t w e n t y o n e ; (pilots)

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@harry_styles : okay before you call I need to tell you something

@harry_styles : I'm on the tour bus and I want to introduce you to the rest of the band

@harry_styles : they know who you

are I just want them to meet you

@harryscurls : can you tell them I look like shit please bc I won't look like this when I actually meet u

Lily had a set of Nike tracksuit bottoms and a black baseball shirt on, her hair was straight down and no make up lay on her porcelain skin, as her phone began to vibrate from beside her, the butterflies began to flutter in her stomach and she giggled slightly, the phone came up with 'connecting' and she sat up a little straighter, the phone lit up and 4 boys stood looking at her, 'Lil' Harry smiled, showing his teeth, 'Hi' Lily felt slightly more awkward now all the band was there, 'Guys this is Lily, Lily this is Niall,Louis-' before Harry could carry on Lily butted in and yelled 'Larry' which made Louis giggle a lot, 'Liam and Harry' he pointed at himself, 'so your the Lily?' Niall asked coming closer to the screen, Lily felt a slight blush creep into her cheeks, 'probably yes' Lily watched as all the boys moved to the sofa, Harry still holding the phone, 'you know, Harry never shuts up about you' Louis laughed, 'quite adorable really'

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