I'm Whole

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I ook around in a panic. "Annabeth? Annabeth?!Annabeth?!!" I leap over the bodies, praying to every god I know that Annabeth is not among them. As the bodies start getting thicker, my pace starts getting slower, and I take a quick glance at the faces. Conner, Will, Phoebe. No, I think miserably, no. Not him anyone, but him. Nico, my little brother, has finally gotten the peace he needed.

I get more and more anxious as I continue to hunt and travel through the corpses. Finally, the golden, princess curls I've come to love come into view, but not how I imagined it. A crimson color I know all too well is dried in her hair, and more flowing like a river through the hole in her head. I stop dead in my tracks. No. No. No! No! This isn't real! This isn't real! As I go to kneel-

I wake up in a cold sweat, glad it was nothing, but my imagination. I close my eyes and wrap my arms around Annabeth, but instead my sparks wrap around me. I open my eyes and scan the room. She's not here! She's not here! It wasn't just a dream, it really happened. I start hyperventilating. She's not here! It was real! Tears as big as rain drops make their way down my sweaty face as I close my eyes trying to imagine her here with me.

Slowly, arms start to make their way around me. I know these arms. My face and posture instantly brighten. She's here!

Like clockwork I spin and tackle, as much as I can, her into a bone-crushing hug. "Oh. You're here. Please, please," my sobs start to become louder. "don't ever leave me again. I couldn't do it." Her hands make their way to my hair, and I start calming down.

It may not be much, but with my Annabeth, I'll always be whole.

Hello, I'm here, finally. I felt really bad about not updating for as long as I did so here you go. This isn't one that I wanted to publish, but I did anyway. The next one should be coming up soon. I'll get it published as fast as I can write.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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