Harry's POV-

"Why do you keep staring at him?" My sister asked, pointing to the boy with the white t-shirt.

"Fuck, Gemma, why are you even in my class?" I rolled my eyes, staring back at the boy. He's wearing my fucking necklace.

"Wait-is that your necklace? The one that dad gave to you?"

"Obviously, Gemma. I'm still trying to figure out how the fuck he has it. Should I just snatch it?" I asked, looking at my fingers. God, this class is boring.

"No, asswhole. Just ask him nicely. Well I got to go, I can't stand this teacher." She rolled her eyes, getting up.

"Gemma, sit back down. Class isn't even over."

She just ignored her, continuing to walk away.

"Gemma, where do you think your going?" Ms. Prolly asked, giving her the death stare.

"Um, out?" She rolled her eyes.

"Sit down." She snapped, pointing to the chair.

"Pluck your nose hairs first."

"Gemma, you have another detention. You don't learn, do you?"

"You don't teach, do you?" Gem fired back, sitting back down.

"Gemma, stop." I laughed, shaking my head.

"Is something funny, Harry?"

"No, Ms. Prolly." I mumbled, stifling a laugh.

"Detention for you as well. God, you two kids never learn. Shut up and read your books." She snapped, turning around.

Gemma turned around, smirking at me.

I flicked her off, opening my book to the page given.

I wanna go home already.


"Harry!" Someone called me as I was walking down the school hallway.

I turned around, finding Gemma.

"Oh my god, what now? I don't want to talk to you, you got me a bloody detention."

"Okay, suck it up. Anyway I know how I can get that necklace back." She smiled.

"Go on..." I rolled my eyes.

"I can ask that kid on a date and while I'm on the date with him, I'll tell him about the necklace and ask if I can get it back." She smirked, clearly satisfied.

"Wow, Gemma! Your so-," I paused, grasping my chest.

"Dumb. That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Get lost." I mumbled, walking into the cafeteria.

"Look! He's right there. Come with me to go ask him on a date." She said, dragging me towards you.

Get your crusty ass hands off of me

"Hello." My sister smiled, twirling her hair. Wow Gemma, you sure know how to get a boy's attention.

"Um, hi?" He asked, giving her a small smile.

"So what's your name?"

"Louis." He said, seeming a little bored.

"So I couldn't help but notice how cute you are. Do you wanna maybe go on a date?" She smirked, pulling down her shit a little bit, trying to show more cleavage.

"Ew no, what the fuck?" He said, rolling is eyes. I like this kid already.

I laughed, clenching my stomach. She just got R-E-J-E-C-T-E-D.

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