fast. It's been like this since this morning. Maybe I'm sick." Kageyama internally thought. He snapped out of his trance when he heard a light tapping on the door. "Oi Kageyama hurry up!" He could tell that it was Hinata impatiently waiting on the other side. He quickly changed into his gym clothes and walked out. Hinata was wearing some knee length black shorts and a light blue t-shirt. Kageyama had to force himself to not blush. Hinata looked so cute and this was the first time he had seen Hinata in regular clothes. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Hinata said with a cheeky smile snapping Kageyama out of his trance. Now he couldn't help it Kageyama's face was so red he could feel it. They walked down the stairs while Hinata giggled to himself. Kageyama followed Hinata outside to the back yard, it was pretty dark now and getting colder. He could faintly see Hinata's breath in the receding afternoon sunlight. Kageyama wished he could freeze time just to look at Hinata for eternity. His orange hair glowing in the golden light, his amber eyes ablaze, the hint of blush on his soft cheeks. Kageyama could stare at him forever.

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