Chapter 1 Day 1: A New Start

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A/N: Please note, there will be multiple POV switches in this story (Which will be indicated in bold and underlined, and by a picture up top. (I'll also try and do 1 POV per chapter if I can and I will also try and find a picture for them as well, sorry if I miss a few)), as well as topics that may be disturbing to some people (Abuse etc.). If subjects such as those bother you, please take caution while reading. (Even though I don't write too much into those sorts of things, just be warned.)

Edit: I forgot to mention the first time, but each day will revolve around a different set of characters.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy your stay! :)

Lalna's POV

It was my first day at this new school. To be honest, it was daunting. I knew no-one there, well except Nano of course. We'd been friends since we were seven. We'd first met when she moved into the house next door back in our old town. It was like destiny that we were meant to meet, 'cause after that day, we were practically inseparable, even after the accident.

I sighed and continued walking towards the school. My mum and dad had decided to move somewhere close enough for me to get there in around ten minutes walking time. As the huge archway that was Yogville High's school gate came into view, I spotted Nano leaning against one of the black pillars scrolling on her phone with her backpack leaning against her feet.

I grinned, adjusting my leather shoulder bag and ran over. As I grew closer, she had obviously heard me running and looked up. A similar grin appearing on her face. I waved to her and she waved back, reaching down and slinging her bag back over her shoulders.

"Lalna!" She exclaimed, engulfing me in a hug, which I gladly returned. "How have you been? It's been ages, I was starting to worry!" she grinned once we broke apart.

"I've been... alright, how've you been fairing since... well, you know." I said awkwardly, gesturing to the purple tendrils on our arms and faces, looking down at my feet. "I'm still really sorry about that by the way... it looks like you got the worst of it..."

She just shook her head at me. "Lalna, it wan't your fault. We were both messing around when it happened. Don't beat yourself up about it! Besides, it's kinda fun being all Fluxed up." Nano smiled and gave me a friendly punch on the arm. I looked back up and gave a small smile of thanks.

"Well... I guess we'd better go get our time tables, compare, and get to our first class. Coming?" I asked, reaching out my hand for Nano to take.

She grabbed my hand and we both ran towards the main office building, giggling to ourselves at some of the weird looks we caught from the corner of our eyes as we ran. Once we reached the admin building we stopped to catch our breath, well I did, being quite unfit. Nano on the other hand, looked as if she could go another few rounds before she needed a break.

After a minute, I walked up to the tinted glass door and held it open for Nano, who nodded in thanks as she entered, me following after. We walked up to the receptionist who sat behind a high desk. I looked down at Nano, who was standing on her tippy toes and even then she could barely see over the desk. I gave her a light nudge and a cheeky smile when she looked up. Nano just glared and poked her tongue out at me, giving up on trying to see over the desk for now.

I cleared my throat, trying to get the attention of the brown haired lady. Finally, she looked up and noticed we were here for the first time. She smiled that disgustingly sweet smile they used on small children, her bright red lipstick deeply contrasting her orangey tanned skin.

"Now, how can I help you darling?" She asked, over pronouncing the 'r'.

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, "Uhh, we were just looking for our schedules?"

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