Chapter 2

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"Ummmm, Kageyama?" Hinata said looking up at him. "Will you toss to me?" Kageyama loved hearing those words from Hinata. The way they made him feel. The way it rolled off Hinata's tongue. "Of course, Hinata." Kageyama replied, he saw the faint blush on Hinata's cheeks, the sunlight refracted in his eyes and he couldn't help himself. He grabbed Hinata's face harshly and kissed him. Kageyama felt light and warm with his body so close to Hinata's. Kageyama could feel how perfectly they seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces. He felt Hinata's soft pink lips against his and they made Kageyama feel weak in his knees and stomach. He opened his eyes slightly and saw Hinata staring at him dumbfounded. Kageyama pulled away. What had he done. He just acted without thinking. He wasn't even gay. Hinata just looked so beautiful. He didn't even... Kageyama's frantic thoughts were cut off by Hinata wrapping his arms around Kageyama's neck and kissing him deeply. Kageyama couldn't move, he was too shocked. It was perfect. Kageyama was there with Hinata and they were both beautiful in the setting sun and the cold sky. Kageyama could live in this moment forever. "Nii-san! Dinner is ready!" Their beautiful moment was killed by Natsu pulling open the back door and catching Kageyama and Hinata in their embrace. "N-N-N-Natsu!" Hinata cried shaking and turning red. "It's not what you..." "Ooooooo Nii-san has a boyfriend! Nii-san has a boyfriend!" Natsu sang in a mocking tone. "Natsu! Shhhhhh! Come here!" Hinata said with a shaky voice. Natsu skipped over to Hinata giggling and still humming her little song. Hinata bent down to look Natsu in the eye and grabbed her shoulders. "Natsu, please please please don't tell mom what you just saw. I'll do all of your chores for a month if you can keep quiet." Hinata seemed frantic he couldn't let his mom know how he felt about Kageyama, not yet at least. "Hmmm" Natsu hummed thinking over the offer Hinata had just made. "Make it 2 months and it's a deal." She said holding out her hand to Hinata. "Thank you Natsu!" Hinata said grinning and shaking her hand. Hinata's mother appeared in the doorway and asked them why they were all standing in the backyard. The trio smiled at each other and walked inside. Hinata and Kageyama ate their dinner quickly and silently. They just listened to Natsu complain about some kid at her school and his mom talk about her day at work. Throughout dinner Kageyama would look over at Hinata and catch him looking at him and sometimes Hinata would catch Kageyama looking at him. Hinata's mother looked up at the clock on the kitchen wall. "Oh dear it's gotten late! Kageyama-kun why don't you spend the night?" Hinata's mother said clapping her hands together. She seemed to get easily excited about lots of little things. "I don't know, I don't want to trouble you all." Kageyama replied looking down at his empty plate. "It's no trouble at all! I'll call your mother if you'd like!" Hinata's mother said. "No it's fine I'll call her." Kageyama said. The two boys put their plates in the sink and headed up to Hinata's room. The door shut with a click behind Kageyama and the awkward tension was so thick you could feel it. The realization of what had happened earlier had hit them both. Was this their confession to each other? What would this mean for them? Kageyama was too busy asking himself questions to notice that the smaller boy had migrated over to his closet and pulled out a shirt and a pair of shorts. "Ummm, Kageyama. Here are some clothes to sleep in. These are the biggest ones I own so..." Hinata shoved the clothes towards Kageyama's chest and pushed him out of the room and into the bathroom. Kageyama looked at the shirt Hinata had given him. It was a black shirt with a low v-neck. He slipped out of his sweaty gym clothes and into the clothes Hinata had given to him. The shirt was a little tight and the shorts were a little too short. Kageyama felt and looked awkward in Hinata's clothes. He cautiously opened the door and walked into Hinata's room. He quickly hurried over to where his gym bag was and crammed his clothes into the bottom of the bag. He got up and spun around when he heard snickering behind him. "Kageyama, you look really funny!" Hinata said covering his mouth with his hand repressing the urge to burst out laughing. "Shut up dummy!" Kageyama angrily replied smacking Hinata on the head. "I'm tired so can we just go to sleep!?!" Then it hit him. There was only one bed. "Um the futon is in the wash right now so, ummmm, I'll sleep on the right side." Hinata quickly and quietly said looking down at the floor. Hinata's face was red and flustered. "Damn it why is Hinata so freaking cute." Kageyama thought to himself. He shuffled over to Hinata's bed and sat on the edge of the bed while Hinata turned off the lights. They laid side by side both looking up at the ceiling. It was dark, warm, and quiet. Kageyama felt Hinata shift closer to him. His heartbeat increased as Hinata laid his head on his chest. Kageyama put his arm around Hinata and he could faintly smell Hinata's coconut scented hair. "Hey Kageyama." Hinata whispered. "Yea?" Replied Kageyama. "You never called your mom did you?" Hinata said, his voice slow and dreamlike. "Ummm, well I..." but Hinata was already asleep. Kageyama pulled the covers up over the both of them and listened to Hinata's soft and gentle breath. He looked down at the small boy cuddling into his side. He focused on how Hinata continued to wrap his tiny body closer to him and how their breathing was synchronized. Kageyama bent down and kissed Hinata on the forehead. He slipped in and out of sleep while listening to Hinata mumble about volleyball and pork buns. Kageyama would occasionally hear Hinata whisper his name and he couldn't help but smile. Finally he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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