Chapter 2 Day 1: Outcast

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Nano's POV

I was standing outside the magic room with our other class mates, waiting for Lalna to get here. The room was a completely separate building, with four sections. One of them was the main classroom, but I didn't know what the other three were used for.

I sighed, leaning heavily against the deep purple brick wall and looking up at the sky, lost in thought. I was only snapped out of it when I noticed that, just in the corner of my eye, there was a boy staring at me. I casually turned my head in his direction, keeping my eyes fixed on a large oak tree a fair ways behind him.

I noticed, first of all, that he was sitting alone on a small bench at the back of the 'line' like me, and secondly, that he wore a black scarf over the lower portion of his face. I looked around for Lalna one more time, seeing him walking across the large grassed area. I glanced back at the strange dark haired boy and walked up to him, causing him to glance up from his book.

"Hi, I'm Nano!" I greeted happily, with my usual smile, sticking out my hand for him to shake. I could see him staring at the Flux on my face and arms, before he reluctantly accepted the short handshake.

"Rythian." He replied, taking his hand back and subtly glancing at it for any sign of purple.

"Rythian, that's a nice name. So, Rythian, whatcha doing just sitting by yourself?" I asked curiously, plonking myself beside him on the bench.

"Just reading." Rythian replied awkwardly. I frowned slightly.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, no... it's just..."

"Am I making you uncomfortable? Sorry, I know most people don't like to look at the-" I started to say, but Rythian quickly cut me off.

"Oh, no, no, no. It's not that, I don't really care as long as you're not gonna kill me." He said, with what I think was a smile, judging by the way his mask wrinkled slightly.

I chuckled. "Oh, I wouldn't be so sure." I smirked, making him give a small laugh. All the tension and slight awkwardness sort of dissipated then. Before anymore conversation could be made, Lalna walked up to me, panting slightly and adjusting the goggles on his head so they weren't so lopsided.

"Hey Nano." He huffed, catching his breath. I saw Rythian inspecting Lalna the same way he had me, before Lalna noticed he was there. He stretched out his hand towards Rythian. "Hey, I'm Lalna."

This time, Rythian didn't hesitate as much when he took the hand. "Rythian."

Lalna nodded, sitting on the grass in front of us and leaning back on his hands. We were in silence for a few moments before Rythian broke the silence.

"So... you two are new, right?"

Both Lalna and I glanced over at him and each other. "Yeah." We replied in unison.

"And you're not... related are you?"

"No, no way, that'd be too weird." We said in unison again. I looked over at Lalna and he looked back, before we both started laughing.

"So-sorry, that happens sometimes. It's been happening so much more since the accident." Lalna explained to Rythian, while also trying to get over his giggling fit. Rythian raised his eyebrows in question, as if to say, 'Accident?'.

"He means when we got Fluxed." I elaborated. Only now noticing how late the teacher was.

"Ah, makes sense. If you don't mind me asking, how did it happen?"

Lalna gave me a look and I nodded, letting him explain. "Well, long story short, my dad, Lalnable Hector, said he would take me to his lab on my birthday just over a year ago, so I invited Nano to come along. There was this one project with this huge glass sphere with purple gas stuff in it. I can't really remember what exactly happened, but I think the platform gave way, it fell, we fell, there was a smashing sound and then we were inside the sphere." He looked up at me with a small frown, obviously trying to remember the details. "I think Nano grabbed my hand at some point and we tried to find a way out, but everything was purple..." He trailed off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2015 ⏰

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