this boy is gonna be the death of me

409 11 2

Y/n P.O.V

Mark started to make his way towards you, not once taking his eyes off you. "here he comes" mike chuckled acting like he dident see anything. "Hey i havent seen you here before what's your name" mark askes in a low sexy voice. "Im Y/n" you smiled trying to keep your composure something about him just made you melt. "Y/n i like that and might i say you're a very pretty girl what are you doing in a place like this?" He smirked stepping closer too you. "Im a regular here" you said suddenly gaining some confidence. "Well miss Y/n i have too get back to work i have laps to dance in" you giggle at his words. He started to walk away "Wait" you grab his arm "how much for a dance" you bite your lip. "On the house" he smirked grabbing your hand and pulling you into a room. He locked the door and turned too you "ever had a lap dance before" he questioned slowly walking towards you. "N-no" you stutter as he pushes you onto a chair. "Club rules says you cant touch me while i do this but for you ill make an acception" he winked slowly grinding on you. He sat on your lap facing you. "You know your the first person ive met in this place who I've actually liked" he kissed your neck even though it was against the rules. "W-what are y-you doing" you started to crumble at his touch. "My job" he smirked pulling you out of the chair. He slammed you against the wall and kissed your lips hungrily. "F-fuck" you breath out trying to fight a moan. "C'mon moan i know you want too" he chuckled pinning you against the wall. He nibbled on your earlobe and it semt you over the edge a moan escaped your lips. "ah their its is" he smirked unlocking the door. "Come back later this week and we'll pick up were we left off". This boys gonna be the death of me.

I dont depict mark as a sex object or anything like that he is a very sweet man with s giant hart once again this fanfic is just for fun

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