Longer/ healthier hair

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First of all, I made this a long time ago.
Second, that's why it isn't that long.

•Don't pull on your hair
- you may have heard this works but it doesn't. In fact it's worse than anything. It pulls out your hair like tweezers. Even having really tight ponytails will give this effect

•don't wash it everyday
- wash it every other day or every two days, all of course depending on your hair type. You can actually train your hair to stay clean for a certain reasonable amount of time.

•don't brush it wet
-if you really want to brush it while it's wet, I suggest using a wide tooth comb or getting 'The Wet Brush' or a tangle brush. Those will be the best and won't pull on your hair.

•don't put so many chemicals in your hair.
-this will make you have to wash your hair more often because it will give the effect of being greasy.

•don't use heat on your hair
-this means ANYTHING heat, even hot water. If you want to blow dry your hair, use a cold setting.
- if you really want to, limit yourself to at most once a week. That's pushing it. Also, if you do use heat, spray on a protectant.

•don't tie small hair elastics (rubber bands) too many times
-if you make it too tight, when you undo the band, you will pull a lot of hair out.

•don't use unhealthy, drying shampoos
-I use mane n' tail. This makes it where you don't have to wash it everyday and it helps your hair too. It doesn't really matter what one your using as long as it's not a volume shampoo because those strip all of your natural oils. If you really want to or need to, use the volume shampoos once a week at the most.

•do the inversion method
-massage any type of slightly heated oil (not vegetable) into your hair. Flip your head over and massage it like that for four min.
Do this for a week once a month. You can get an inch in a week.
**ONLY DO THIS ONCE A MONTH FOR A WEEK** if you do it more than that, your hair will get used to it and it won't work.

Your hair takes time to
grow. Just remember that.

#qott ( question of the tip): how long is your hair?

#aott: My hair is about armpit length. 💆🏽

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